General Discussion

General DiscussionJungle or offlane axe?

Jungle or offlane axe? in General Discussion

    Which is more viable? Is it a must to go offlane if the enemy safelaner is melee?

    Pigeon ( °□°) ︵

      You get more farm in the jungle but yeah if it's a melee carry you should go offlane and shut them down

      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

        Both. So offlane, so you can eat the creeps in the jungle there.


          It depends on the enemies draft ! If they have melee carry and mele sup e.g ogre + jugg then offlane is the better choice. But if you see that you are going to be against a trilane like CM + Veno + luna or any other range carries or sup then you should go jungle.
          And keep in mind that you can do both of them at the same time too. You just go to the offlane and keep farming the camps near the shiren untill the enemy push the lane towards your tower then you go and kill the creeps under your tower and you return to the jungle again.

          Use chatwhell=mute

            Jungle is better. Unless u cant rape in lane.


              jungle is better against a double ranged support triplane, or a lane where they can kill you.
              but if ur against smth like ogre, jugg dual lane u just lane against them and crush them.
              ive beaten a pa, ss, techies (he roamed a bit too), trilane as axe, just know when u can abuse and when u are not safe.



                Dire Wolf

                  Depends on your team too, who's off if you jungle?

                  Président® Salted Butter

                    If you're getting nothing out of the lane just jungle


                      Its not must go but you pick him as counter for guys like pa, slark and you rekt them from early so ofc offlane


                        Source from Juan Bot


                          Axe and Enigma are the only really impactful junglers. Axe can start rotating and being impactful as soon as he gets blink dagger and enigma is so scary late game that he can make up for your carry if he was pressured. Stuff like blood seeker (too irrelevant) and lc (needs support to come online even after jungle) are not as reliable.

                          ©Nire Johnc

                            if there's another hero who wants offlane but likely cannot jungle (or generally not an early jungler, like timbersaw) in your team, go jungle
                            if there's obviously three or more melee heroes in the enemy team, go lane
                            if your team's carry needs 2 supports, go lane
                            if you just started playing axe, go bot, I mean play with bots
                            if the enemy team is full of nukers, go......why the fuck is axe picked then

                            Overall, I like playing Axe offlane because now offlane has a small portion of jungle to kill time with


                              Axe jungle rofl why does that never happen when I play safe lane carry.