General Discussion

General DiscussionVeil on Carry Gyro (theorycraft, need assistance!)

Veil on Carry Gyro (theorycraft, need assistance!) in General Discussion
Fox McCloud

    Help me theorycraft this (possibly) good build on him. The hero is just so underwhelming right now I don't see why we shouldn't try and figure out new builds for him.

    I'm thinking Magic Wand - Aquila - 2 Nulls - Phase Boots - Veil for the early game, going into Dragon Lance and Manta/SnY, into your usual late game items. (UPDATE! : New build is Magic Wand - Aquila - 2 Nulls - Phase Boots - Veil - D. Lance - Maelstrom - BKB)

    You max out your Q and W first, taking a value point in Flak Cannon. Heavy, spammable nukes + Call Down + Veil equals good early engagements I hope? You also take your 6% spell amp talent (not sure on this one, 225 Health probably still better.) Veil also gives you a good boost in stats, armor, as well as HP regen, allowing you to skip Lifesteal.

    So all in all, the things I'm not sure of so far are:

    1) Is Aquila necessary?
    2) What to buy after Veil? (DONE)
    3) 6% spell amp or Health.

    edit : after a couple of games, I've decided that after Veil, the optimal build is Dragon Lance into Maelstrom into BKB. With the 6% amp talent, you deal a SHITTON of magic dps, not unlike an Ember. The items after that are situational, with high priority going to Mjolnir and Satanic.

    edit2: I feel like one of the biggest strengths of this build is the mana pool you get out of the 2 Null Talismans. In any other Gyro carry build, Homing Missile is a dead spell because you'll barely have any mana to cast it after level 6. With this build, your early game feels EXTREMELY more streamlined.

    Тази тема била редактирана

      If ur gonna build veil at least go maelstrom aghs afterwards, have a little synergy.
      ive also been theory crafting this.
      smth like phase Aquila veil maelstrom aghs bkb into lategame luxury like butterfly, satanic, mkb, etc.


        I'm with raj


          did u know mkb bash is magic dmg, so it gets amped by veil and ur talent?

          Potato Marshal

            I can't see this really working with how hard it is to land rocket barrage reliably, let alone spam it.


              veil after phase it should be a substitute to drum or dominator then go sny. I think drums would give gyro better stats but veil is extremely good especially if your mid and offlane got some devastating spells that synergizes well with veil tho


                Maybe if you're support?


                  Eblade imo


                    This build falls off late game pretty hard. If you're going this build you should be playing as mid because gyro needs level to be effective. Getting farm and levels is really important on gyro so he can snowball clash in early to mid game.

                    Fox McCloud

                      Bump cos Gyro got buffed in 7.06 FeelsGoodman


                        Saw bsj going veil a few months ago