General Discussion

General DiscussionI'm done

I'm done in General Discussion

    My heart says i can still win most games with CK but my head sais that my team is too stupid to deathball and i will be outfarmed late game in this new patch and will loose many games this way...

    is WK pos 1 legit in this patch or too slow farm as well? his winrate on DB is dropping.

    which is least unfavourable this patch, CK, WK or huskar?

    (for handicapped persons "which one sucks the least")

    Тази тема била редактирана
    mentally handicapped

      still huskar lol. has been that way for the last million patches

      Този коментар е бил редактиран

        btw people add me, im playing supp in stacks. (dont get fooled by my DB)
        need new people to play with




            sorry sir im not one of the people that spam the currently most broken hero. i only play shit heros that no one plays. because EDGY


              nothings broken in 2k mmr anyway

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                CK got nerfed and illusions got nerfed
                That Rift buff wasn't even good enough to compensate 60% more damage to your illusion


                  fuck that hero i still have nightmares from chaosknight bot


                    *HIGH* 2k mmr pls

                    so i guess wk is the "safe" pick, ck huskar depending on enemy pick...

                    i actually liked sven always but never played him because he was shit. now i have to first ban him so wont be playing him as well :)

                    Story Time

                      need new people to play with

                      What did you do to the old people? 0_o Ate them?


                        was in gaming community but people were from 1-6k so games would be very weird

                        Dire Wolf

                          wraith king is totally fine, he just has some big counters and people know what they are and love playing them. Last pick wk is very strong and he farms fine, just get mjollnir or radiance, or go straight right click killer with like deso, armlet, maybe echo, basher and end game in ~30 mins. But people will always pick one of the following of anti mage, invoker or nyx vs you, or at least a jug/spec diffusal + manta build. Nyx is the worst, 4s cd and two of those nukes burn all your mana. I have had teams purposely not kill me at like 10% hp while nyx waits to mana burn again. Ban him I guess, and bait offlane shitty am picks by picking wk after enemy already has a safe lane.

                          I think ck is fine too but haven't played him.


                            If you cant deathball but still want to be EDGY af goes for


                            Then sort by fewest matches played. You can get visage, chen, io. Or right click cancer LD druid build.


                              just pick whatever u want


                                im already a edgy support player with visage and aa being my fav

                                i will still keep playing CK, but more wk.


                                  Every bracket has their op meta heroes. Wk always has high wr. So if u play wk you're just like Sven pickers. Pick brood or Chen innormal skill and u have my respect


                                    Your first post seems to complain about losing games from being out farmed and having a bad team, someone suggests a new hero but then you reply with...

                                    sorry sir im not one of the people that spam the currently most broken hero. i only play shit heros that no one plays. because EDGY

                                    So why are you bothering to ask what hero is best if you only play for "fun"? Very contradictory.

                                    Keep playing for CK if you're only interested in having your own fun, learn to pick around your team/their team if you care about winning/losing. Your post seems kind of pointless, it's not really wanting advice, just validation to keep playing your favourite hero... :sleeping:

                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                      that was obviously a supposedly "fun" post, i am actually thinking about playing sven again.
                                      and the heros i play on this account arent even my favourite ones. I just suck with heros that need a lot of farm

                                      im a supp player i love visage aa and treant

                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                      Road to 1K

                                        as person who has 57% winrate with wk i would say he's ok. not the hero you can spam every game but he still very strong.
                                        Looking at your games i think you have no idea whats wk strong point or maybe it just 2k build.

                                        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                          You want to be edgy, OP?

                                          Try out my Ursa roam-support.

                                          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                            No. Seriously. Try it.


                                            If it works in my 4k games, it should work wonders in your games.

                                            People are so thrown off, it rules lmao