General Discussion

General DiscussionReturning player, need help

Returning player, need help in General Discussion

    Hello! So I decided to play again after a (quite) long hiatus since February. I found out that I play worse. It's not like I was good player before, but somehow I feel like lacking something great, worse than before. The sad thing is, I don't know what it is

    Even in the game that we was shitstomp our enemy, I feel like something was off. My gpm and xpm was too low for a team that goes 39-4 and only take 2 death.

    this game

    Also item feels like somewhat off. I only like tranq force in this game, glimmer feels like useless, but I don't know what I should buy either. Any suggestions?

    Looking for other games are also welcome. I open for suggestions. Only 3 games though, CM-CM-Venge may qualify for my recent games

    Thank you, wish you all the best

    PS: yes, I am potato bracket player. It's only natural that I shitstomped even at the "high" skill. I want to improve though

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      Thanks for helping

      doc joferlyn simp

        Glimmer was far from useless that game. When TA and PA get items you'll be able to hide from them. They both have strong slows and one of the highest burst physical DPS potential in the game, not letting them have a target will render them useless. But your enemy PA and TA were retarded though, TA going Deso --> DLance and PA going Phase --> Deso. So in a case-to-case basis that item might not have been the best purchase

        Don't worry about your GPM and XPM man, it's not like you're actively farming. But if you did not know before, CM is a very good jungler even with a level 1 Frostbite. Her W deals 1k damage to creeps so you have to right click them a little before/while they're frozen. If you're cash-strapped in a long game (wards are very cheap now though, and she does have a GPM talent) just visit a camp or two and you'll be able to buy the wards until they're on CD

        You had to do nothing that game the enemies were retarded it was a done game. Not much for a support to do except screw around trying to kill steal when enemies have 4 kills and your team has 34. Good job supporting though


          @heart on my sleeve
          Thank you for your response. In your opinion, should I go to jungle early? I go top with axe and kunkka against AM and centa. Mid was secured (I give storm a sentry, 2 tangoes and obs and TA doesn't even realize there were sentry activated, dies multiple times in lane) and qop shits on bot alone. Axe cutting waves behind their tower and kunkka and I try to mess with AM's LH. Is it more productive to farm in jungle myself utilizing frostbite, or stay in lane messing with AM? I fear of AM comeback potential when left unchecked, but when in lane I have nothing better to do either except frostbiting when he's about to lh and pulling offlane camp. I decide to stay in lane though

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            Honestly, just keep playing games. You'll get used to it


              ^keep at it, you were doing fine the previous patches and i'm sure you'll get used to this one as you play

              doc joferlyn simp

                Unless you were trying to go for kills vs the AM/Cent you did not need to be there in the lane when the Axe was backdooring. Let the Axe and Kunkka soak up the exp. You can just take their bounty runes if your team was really up their ass. Maybe farm the hard camp/medium camp when there are no enemies in lane, which means they're trying to find more ways to farm ie jungle, and when you are farming two of their camps AM and Cent will have to share farm, leading to an even greater gold and xp deficit


                  @kyun @severe
                  I think I will. Getting access to better internet sure helpful, I recently moved. Thank you, I'll try to play better

                  @heart on my sleeve
                  I see, so it's actually better to even deprave their farm area than directly confront them in lane. I take it that this are allowed to be done only when the lane is safe enough?

                  doc joferlyn simp

                    I am by no means a great player but when I'm in an aggro trilane this is my thought process
                    1) Enemies are in lane, go fuck them up however you can whenever you can
                    2) No enemies in lane but they will try and return, take their tower ASAP and take the resources near your lane so they can't come back and salvage farm
                    3) No enemies in lane and they will not come back, go roam other lanes fuck the other enemies and try to reenact what you did with the first lane you were in

                    Of course this will change depending on your strategy but I think this works out fine in non-coordinated matches, especially potato tier ones like mine

                    You might think of chasing the enemies deeper into their part of the map but don't bother. You'll ultimately be doing less than what you could be doing right now. If one lane is secure go and try two lanes are secure. If one of the enemies have fallen back and are trying to jungle this means the enemy team is fighting 4v5. Go and make use of that advantage


                      Buy Midas


                        @heart on my sleeve
                        Thank you for your input so far. I'll keep that in mind
                        @dodong bot
                        I seriously consider midas when I stomped early lol. But I think FS or dagger will fare better if I have free idle 2k gold, thoughts?

                        doc joferlyn simp

                          I like CM because it's actually easy for you to get some gold and xp, unlike something like a Venge/AA. Her aforementioned Frostbite is extremely good at sniping a creep, doesn't even have to be the big one. Any Frostbite on a lower level creep will kill it over time, which means you don't have to stay around and right click it. She has an GPM talent as well.

                          This is why I don't favor Midas CM that much, she's better off getting more utility items since she's one of the squishiest heroes in the game. Like Glimmer/Ghost Scepter/more wards etc


                            7.06 feels slow anyway. i never feel like im truely coming online in any game, on any position.

                            on maiden i usually rotate between harassing the enemy offlaner and farming the hard camp next to my lane. (stack, kill the big creeps, pull them smaller creeps).
                            i leave my carry early if its a solo offlane that doesnt favour the enemy too hard, like bristle vs slark or sth, and go pick bounties, jungle the hard camp close to mid lane, ward mid at first nighttime, gank mid. always have a tp scroll ready tho if you do that

                            edit: when my team is winning i go for blink after tranquils

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                            👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                              7.06 is slow? To me it feels very fast abnd deathbally




                                  Buying Midas will ensure you that you won't be level gap and get those talent advantages that you will need, also since Midas gives Reliable gold its good to stack those reliable gold so that you wont lose gold when you die since as a support you tend to die a lot if your enemies will snipe you or something.