General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you overcome losing streaks?

How do you overcome losing streaks? in General Discussion

    The title is self explanatory.

    chicken spook,,,,

      By not having one

      chicken spook,,,,

        Seriously tho, I just try to fix my flaws, if it fails I stop playing for the day or take a few days break to refresh my mind

        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

          Step 1) Realize that life has no meaning.

          Step 2) Smoke weed.

          Step 3) Realize that life has no meaning while you are on weed.

          Step 4) **Take a break for AT LEAST 24 hours.** Not 23 hours and 55 minutes, not 12 hours, or when you fall asleep and wake up. Not 16 hours, not 18 hours, but at LEAST 24 hours. 48 hours is ideal.

          Step 5) Smoke more weed.

          Step 6) Wank it or get laid.

          Step 7) Wank it or get laid, while you are on weed.

          Step 8) Treat yourself on your time away from Dota, because it is almost time to play again.

          Step 9) Play Dota.

          Step 10) Play Dota while on weed.

          Step 11) Enjoy since Dota is more fun than RL until the next tilt, then repeat 1 - 10 over and over and over until you die and become forgotten from our pointless existence.


          Този коментар е бил редактиран

            And get killed by Duterte for doing weed? No thanks.

            doc joferlyn simp

              Duterte has much bigger problems as of the moment. A few sessions won't hurt am I right?


                Well, I guess I wouldn't feel the bullet after it pierces my heart. Our cops are dirty.

                Този коментар е бил редактиран
                chicken spook,,,,

                  Not as dirty as your stats tho xd


                    Nothing is dirtier than making a smurf account.

                    doc joferlyn simp

                      Nah man, the lots of the dirty cops have been sacked already. The ones that remain are smart enough to know that they should lie low for a while. Take a hit man, everything's better after you take a hit


                        You got to have a fucked up life if you think death is better than living.

                        Този коментар е бил редактиран
                        chicken spook,,,,

                          Ayy haffy its not like you've smoked joint before anyway
                          Also at least I'm not using this account to get higher mmr

                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                            I'd rather just fuck a hoe than smoke weed.

                            just me

                              After losing or played long duration match? Take 5-10 min break, go smoke, play a good song, take a beer, fix ur mood , ez +25 next game


                                Ironically the way to stop losing is to lose enough where games become too easy

                                Cheap Laugh Guy

                                  Eat good food

                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                    Taking a hit doesn't mean dying btw

                                    And bws you don't know me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                      ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) no I know you're just a beta insecure edgy cuck who gets his life cucked by his parents ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                        When you look at it though my parents are doing me a favor. By forcing me to abandon games I can focus on real life things, and not end up fapping to hentai like someone I know ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                                          Just search for the next game and enjoy the tilt in it's full extend. You get to a point where you lose a 852 average MMR game.

                                          Get muted. Maybe visit low prio.

                                          Yours truly, 1505 MMR at seasonal ranked

                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                            Well if you enjoy yourself at low MMR who are we to judge right

                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                              Says the guy who fap 4 times a day ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                It's part of adolescence, and I'm happy my libido is as strong as it is. I don't fap to hentai though. Just because you do it doesn't mean everyone else does ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                                                  @Juice I doubt I'd drop to low 2k and lose to 1k plebs. I'm just in and out of 3k. Everytime I hit 3k, either I win 1 or 2 games or lose 3-4 straight.

                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                    I only watch hentai when my girlfriend forces me to watch one- she's a fucking weeaboo. I won't fap to it though. Why fap when you can get laid?

                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                      Ironically the way to stop losing is to lose enough where games become too easy

                                                      This is actually true lol

                                                      Throw so hard, start retarded fights. Feed without it looking like feed, and the games will gradually get easier lol

                                                      I only watch hentai when my girlfriend forces me to watch one- she's a fucking weeaboo. I won't fap to it though. Why fap when you can get laid?

                                                      By that logic, why have a gf when you can have 10 gf's?

                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                        It's not a GF, it's a waifu rofl


                                                          @UnFAZED Bro you are doing it wrong then, not getting the full tilt experience. Dig deeper, theres a whole new world to explore, like the shadow bladed Weaver and other similar mystical creatures you only hear stories about.


                                                            @got my priorities straight I'm not a weeb. I don't have to fantasize about having cartoon "waifus" because I prefer real women. Though, I guess she'd love it if I called her "my waifu"
                                                            @Cat Chan your name alone says a lot. Have fun with your 10 "waifus"
                                                            @Juice, I'm gonna try that on a new account. Imma try shadow blade riki to piss 1k plebs.

                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                              No one has ever seen the elusive WK Midas-Armlet-Dagger-Bloodstone-OctaCore build, where WK uses Bloodstone for a pseudo-Ravage, if Bloodstone is on CD he uses Armlet all the time so he can just die to something random like creeps for instant pseudo-Ravage.

                                                              I heard that everyone who has seen it was shepherded into heaven aboard a flaming chariot drawn by 6 golden horses and accompanied by mystical winged beings we can only call angels, while the sounds of glorious trumpets and the chorus of divine singing graced the area, with Gaben's fatherly, smiling face plastered across the sky beckoning you to come to his presence for you have nothing else to live for, except to enjoy the benevolence of Gaben himself

                                                              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                @got my priorities straight I'm not a weeb. I don't have to fantasize about having cartoon "waifus" because I prefer real women. Though, I guess she'd love it if I called her "my waifu"
                                                                @Cat Chan your name alone says a lot. Have fun with your 10 "waifus"
                                                                @Juice, I'm gonna try that on a new account. Imma try shadow blade riki to piss 1k plebs.

                                                                For a guy named "unFAZED" you sure seem to be fazed quite often.

                                                                And my name shows that I'm an Anon that loves Cats and happens to be some Guy. l

                                                                I like anime, but I am no weeb, and having waifus is cringy, but at least it is less cringy than those sportstards with their jersey's and their football figurines of men with large penises they secretly want in their mouths.


                                                                  Whut? Lmfao.

                                                                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                    idk I'm bored like you, man.

                                                                    See? Untilting is easy, now get back in there and lose more games so Valve pulls a 180° and then the people you face are on tilt.

                                                                    MM really is simple and a little rigged to such a small extent.


                                                                      play ur losing streak till it turns into winning streak


                                                                        It's more of a question out of curiosity, actually. I'm not in a losing streak nor am I in a winning streak. I'm stuck in a daily 50-55% winrate for the past 3 days


                                                                          by watching miracle or rtz best plays


                                                                            play ur best hero in unranked ..... if that didnt work just watch sing sing or admiral bulldog


                                                                              have you tried destroying the enemy ancient?


                                                                                Best plays is practically their performance in a clash, so nah, I wouldn't be able to replicate their plays anyways. I often watch how they perform in the laning stages and try to understand why they're doing certain things I would never have done before I returned to playing- I just returned playing dotes this year after a 2 year break. Though, it's not that fruitful because I'm more for the lulz than grinding. I do perform well when I'm in the mood, but more often than not, I'm just for the lulz. ;)


                                                                                  @RIKI. It's a curious question for people when they are in a losing streak. We all experience having 3 or more straight losses no matter how good you are. This thread's intention is sharing of the experiences of players when they're losing, not asking for tips how to win right away.

                                                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                    Step one: Pick Techies
                                                                                    Step two: Pick Techies again.
                                                                                    Step three: Pick something else
                                                                                    Step four: Repeat.


                                                                                      I always nominate to ban techies. I don't want to play a game more than 2 hours