General Discussion

General DiscussionIs ratting viable?

Is ratting viable? in General Discussion
Mr. Jin

    I realize that no one wants to push and win the game. So I was thinking picking rat heroes like am furion brood. Smash all the towers and rax top and btm. Then push mid together to end.

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    doc joferlyn simp

      What's the point of this thread, again?

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          Rat with ember. So ez in low MMR.


            How about picking io? rat together with your carry using relocate. Of course its viable especially when you know your team cant win a clash just yet, ratting will give ur team space

            Този коментар е бил редактиран
            -DI- TheDrengr

              ratting is a term that came from peru, they call low lifes rats.

              Mr. Jin

                Becuz most of the game we got advantage and nobody wants to push. Then the enemy comes back. So I was thinking to juz rat the hell of the whole game.


                  Watch my last ember game. Been doing that for like 13 games. Won 12 of them.

                  deep name + dark anime pfp

                    brood doesnt rat in lategame, if u do that ur playing the hero wrong


                      It's true - the whole point of brood is to feed late game.

                      Source: me