General Discussion

General DiscussionTilting in SEA server

Tilting in SEA server in General Discussion

    Next level cancer. Our mid got triggered by a sentence and fed the game. Anyone else or is it just my dumb luck for getting a retard?

    doc joferlyn simp

      If you can't take the heat, leave the kitchen


        This isnt heat, this is friggin bomb dropping in the kitchen

        white boy summer

          instapick mid and that's it. u can learn from being countered and u dont have to deal with retards going 0-8 against enemy sf


            I dont go 0-8
            I go 0-7
            Im so good

            Potato Marshal

              I'm on SEA and I dropped from my 4.6k peak to 4.1k over the course of a few weeks, only recently am I climbing back up. The individual skill in terms of farming is much better than in US servers, but everything else such as team fighting, ganking, coordination and decision making is way worse.

              A lot of carry players on SEA are under the impression that they're always the best farmer in their match, and that they'll always be ahead no matter how long the match drags on for, because they think they're always outfarming everybody else. There's so many games where I had the carry just dive the enemy team alone only to get kited, or forget that the enemy team has magic immunity piercing disables.


                Did you remember to report that kid? In order to help improve society by putting him in lp.


                  Sad thing is, they are a thousand of them, we met hundred of them, we only have 3 report chances