General Discussion

General Discussion1v0 Mid Rax speed challenge

1v0 Mid Rax speed challenge in General Discussion

    Heres the Challenge, You start a lobby and can give yourself 100 gold for a courier.
    You go mid and have to take a Rax ASAP. When you take the mid rax, you win.
    You can use Neutrals, You can't enter sidelanes, You can use runes.

    I'll post screenshots of my speedruns when i get around to it.

    Fastest 2 heros so far for me have been Brood/Jakiro. However i think Lonedruid could be the fastest if you buy 50 salves.


      sf rush deso is ok

      at like 7 mins or so

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        i'm pretty sure huskar is still the fastest


          i thought huskar might be the fastest, however a brood can be non contested, which means you can start with spiders level 1 and jungle the camps for more spawns.

          Also i think Vlads blightstone rushers are faster than Deso rushes. Could be wrong however.

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            Natures Prophet?

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              pugna would be faster than prophet by far. but ill test them when i get some time