General Discussion

General DiscussionsyndereN: "I would remove Techies. I don't think the hero belongs in ...

syndereN: "I would remove Techies. I don't think the hero belongs in DotA" in General Discussion

    So I sat down with Troels "syndereN" Nielsen, we talked about himself, his team and generally about DotA.

    One of the things he said is that he would remove Techies from the game. Do you agree? Which other hero do you think is not necessary and should be reworked/removed?

    P.S. Feedback on the interview is always appreciated and most welcome. However, keep it coming in a polite and mannered way. I am trying to become better from your suggestions. Like & subrscibe if you enjoy! Thanks a lot!

    casual gamer

      yes techies should be removed from dota

      disgusting weebs

        clickbait title


          techie and tinker are not dota heroes.
          i said it since the begining those two shoud be deleted.

          Този коментар е бил редактиран

            how did you manage to have an interview with him


              sukki suki long time ofc


                However, keep it coming in a polite and mannered way

                don't ever tell me what the fuck to do shitbrain

                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                  how did you manage to have an interview with him

                  You're fucking NUTS! an hour ago
                  sukki suki long time ofc

                  The Nuts guy is right, arin. Giving head can take you far.


                    I mean, if you can't play around a hero then you shouldn't be complaining about them being in the game, no?

                    I have no problem with techies. Mainly I mind where I step and keep an eye on the minimap.

                    Tinker is annoying, but if I'm going against a tinker player, I'm going Sky mid and rape his ass out of lane 24/7 (3.4k speaking)

                    TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                      How to fuck over techies esp land mines? I found out razor and his near-instant attack animation works wonders


                        ^just hit em, they take so long to explode that almost anyone can do it

                        also sky mid is paper, tink can get away with just hitting him cuz he has like 60+ base dmg and sky has no armor


                          Like I said, 3.4k. It works wonders down there cause tinker's take damage, and they're like "OMG GOTTA GO BACK AND HEAL" while I sit there waiting for them to actually try.


                          Player 153433446

                            Techies can be annoying to play agaisnt...but a gem and its 4v5.
                            As for tinker...he totally belongs in doto...wrecks havoc in the right hands but just a hero after all, gapcloser with bkb and its ez


                              gapcloser with bkb and its ez

                              ghost scepter
                              also if they buy diffusal then rearm ghost scepter
                              ur also very mobile urself

                                Този коментар е премахнат от модератор
                                Riguma Borusu

                                  There are lots of heroes that force a team to group up so they don't get picked off. With techies, however, you need to group up around a gem or spend a bunch of money buying sentries, EVEN IF TECHIES IS LEVEL 7 BY THE TIME EVERYONE IS LEVEL 25 AND TECHIES HAS NO ITEMS, moving around the map is a nightmare.

                                  Other heroes you need to watch for and group up against like LC, Slark, Storm Spirit and even Spectre, require tons of farm and successful pickoffs to become that scary. Techies is literally the only hero in the game that you always have to watch for even if he's level 7 with no items and you are a lvl 25 hard carry whose team doesn't happen to like grouping up around a gem because even if you do not die enemy is alerted every time you blow up a mine, and stasis traps are deadly as fuck.

                                  Seriously, fuck this hero, it has no place in a game like DOTA.


                                    Sounds like someone can't buy wards and blow techies mines.

                                    Techies is fine. People who complain about techies are butt hurt "Purists" who think that they're opinions hold sway over the general public. A lot people like playing techies and a lot of people don't mind play techies.

                                    Why would you take something out of a game that people tend to enjoy? That's bad business practice.


                                      What does warding have to do with techies rofl


                                        Remove that critter in the shitter, he shouldn't have existed in the first place.

                                        Riguma Borusu

                                          Neko Gamer Soul, I didn't know retarded people can form semi-correct English sentences, great job!


                                            "A lot of people like playing techies" Rofl.

                                            I don't know about you guys, but I like playing Dota and I don't really like playing 3D Minesweeper.


                                              Couldn't agree more. Techies is the only fucking hero in dotA that should be removed. His skillset just shouldn't exist. It screws up the game for no reason


                                                Just nerf him to oblivion again to the point where nobody would pick him

                                                Farm then Carry

                                                  Kill techies= Kill siractionslack's humor

                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                  Optimus Drip

                                                    crybaby emote

                                                    Optimus Drip

                                                      "There are lots of heroes that force a team to group up so they don't get picked off. With techies, however, you need to group up around a gem or spend a bunch of money buying sentries, EVEN IF TECHIES IS LEVEL 7 BY THE TIME EVERYONE IS LEVEL 25 AND TECHIES HAS NO ITEMS, moving around the map is a nightmare." -someone with zero understanding of techies lol


                                                        Seems like someone forgot to read the patch notes

                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                          -someone with zero understanding of techies lol

                                                          No, someone just plays mostly melee heroes, and while I am fine playing against axes or dark seers or winter wyverns of this world, they still suffer from the mere existence of techies to the point where it's just retarded.

                                                          The other thing is, stasis trap is retardedly OP, it is so easy to get picked off by techies that it's retarded, and I guess you just don't see that because you weren't playing against people who abuse his skills properly.

                                                          Seriously, techies is borderline OP in pubs, and not for the reason that a riki or PA would be.

                                                          Optimus Drip

                                                            something something my profile
                                                            EDIT: u have 4 matches agsnt techies and 50% winrate

                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                              I have almost 800 games of legion and that doesn't make me a lc expert, just like your almost thousand games of techies do not make you a techies expert.

                                                              I have 128 matches against techies and 58% winrate, I have no idea where you are pulling your data from.

                                                              Techies being retarded to play against doesn't mean I will lose every game to it, just that it's annoying as hell, even if you are winning.

                                                              It is just not fun, including if the techies is on my team.

                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                the guy that interviews him is greek :D


                                                                  I think Bloodseeker is annoying as hell, but you don't seem me getting all the blood seeker haters to go on a massive rant on removing the hero from the game.

                                                                  People seem to forget that when Techies was announced at TI3, people were ESTATIC.

                                                                  Also you got to take in the fact that you guys here are not the fucking majority. You're a group of 20 or so asshole elitist who think that they're say has higher value than anyone else here.


                                                                    Psst there is a thing called tp


                                                                      I know that, but when it's a teamfight and you're playing a postion base hero, it's gets old very fast

                                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                                        people will be estatic over literally anything and then barely play it after a week

                                                                        also why do you think your retarded opinion matters, if pros and majority of 5k+ players say that techies is a trash hero that should not be in dota?


                                                                          If the majority of 5k+ heroes say that everyone should do this or that, do you think that matters?

                                                                          The answer is no. This is a game first, a sport second. If you remove something from a game, guess what? You're hurting the game.

                                                                          If you don't like techies so much, go play captians mode and instant ban him with you and your snob friends. Or better yet, ban him in rank all pick! It's like so freaking hard isn't it?

                                                                          What's a snob towards a person who doesn't give a shit about your opinion? You're not Gaben, and you're not Ice Frog. Anything you say could be taken in as such as salt in the wind.

                                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                                            If the majority of 5k+ heroes say that everyone should do this or that, do you think that matters?

                                                                            It certainly matters more than some random retard who calls himself "neko gamer soul" and makes shit youtube videos that nobody watches. SyndereN is not a nobody, on the other hand, you are.

                                                                            he answer is no. This is a game first, a sport second. If you remove something from a game, guess what? You're hurting the game.

                                                                            It is a game which is a sport. And I guess valve keeps hurting the game because they keep removing adding and replacing things all the time. Oh, necro ancients, how I miss thee!

                                                                            No, fuck no, removing bad things from a game makes it better. Removing shrines pre 5 minutes makes this game better and more tactical, for example. Removing things can improve a game, and you're a complete retard if you think it can only hurt it. Or else you believe we need tactical shields in cs:go because valve seriously hurt the game by removing them from all versions past 1.6.

                                                                            If you don't like techies so much, go play captians mode and instant ban him with you and your snob friends. Or better yet, ban him in rank all pick! It's like so freaking hard isn't it?

                                                                            I already ban techies whenever I can, so don't you worry.

                                                                            What's a snob towards a person who doesn't give a shit about your opinion? You're not Gaben, and you're not Ice Frog. Anything you say could be taken in as such as salt in the wind.

                                                                            Oh excuse me, thee valorous knight, I beseech thee to heed my words for they have weight unbeknownst to fellows such as yourself. No, seriously, go eat a hand grenade or something, be useful.

                                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                              I already ban techies whenever I can, so don't you worry.

                                                                              I could litterally say, "there you go my point has been made." But now that's now how I role.

                                                                              It certainly matters more than some random retard who calls himself "neko gamer soul" and makes shit youtube videos that nobody watches. SyndereN is not a nobody, on the other hand, you are.

                                                                              I could be called "Billy Bob Joe McFucknuts" but my point still stands. True Synderen may be popular but to put in real terms. Let's say your Idol told you to remove something from your room. Maybe be small, but yet important enough to keep it stable in your house per say. Like an outlet that holds all of your things, or the power switch inside of you electral box, would you still consider your house whole?

                                                                              Same thing with Dota 2. No matter how small people may think that removing something like a hero from the game may cause. Drastic ramifications will happen. There would be people demanding techies back, in the same matter that you're demanding techies to be removed. A never ending cycle of hatred and personal preference that will always exisit.

                                                                              It is a game which is a sport. And I guess valve keeps hurting the game because they keep removing adding and replacing things all the time. Oh, necro ancients, how I miss thee!
                                                                              No, fuck no, removing bad things from a game makes it better. Removing shrines pre 5 minutes makes this game better and more tactical, for example. Removing things can improve a game, and you're a complete retard if you think it can only hurt it.

                                                                              There's a difference between balancing and out right removing things all together. Why do you think that a lot people hate the random 20 heroes banned in all pick? You're removing a feature from All pick that what makes All pick "All pick". There are things that could be tweaked and that makes the game better. They didn't "Remove" anything. They "Reworked" them. Making them balance. It's like saying "Oh yeah necro can farm the ancients, better remove necro from the game! Too OP! Yep that's what people want."

                                                                              Of course that won't fly cause people who play necro have a shit storm and a half if that happened. Hell, people got butt hurt when Skeleton King's name was changed and remodeled. (Different topic for another time).

                                                                              Oh excuse me, thee valorous knight, I beseech thee to heed my words for they have weight unbeknownst to fellows such as yourself. No, seriously, go eat a hand grenade or something, be useful.

                                                                              Sarcasim is lost on me. If you can't talk like a decent human being then I say you already lost your argument. Throwing insults around doesn't change anything.

                                                                              "But you called everyone here all these mean things and such!"

                                                                              Yeah, and I'm a piece of shit Anime "weeb" who enjoy's playing dota 2, doing videos, hating my backstabbing sister, planning for a murder spree, and also is no use to society.

                                                                              But that's who I am. At least I show my true colours. I openly enjoy when people mock me. Cause you know, they're mocking ME. Not some Facade tough guy behind a computer screen who doesn't have the balls to show his face to the world. Why do you think when people post that picture of me I go, "Here, there's a picture of me doing something even MORE cringy!"?

                                                                              I won't wish death for you, but a clear state of mind. If you can't accept Techies being in the game, then don't play the game. We the people who like playing dota 2 for what it is dont' need the likes of you mugging up the game. (Even though you represent the 75% of the community).

                                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                                He is not just popular, he is a professional DOTA player, while you are 3k garbage, and I won't read anything else you have to say.

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                                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                    I declare this thread popcorn-worthy, and I have subsequently traveled the distance between my home and a store to buy myself a paper-boxful of little buttery balls of goodness to celebrate and savor this exchange of witty remarks. I implore you, warriors of the keyboard, to continue your written duel in the arena of the Internet, and may the first participant to stop replying be chemically castrated, for the world does not need cowardly and weak-hearted people in its gene pool.

                                                                                      Този коментар е премахнат от модератор

                                                                                        @RPQ-Sama, good Cause people who can't have a conversation are no good in my book.

                                                                                        @Kygo I think you missed my follow up post towards RPQ, but I explained it all in the explanation. Techies technically brings a unique aspect into the game That no other hero does. Same thing goes with AA's nullfied health regen, or Void's uber disabling Chrono. It's something different and difference is something to be judge on their own merits.

                                                                                        I also agree that the respawn timers were bullshit to begin with, but that's a tweek. A balance not a straight up removal. That's like reorganizing your house into something better. The same way you try to improve your house, Icefrog tries to improve their game.

                                                                                        Speaking of which Overwatch is in a similar position with their game. Except it's a good reminder that removing things isn't the greatest option. If they, for example, removed McCree cause his flashbang, fan the hammer, combo was causing too many pros to lose their shit cause it did 720 damage back in the day and it made McCree the best pick in the game? No, they just fixed it worked around it.

                                                                                        I think people miss the point of techies entirely and that's to teach people about map control and awareness. If you have no map awareness, then you'll die to techies, and if you do have map awareness and listen for that easy to hear sound, then you'll have a better time.

                                                                                        True his high ground game is kinda hard to deal with, but isn't that the point of his hero? To wall off certain ares, and if they're back against the wall, hunker down or their foe's suffer the consqueneces? That's his hero and that's his kit. Removing such a hero would not only git rid of probably the best high ground defender in the game, but it will also lose a lot of respect within the community.

                                                                                        "Why not fix the problem when you can just patch it out?" Hell I bet you if that happens, they may just patch out other heroes near and dear in the future. Probably tinker if they go that route but they won't cause they have to listen to pros who are like "nah tinker's fine."

                                                                                        Removing things isn't the solution. Working with what you got and trying to fix it is.



                                                                                          I see Artyzeey being annoyed by the hero and he instant report him for playing techies. His reasoning for his report wasn't even good.

                                                                                          Then you scroll down into the reddit comments saying that Artzeey is acting like a child, or belittling to come into the EU servers where they'll serve him up on a mine platter.

                                                                                          So what I gather was 1 pro player being butt hurt and 200+ people being sympathetic towards the techies guy.


                                                                                            Did the Techies player actually do something to warrant reporting?

                                                                                            [–]BackToFlowcharts 64 points 5 months ago

                                                                                            [–]CAW CAW PEW PEWMadMattDog 87 points 5 months ago*
                                                                                            Then Arteezy can fuck off.

                                                                                            [–]sheeverBennonLovecraft 12 points 5 months ago
                                                                                            Pretty much everyone reaction. Fan boys of reporting techies players thinks it's funny or some meme.

                                                                                            Pretty much the entire Reddit in a nutshell.

                                                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                              Този коментар е премахнат от модератор

                                                                                                makes people think about things that no other hero makes them think about, and is generally jsut fucking obnoxious to have on your team and on the other team


                                                                                                i suppose it's a little better after the Q+E rework but it's still horrifying
                                                                                                also it sure is super fun running in front of mines with kotl agh gem like a retard and playing this stupid "will i get force staffed on the mines or not" minigame

                                                                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                  I also like this "you can just hit mines to destroy them" mindset. Like, you know, you are having a great fight and all enemies are running away with 100 hp BUT you have to run through a minefield to get to them. Well, guess what, you just stop and destroy the mines :)

                                                                                                  Optimus Drip

                                                                                                    As a side note: I was looking at trusight games, my bad, fuck dotabuff.
                                                                                                    I am not saying techies is not annoying to play against, what I am saying is that your statement was retarded @ rpq-sama
                                                                                                    Also, there are 6k players who don't think techies should be removed, and spam techies in that mmr.
                                                                                                    Then babies on the other team report him rather than their team.
                                                                                                    Lots of heroes are annoying to play against.... why specifically techies when 90% of techies players are just bad at the hero anyway? Its basically a free win usually. proximity mines are literally shit against players. They are only good for farming.


                                                                                                      Oh boy Kygo and here I thought you were at least decent enough to have a conversation.

                                                                                                      It's a matter of opinion. I don't find techies at all to be annoying. Every hero has their qwerks and such.

                                                                                                      If you can't have a conversation and try to talk things out like adults, then the only problem here is within your own attitude. It's like saying, if Techies can't be in the game, then why should we have diversity at all? Why have heroes that fit unique roles and play styles at all in a game with a vast amount of different playstyles? It's baffling that people could hate something cause it plays differently.

                                                                                                      Why does invoker get 7 level ups? Why can't tinker refresh all items? Why does BB have a directional based damage block? These are all hero traits. If you can't accept it, sorry, but that's just being a stubborn child in my book.


                                                                                                        Techies's receipt are very long and it will be very satisfying to caught him about to plant the first bomb in that area, beat that mofo up and send him through a brick wall.

                                                                                                        Unrelated to the current showdown so don't f*cking drag me to a war that have nothing to do with me.