General Discussion

General Discussionhow did u guys manage to escape 3k

how did u guys manage to escape 3k in General Discussion
General Asim Muneer

    what do u have to improve? what do u exploit mainly in 3k scrubs? i cant seem to get out of this shit tier....the question is what do 3ks generally lack?







          Potato Marshal

            I spammed bounty hunter, I was getting around 75% winrate on him before reaching 4k.


              3k always afk sometime they tabbed out to check facebook !


                we didn't


                  3ks generally lack an understanding of the game

                  you dont notice when theres a kill opportunity, you dont know when to itemize, you dont know when to push or farm or back or anything

                  mechanical skill isn't that important in dota, i reached 5k even tho i have the mech skills of a mid 3k


                    By playing


                      i think u need to start having a deeper understanding of the details game which leads to better understanding of matchups and overall game decisions


                        push after a teamfight. for some reason nobody pushes and wants to farm when everybody is dead. Also play the role that has been most successul for you, spam the shit out of that; if you win a lot as support, play support. and itemize around what YOUR TEAM NEEDS, not what you specifically need. think about how much value that item gives your team over another item

                        Magic Wand

                          3k people are more focused on their kda than winning the game they def ofc but u see
                          when they see a chance to kill they go for kill. Example enemy barracks has 50% hp then they see an low hp invoker. They go for the invoker.

                          :when they see farm they farm they dont know the farming priorities of pos 1 -5
                          Eg: pos 2 just walks around the map when they see creeps they farm not being aware that enemy team will gank him. Some pos 2 farms like all day given they are winning giving time to the enemy pos 2 to catch instead of being locked up.

                          Also u will see some pos 4-5 contesting farm with pos 1 and pos 2 on diff sides of the map while pos 3 is clearing all the creeps on the jungle

                          :when they are losing they give up and blame evrything, they dont know what is being outplayed and being dominated
                          They always think their better than others.
                          When mid lose: noob mid
                          When safe lose: i should have picked carry
                          When off lose: fucking feeder report
                          When wards dewarded: useless supports

                          Given these replies 3ks only focuses on these things (given 1 is their main priority)

                          1.Their hero
                          1. FARM
                          2. Kill
                          3. Their own Towers
                          4. Wards
                          5. Teams condition
                          5. Objectives

                          So comparing to other players they have lower understanding on the game itself. They see dota 2 as a game of killing. Not defense.

                          Given the exp i got playing with 3ks
                          They are not bad. They are not good too. Given some 3k are able to do 6 mins midas. Snowball on 7 mins. I may suggest that u can play flexible. Well if u want win, for me pos 2 has the most impact in this bracket . Althought supp here fails to babysit their carry ( they often babysit offlane ROFL) and blame u later for not having fast farm ( given they dont understand ur condition) . Its up to you and just do your best everygame. Im not 100% accurate but i was able to boost this acc by 500 points (coming from 3k).
                          Also if u lose 50 mmr take a rest chill. Play normal match and on the other day play again if u win play again. Nobodys rushing u to go to 4k. Also dont expect too much. No flame please. If u expect ur mid to be pro u should go to 6k fast. Flaming a teammate over a fail sunstrike or fail gank can make him tilt. The heck man they are 3k wtf. Why are u expecting things like 7k player does on a mere 3k. Also cookie has a guide on pos 2 check it out you may grab some tips there.

                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                            why is this ^ anime looking mothe****** looks so friendly this cant be true

                            Magic Wand

                              Im no motherfvcker. Just a player.

                                Този коментар е премахнат от модератор

                                  Damn, it's so hard to go up when you're in 3k down. The only thing and the only way you can manage to go up is go spam 1 hero or either play the hero you use the most and win the most. I manage to go up before to 3900 from 3000 but again I fell so hard😂 I'm back at 3000 again. I hate spamming heroes now😧 i am more focus on enjoyment that I play the hero iwant than getting a high MMR than spamming just 1 or more heroes. But of course when you have a high MMR you're more famous. But still, if you have the skills you don't need the high MMR👍 skills are more important than MMR.

                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                  Magic Wand

                                    Fake lul


                                      NOPE CANT BE TRUE, No one is friendly on dotabuff NO ONEEE !!!!! you're fake u have to be fake.

                                      Magic Wand

                                        ^ didnt spam hero just played the position im not worst at

                                        Riguma Borusu

                                          its all about reaction time boys


                                          General Asim Muneer

                                            can somebody give me link to cookie pos 2 guide plz?

                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                              bought account


                                                i know how to escape 3k let me know if you are interested.

                                                from 3200 to 4600.


                                                  I think nami is still salty at me

                                                  Lester, Moe

                                                    If you can't get out of 3k, chances are that's your skill bracket

                                                    anemone goda

                                                      holy shit dude did u spam cm from 3.2 to 4.6? @◘◘ p ! k | ╬


                                                        yes. spam cm to 4600. CM LICH and AA


                                                          ive never been there haHA




                                                              and oldschool music from chilldhood playing on max volume so u feel akward xXDXDXD


                                                                the problem in 3k is no one wants to play support. so if you play support the problem is solved and you will most likely win more games.


                                                                  ^can confirm
                                                                  As long as you do your job at least half properly for the first 10 minutes game should be easy to win


                                                                    The problem with spamming supports into 5k is that when you start playing cores, you'll be back to your mmr in no time.


                                                                      is it a must to play cores in 5k?...cant I become a support only player when I reach 5k


                                                                        There is no problem with spamming supports, but you will certainly suck in playing cores, while cores dont suck that much on playing supports.


                                                                          the thread is about getting out of 3k.

                                                                          General Asim Muneer

                                                                            i can spam meepo or some other op shit thing is i actually want to git gud than these tards not spam :#


                                                                              Lex I see more cores that suck at supporting than supports that sucks at playing core