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    Do Muslin players pray during playing dota if there is this time when they have to pray?

    Player 153433446

      Finish the match then pray

      "God understands and if he doesn't then he is not God and we need not worry"


        there is at least 4 hours between each prayer, so the only reason a player would paue a game to pray is because the time for the next prayer has came.

        TheDoctor (HTPG)

          i agree with Kruelty-
          when the time comes to pray
          you have like 4 hours to do the compulsory pray
          so..You either pray early thus playing dota without worry
          or take the risk of playing it then before the time finishes up
          do the compulsory pray


            Just stop find match when the praying time is coming in less than an hour

            It's not like you are obliged to push find match anyway

            Story Time

              does the prayer help to win btw?


                Muslims have "permission" called "rukhsah" to pray 2 prayers together at the first prayer time if they are traveling which is the case in tournaments

                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                  people actually do that?


                    no prayers does not help you to win what kind of question is that ?

                    Palestine 4EVER

                      Does prayer help to win?

                      Well, if you prayed and you don't do your best when playing then that's useless...

                      There's this thing called "ikhtiar" (effort) and "tawakkal" (trust in God's will) in Islam, and one can't go without the other


                        Yes because if you pray god will help you win even if you're put at a disadvantage due to being afk praying


                          am muslim but sorry am afraid to tell u that you wont win just by praying, wish it was easy as this lol...

                          Dead Game, Don't Care

                            Prayers actually deepens your game sense.
