General Discussion

General Discussionphantom assassin blur 50% or 100%?

phantom assassin blur 50% or 100%? in General Discussion

    is it reasonable to nerf PA blur,cuz i think that 50% miss chance is way too high,and everytime i play against pa,seem like the 50% turns into 100%,and also mkb is way too expensive in early game,and you wouldnt want to rush it,for example is my TA game where i had a great early game and got a 12 mins deso,and dagger at 15 min mark,but i just cant kill the PA bcuz of his blur,and he just 2-hit my supps,until the time that he got his items and make a comeback,we lose most of the clash cuz ive been countered with phoenix,undying

    Riguma Borusu

      100% of your team had a problem with PA but I see exactly 0 blademails and ghost scepters. Drow tried to make MKB instead of finishing silver edge.

      Everyone is retarded, nobody knows how to play DOTA, and an easily counterable hero (as time goes by) shat all over your team.

      It is a SEA NS game, too, so I don't see why your deduction from it has any weight that should affect how DOTA is balanced.

      Този коментар е бил редактиран

        lol,BM and ghost scepter for what?for a couple of seconds to live?the problem is,he is unkillable without mkb or silver edge,you could easily kite a hero with a BM,unless it is an axe or lc,we are winning for like the first 20 mins of the game,but as we are losing clash cuz of that blur that feels like 100% miss chance,they made their comeback,and pls dont talk that someone that is playing in SEA server is inferior to others that are playing in other server

        Dire Wolf

          PA didn't even max blur til 16 so you had ~20-30 minutes where blur was less than 50%.


            yeah he didnt max it,but as i said,if you could see the replay,i cant really hit him as if it was like 100% miss chance,and i got countered hard by phoenix and undying,and theres also invoker thats why i bought bkb firsts


              l u l


                ^ wtf 7k lord

                Riguma Borusu

                  I actually played on SEA servers and they definitely are more retarded than any other servers I have played on.

                  But more to the point, I could make the same thread about how hard it is to deal with TA if you have no dots or other ways to counter refraction. Or how it feels to play against enigma with 5 melee heroes.

                  The point is, PA's spell counters heroes who right click. Undying and Phoenix can counter TA with DoTs. Essentially you want the hero to be rebalanced or changed because you got outpicked and are bad at the game. That's retarded.


                    lol more retarded?says the one who feed 49 times with LC bcuz he babyrage,and dont use the word retarded,youre the one that is retarded just by basing your opinion on the server that i play on,i wont argue anymore,bye2 3k god!

                    white boy summer

                      M A G I C A L D A M A G E


                        One thing i love to see in enemy team is pa,its been few patches before since im not worried about her,my magic dmg io eat her lul,her evasion is good but definitely would be a dogshit hero with any less than 50% chance,she can be very strong and annoying as mid otherwise she need bloody hell good babysit,when i know guy will go mid with her i pick puck.Ppl are ret.arded with hunting for mkb whenever pa in enemy team.


                          That mini map icon thing is the most op part about blur.


                            ^true, suddenly pa is on ur rax even if she isnt there on minimap lul

                            Pale Mannie

                              PA cant just evade magic damage. maybe you should pick someone who deals alot of it

                              meteor hammer

                                she can dodge overload procs

                                checkmate atheists


                                  Nerf PA huh? :thinking: :facepalm:

                                  Tommy Shelby

                                    Lul guy is dense


                                      Lol pa is so damn weak. But it is a sea Favourite because everyone (you included) don't like magic Dmg

                                      ILC - Lethal Ninja

                                        you need nuke counter for him. player like zeus, thinker, lina, and axe bm also.


                                          Hero is so friggin weak right now and I hope she will stay that way

                                          Riguma Borusu

                                            lol more retarded?says the one who feed 49 times with LC bcuz he babyrage,and dont use the word retarded,youre the one that is retarded

                                            "ur stupid if u say im stupid!!111"

                                            No, dude, if you are bitching about being countered while having the freedom to pick a hero that isn't countered by 3 heroes on the enemy team, it's 100% your fucking fault, if you don't get this and instead you want a hero to be reworked, you're retarded. PA is really hard to hit with right clicks. That's the hero. Other heroes are really hard to kill in general, like bristleback or a 6 slotted spectre. Hell, should we rework centaur because once he buys a crimson guard he can kill a windranger if she ults and attacks him?

                                            Should we rework those heroes too because your TA pick might have trouble chasing down/killing those heroes? And don't you tell me what words to use, you can spew shit, so I can do that as well.

                                            just by basing your opinion on the server that i play on,i wont argue anymore,bye2 3k god!

                                            You didn't even try to argue, your argument is 100% backwards and irrelevant.


                                              PA is one of the worst carry's in dota atm


                                                Don't forgot PA is perpetually in the meta in around 1-2k because of the way players play there

                                                meteor hammer


                                                  pa by bracket


                                                    normal skill problems


                                                      Disables and nukes to kill him for the mid game, physical dps for the late

                                                      Ave with an internet pfp

                                                        I have 5% crit and 10% miss as pa


                                                          pa is good against ta
                                                          u wanted to nerf the skill that makes the hero pa? lol
                                                          whats the point of this thread again? lol

                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                            pa is good against ta
                                                            u wanted to nerf the skill that makes the hero pa? lol
                                                            whats the point of this thread again? lol

                                                            He is upset he got counterpicked so he wnats valve to change heroes so that his pick won't be counterpicked like that :|

                                                            meteor hammer

                                                              im not saying deso into satanic is the best pa build but i did get 4 rampages and 35 kills :thinking:

                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                im not saying deso into satanic is the best pa build but i did get 4 rampages and 35 kills

                                                                Few things are as demoralizing as when PA is at 20% hp and you are a ranged right clicker who believes they are finally about to get the better of her, only so she daggers you with satanic, you die and she's at full HP while retreating.


                                                                  Lmao normal skill problems indeed. SE, makes the hero useless.

                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                    Shut your filthy mouth