General Discussion

General DiscussionPOS 1 Razor

POS 1 Razor in General Discussion

    Topic is it good? why RTZ likes doing it?


      i suspect because of heroes like bristle and sven


        ebcause its good


          anti carry

          RTZ doesnt get farm priority and is often left alone in lane while zai/crit rotate mid

          thats why they give him utility cores or strong laners. razor to screw over enemy core, venom for teamfight, lifestealer for sieging/independent laning etc.
          you rarely see him
          play sven or am

          even if he gets harassed a lot he suddenly is top of networth chart, its kind of his quality as a player.

          I remember one game where he played lifestealer against a weaver which obv harrassed him hard, didnt get any rotations at all but still got top networth.

          probably the core player with the most efficient farming and map awareness

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            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

              1) No
              2) Because teezy likes throwing

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                RTZ was more of a pos 2 even tho he took safe lane, there isn't much babysit for him, leaving him 1v1 against offlaner half of the time. You will notice they leave him alone even more when he plays Veno, he was almost pos 3.
                Mid is like the new safelane since they added another melee creep, so zoning mid became more rewarding
                At least that's what I guess.


                  ^this guy got it

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                    No it's not good.
                    As said before just bc rtz in the safelane that does not mean he is pos 1.


                      I thought they released an article earlier talking about how Razor is an anti-carry and great at seiging - hence the recent razor picks in general.


                        razor is bad - random normal skill players


                          Just cuz u play a hero in the safelane doesnt always make them pos 1

                          not arin

                            finally a hero i played in my first days of dota is good (im going to overlook the 6.82 memepush with lycan razor dp etc)

                            Story Time

                              safelane is new 1v1 lane, and mid is contested like it is 2 safelanes against each other


                                @know no better
                                Understand what the question asked before you even think of speaking.
                                Pos 1 razor has never been a thing, and will not be a thing if you have watched any pro game. Never did I say razor was a bad hero, but he is a bad pos 1.
                                High mmr players have also said he is not a good pos 1 plenty of times.
                                Get off the forum if you cannot read.

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                                    Then why EG still doing it while its not really that effective, look at Epicenter Moscow they could have tied the score 2 - 2 against liquid on the grand finals but no they decided to do this instead.