General Discussion

General DiscussionPA battlefury

PA battlefury in General Discussion

    I still dont understand, why people in 2k bracket still build battlefury on pa ?


      let's not try to understand


        they dont know why they build it but if u do know why u build it then its actually good


          It's good but they probably don't know why


            I think when it's still better to build deso on pa, bf wouldn't be good. Not as a first item I can't imagine someone like benao buying it all the time. Maybe u buy it late game for wave clear.


              it is good but battlefury way too expansive


                I agree with jacked statement


                  Yeah this is true now BF PA is Back, all my recent games that have PA builds BF IDK Y THO hahaha.

                  死の恐怖 Haseo

                    to distroi enemi ancient

                    Erase Humanity

                      There are two ways to get ahead economically in this patch. Snowball and flash farm. PA doesn't have the second one.


                        deso = 1600 + 1600 + 300 = 3500
                        Bf = 1400 + 1200 + 850 + 850 = 4300

                        Difference is just 800 gold. Don't you also get aquilla on pa? I don't. I get enough hp and mana from perse. Aquilla costs 985. And if you go for vlads instead it takes more time and costs more. Ofc, important with value blight stone.


                          Question is what u do with bf when u could have a deso.
                          Have u even tried the deso build? I understand if u hVe a different play style that u make work. But come on.

                          Ur explanation doesn't make any sense


                            I think snowballing PA is much more effective than a farming to late game PA, snowballing PA have much more potential than the latter I mean she falls off hard in late game especially if her enemy have Spec or something.


                              Yeah. PA bf will get beated easily in late game. PA can snowball ppl in mid game until someone got mkb which mean she fuck up

                              1-IceTea 🌟

                                Tgey just dump,while I on my way to climb mmr last time I found out 1 things - the higher the mmr goes,the better the player at following pro meta,2-3K are just so slow on adapting meta,once they learned a little bit,they just stop improve.

                                Erase Humanity

                                  It's hard to snowball against certain lineups and certain strats with PA, magic heavy and 5 man to be exact.


                                    You kill 3 people instead of 1 with bf instead of deso. With deso you just snipe people, do you really think that's the way to play pa?
                                    How fast can you get a bkb and tank for your team after deso? Not fast at all, most people even ignore that shit and go vlads basher.

                                    My pa is the frontline and zones out while keeping up with farm when it gets stale because let's face it, can you highground with her mid game? No, you can't

                                    meteor hammer

                                      good lord benaos a moron


                                        People in 5-6-7K do it as well, buying battlefury sometimes is ok, sometimes its not.

                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                        주 롄양

                                          *insert y do not both meme*

                                          everything is situational tho

                                          maybe u get an early advantage but knows game gonna go for over 40 mins and u sure u wan extra farm speed so u buy bf early
                                          or u farm so slow coz u got disadvantage early on so u need extra farm speed so u buy bf early

                                          or u got so shit early game and cant afford to buy bf so u better make some cheap effective item like deso
                                          or u got so gud early game and can rekt any1 in 1 jump if u buy deso


                                            Frontlines PA huh........:thinking:

                                            meteor hammer

                                              dudeu have 134 games on pa and 50% flat winrate. this account has 66% winrate and my main has 58% winrate with 120 games

                                              the only time ur cleaving multiple good players is in an axe call or rp type disable. people dont just fucking clump up and stand there so you can cleave them to death

                                              she farms decently fast with deso. not as fast as with bfury obviously but she gets deso way faster. deso also lets you rosh which opens up map control, which means you get towers and kills and have more areas to farm, putting you ahead of bfury in almost all games.

                                              you go hg in the midgame because you have to. at 40 minutes people are going to have a ton of items, not everyones a shitcan whose farm caps out at 550 gpm. u wanna play ur garbage ultracarry pa against 2 silver edges and 2 mkbs be my guest, but ur gonna get fucking annihilated even if ur six slotted

                                              luckily u dont have to worry about a lot of this because ur 4k4lyfe but dont pretend ur builds actually working, ur just breaking even against animals

                                              0/20 bfury in the top 20 games rn

                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                build bf = hp / mana regen + faster farming trying to go with some late build
                                                deso for early game pressence
                                                that's how i see it as 1k.

                                                mr. rabbit

                                                  I still dont understand, why people in 2k bracket still build battlefury on pa ?

                                                  2k bracket

                                                  you just answered your own question


                                                    people dont just fucking clump up and stand there so you can cleave them to death

                                                    Pretty sure they do, this is DotA remember.

                                                    all role player

                                                      am i the only one who buy armlet over bf ?, and deso is overrated i think u just need bkb and lv 18 pa can kill anyone with her crit but cant push tower after killing enemy, so u need a goddamn manta in case someone buy SE over MKB
                                                      :thinking: :thinking: well my friend buying bf on pa and have 70%wr lol :thinking:


                                                        blink is also underrated on pa


                                                          Apparently sebastian thinks people will just let you kill them with cleave when you don't have a single disable at all


                                                            well i try once pa wit bf my last game with pa. its is good but not as first item. since pa is single hitter hero, bf is good again hero that depend on illusion like naga, CK, and PL. but not good for first item.

                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                              There are games when your PA pick is for some reason countered by heavy magic damage and stuns, so you really cannot just go in, kite people and jump from target to target all the time without dying. In this case, getting a battlefury into basher or diffusal (if the enemy is building ghost scepters) into bkb is actually a good strategy if they dont take your rax 15 minutes into the game.

                                                              I mean a lot of people who shit on the battlefury build also forget it gives 55 damage. And people who say dont build aquila also forget it gives 19 damage for sub 1k gold which is really value, like phase boots. And even if you are going battlefury you can still fill your inventory with cheap damage items and it builds up over time.

                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                Ring of health is useful for laning. and the mana regen is good. plus damage from Bfury is a great bonus and the cleave helps flash farm. Oh and a critical dagger with Bfury cleave is enough to make enemy think about retreating.

                                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                  i went thru all 4 pages of the hero guides page. couldnt find anyone building bf instead of deso.

                                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                                    i went thru all 4 pages of the hero guides page. couldnt find anyone building bf instead of deso.

                                                                    What I said is hardly applicable to high MMR games, only in low MMR games do you really have the space to get a battlefury early to farm and the enemy will still not push.

                                                                    white boy summer

                                                                      cause they saw it from 3 years ago. 2k meta is delayed as fuck, when i did veil ember in march people still dropped their shit "wtf why no bf u suck"

                                                                      very good csgo player

                                                                        Shut up nubs I get deso then battlefury then heart, then I'm ultimate tanker by 9 minutes because I am late carry


                                                                          And they make bf at 20+ min. i played with a pa in team who went deso then vlad then fuckign bf at 40 min sth.
                                                                          and no there were no illsuion hero. What he really needed was bkb


                                                                            aq treads bf manta blink
                                                                            have fun

                                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                                              but how do you fit a rapier into that build :thinking:

                                                                              and doesn't blink + blink strike give you sand king initiation range or some crap

                                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                I still dont understand, why people in 2k bracket still build battlefury on pa ?

                                                                                They want to do last hit challenge


                                                                                  but how do you fit a rapier into that build
                                                                                  u can get it after blink 4Head but i usually get bkb or butterfly after blink

                                                                                  pls dont let the celtikkk...

                                                                                    It's like how 2k TBs/PLs still buy radiance LUL


                                                                                      I find the sustain in a contested lane from the Bfury components help plus you farm your deep pretty fast with the battle fury any ways in my expereince the power surge from bfury with a deso is pretty good and if your power surge fails you atleast have a good farming item to help as game goes on . it of course depends on play style but I like the bfury , I came back to dota 1 month ago and dropped from 4.5 k mmr due to skill deterioration from not not playing . Just FYI before I get he shit up normal skill line lol . Anyways looks like high tier dota skipping the bfury is preferred but doesn't seem to shabby in the lower tiers where your safe lane has shittier supports and the Sustaim from perseverance is nice .

                                                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                        why flash farm on a hero who sucks in the lategame?
                                                                                        with deso ive gotten an 18 min rampage, cuz ur so fucking strong.
                                                                                        I go mid, Aquila phase raindrop deso then either bkb or basher
                                                                                        there is no need a play a super squishy hero as a front liner when all her skills point to her being an evasive, mobile hero who moves in and out of fights singling out specific targets. she operates exactly like an assassin.

                                                                                        I find the sustain in a contested lane from the Bfury components help

                                                                                        headdress into vlads, if ur going mid then bottle (idk if bottle is really needed but if u need sustain that bad)

                                                                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                          If you want regen item so bad, better get bottle or some regen item like salve or clarity far more cheaper.


                                                                                            So majority of people that replied to this thread thinks BF PA is not really that good.

                                                                                            Pigeon ( °□°) ︵

                                                                                              Why play pa right click when you can go aether lens octarine and just spam dagger the whole fight


                                                                                                Battlefuey is ok

                                                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                  Morbid mask + medallion best regen.


                                                                                                    with bf build u are incredibly fucking strong at like 25-35min


                                                                                                      Yes that's what I noticed as well it gives you a solid 10 minute window atleast where you can dominant mid game . Honestly you farm your deso retarded fast after bfury anyways .plus bfury gives plus damage and plus damage is scales better on pa then something like attack speed or something so it's not like your not getting any vaulue out of it in fights .


                                                                                                        Deso gives a better power spike and 5 min earlier.