General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen do you stop jungling?

When do you stop jungling? in General Discussion

    I played Terrorblade and Jug lately and thinking about playing more of them. When I am doing my mid-game jungling, is it ok to stay in jungle until about 27-30 minutes if my team is doing fine without me? And when do I not jungle mid-game and just group up with my team? (Specifically with Jug and TB)

    1-IceTea 🌟

      Stay jungle in mid game is bad unless you waiting for ambush,rat or between rotation.


        As tb if you jungle until 27min(illu to lane ofc)most of the time you will already have skadi and you can start fighting since this will be your power spike. Or if you want just farm till 30min mark and get your bkb.
        I am too lazy to make jugg xD


          you're supposed to use meta mid game to take towers with the team. with jugg, p with healing ward. or take rosh. its not okay to just afk jungle even if your team is doing fine. if that's the case u coulda roshed and gone hg at 30 min

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            If your team's doing fine then join them so they can do super fine


              First of all, I would say 80% of the game you get meta level1 and use it right away to gain advantage for your lane (Use it to harass enemy and CS).

              If your team is doing fine, never go jungle. If you go jungle when your team is leading, that means your team is playing 4v5 and youre not helping them in anyway. If you want to get farm, go for lane pushing, it creates space for your team since enemy has to choose whether to react to you or not. If they react to your push, your team is going to win the fight or any objective they're aiming, if they dont, then you get the tower. Furthermore, around 25-30+ mins is usually the natural power peak of the hero, and usually you're supposed to join your team, so please don't waste it in jungle.

              I can write a long essay about split pushing and effects of jungling, but just for the sake of simplicity, don't go jungle unless you're really in a bad situation where you cannot be in the map at all.


                Do you also happen to be the kind of people who go afk jungle after a teamwipe? Smh


                  I would say if your team is leading start attacking every enemy tower when your meta is up


                    Always look to close the game early with any hero, alright, you're dragging the game unecessarily for no reason while ALSO holding yourself back in terms of farm (20% jungle creeps xp and gold nerf, hello?) Not to mention you're giving the enemy team much higher chance to come back since the chance of fucking things up 4v5 is higher than 5v5

                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                      You picked heroes who come online 5 minutes into the game while you use the power spike to rice farm inefficiently xd

                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                        If I push with a Terrorblade early on me and my illusions will be way too weak to take any damage. One AoE spell and they are gone and I will probably get stunned because I'm Terrorblade of course. I usually try to push with TB after Skadi or an early Butterfly.


                          from min 0.




                              you leave jungle as soon as you can take towers without risk

                              BSJ. LGD

                                you leave the jungle when you finish killling the neutrals duh


                                  @Glassy Sky Gracias mi amigo. Me sitting down here at 1.5k not knowing anything.


                                    I'm pretty sure TB is really strong early-mid game,

                                    1. he has the most base armor in the game
                                    2. You with your illusions hit together is like 200+ damage (with physical resistance)
                                    3. he is one of the best carry in term of attack animation and BAT
                                    4. why would you push into the whole enemy team alone? (you're saying like nobody is help you and you're fighting solo against the entire team).
                                    5. if you wait for skadi or butterfly, you're not playing the hero right.
                                    6. when you're asking for any advice, please at least check the reliability (MMR) and if it is reliable, just try it out, follow the advice.


                                      i wonder how long will fattydevil take to realize not to answer questions

                                      i give him either 3 days or 2 weeks


                                        lol I have nothing to do these days


                                          TB may have 10 starting armor but that barely makes up for the starting 500 or so health. And with illusions taking 400% damage and dishing out 60% at max lvl without Skadi and/or Butterfly they just aren't reliable.

                                          And yes, I always get Skadi or Butterfly as first major item.

                                          And if I am pushing "alone" then I send my illusions+manta illusions to push for me then go group with team in another lane.


                                            @Cookie maybe you're wrong, I might start to realize that I should not answer anything from now on lmao


                                              Maybe I should add you to ask you shits :thinking:


                                                I don't mine answering these questions but if theyre going to argue with me, fighting that they're right, I feel like it's not worth my time typing and trying to help them if they still cannot throw away their ego and get ready to improve


                                                  I am ready to improve!!! Please love me!!!


                                                    Jungling for 30 minutes?! Wtf is wrong with you. As a rule of thumb, you should only ever hit neutrals if all the lanes are pushed, and you can't push objectives for some reason (or depending on your MMR, your team is unwilling or not capable to group up before 30 mins).

                                                    If you're playing a hero that absolutely can't push lanes without dying, then have some else take the dangerous farm and you take the safe neutral farm. Or if you're playing a ganking hero, then you should never really be pushing lanes so you're not in vision. That being said though, lanes always need to be farmed and pushed to put pressure on the enemy team and force them to back instead of allowing them to group up and push themselves.

                                                    If you're playing carry and you're not fighting or split-pushing, then you're a shit carry. Never afk farm neutrals.

                                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                                      Your answers is good but lot of poster in Dotabuff aren't appreciate it and stubborn as hell so alot of bluestar player stop writing good long advice to help them.

                                                      For me I rather troll and make fun of them then give good answer,but you did good,keep up

                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                        ^this pretty much


                                                          Thank you, at least I'm learning how this Dotabuff forums' community works lol. I've just started to read answers from you guys including @🍩🍪Cookie🍪🍩 and others in other posts and I now realized that I should not write a long essay for every question asked.


                                                            Ayy fatty can I add you for some party games? You seems like a fun guy to play with


                                                              1 month down the line you'll realize that 9/10 posts are useless to answer

                                                              there's barely any good questions, just the same old

                                                              ''waah my teammates are bad, how do i deal with x''

                                                              ''what items do i got on x while y''

                                                              ''is skill a or b better''

                                                              ''how do i play X''

                                                              ''predict my mmr''

                                                              ''how to get VHS''

                                                              ''how do i install minecraft mods''

                                                              ''Help me i'm stuck at X mmr''

                                                              ''How to get Y mmr''

                                                              ''can someone tell me what i did wrong in this game''

                                                              "any tips for x hero''

                                                              ''what do you guys do when X ''

                                                              ''help, i'm stuck in hidden pool''

                                                              it's all the same shit over and over again, low effort questions. basically a sign of low intelligence, thinking that someone will give them a holy grail answer to instantly jump from 1K TO 10K

                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                ^thats why i stop visiting this forum


                                                                  Excuse me? My mmr is 5001 and according to dotabuff I am playing at a high mmr and I have a blue star next to my name, so my opinion must be respected and my analysis on the game is legit and I'm going on factual basis. I don't like to kiss ass of any pro without any reason. U have no right to criticize it u bastard.


                                                                    @🅱ws Sure, but i'm not playing very often this month though, even though I said that I'm free, I'm actually stuck at home doing reports which dues one after another, starting tomorrow til the end of the month XD.

                                                                    @🍩🍪Cookie🍪🍩 Thank you for making me realize faster than I should take, saved a lot of my time for not wasting on these people lol.


                                                                      how do i install minecraft mods


                                                                        ayy cookie And fattydevil, you guys might think its not worthwhile to post, but it still helps a lot of folks. i mean if trying to argue with 2ks tilt you that much just ignore their counterarguments. but still if u post something worthwhile theres tons of ppl that like reading what u have to say.


                                                                          Then those people who care can ask proper questions, not that low effort shit, and we'll give proper answers


                                                                            you dont know what you dont know.
                                                                            ppl dont know what to ask because they just dont know anything

                                                                            1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                              ^That,good answer always helps,tbh I've learned quite alot from Dotabuff forum,at least I've learned every last hit count from cuki when I always saw his last hit challenge.

                                                                              (I fail 1 minutes 100 last hit haHAHAHA)

                                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                What hero to pick for cuki challenges??????????????!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

                                                                                Prince  of Dhump

                                                                                  i jungle untill i buy battle fury.


                                                                                    Cuki god so mean es em etch >:(


                                                                                      As a Terrorblade once your Morph is up you can fight at any time or push depending on your team. There is never a set time for jungling and you might have won the game in 30mins.


                                                                                        R E P L A Y A N A L Y S I S


                                                                                          point of playing dota isn't hitting creeps

                                                                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                            TB is always pushing with illusions and shows himself to towers when enemy is seen elsewhere.


                                                                                              Send illu to jungle while you push lane

                                                                                              also jdf8

                                                                                                Excuse me? My mmr is 6001 and according to dotabuff I am playing at a high mmr and I have a blue star next to my name, so my opinion must be respected and my analysis on the game is legit and I'm going on factual basis. I don't like to kiss ass of any pro without any reason. U have no right to criticize it u bastard.

                                                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                                                  Shove lanes in so enemy team doesn't come to your side of map. Really easy to do on tb since you just send illusions down the lane. Watch the map and see where enemy is and if you can push safely do it, else go to jungle. Then take towers when you can safely. If you are constantly pushing lanes in eventually your team will start to push as a group naturally cus there's nothing going on on your side of map. Then you can join if it's clear you'll win a fight or split push or keep farming.


                                                                                                    I stop when my ancient or theirs blows up

                                                                                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                                      Nice red dots btw

                                                                                                      yung griphook

                                                                                                        The longer you farm the more of a chance the other team has to comeback