General Discussion

General DiscussionInvoker

Invoker in General Discussion

    This hero is trash right now I literally can't ever win with him on my team and I stomp every single game against him. Why do people have so much pride as to play him?

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          Good invoker players are rare but man.....when you play vs a good will know why they are so popular!
          They can easily and almost completely disable most of the carries late game. Well that's my experience.




              hes really situational rn


                Just a high skill floor (and cap) hero. Thats why I stopped playing him in ranked. He is a blast to play with, but most guys wont draft catch for your sun strike, and without good early SS and great CS (and not dying), it is harder to snowball.

                I don't think you'll see a good Voker until you hit 5k mmr. My friend loves the hero, and he is 4.7k, and he loses so often. :S

                all role player

                  weak on low skill player
                  beast on high skill player :D
                  so if u feel pro just play invoker only :D


                    Best feeling ever is to Tornado + Sun Strike into a kill. That shit can be hard to time if you aren't used to how Quas affects Tornado.


                      rain markcawat


                        also jdf8

                          invokers great dude idk if youve lookat your mmr but the invoekrs problem lies between his keyboard and chair

                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                            Just because you're trash don't mean the hero is bad.

                            also jdf8

                              hes talking about other people playing shit invoker though


                                Is he good though? Even a 46.5% win rate in 5k+ seems like he is still bad to me.. I do approve of snu comment mentioning the catch, but he's picked like every single game and the half of the time it's on my team I get upset because of the current spot the hero is in. I'm reverting back to the days of when I used to ban am because I didn't want him on my team now I ban voker so my team won't pick him. Tinker spammers have chilled a little so it seems reasonable.


                                  invoker isn't that bad, he is just super popular and super hard which both drop his winrate
                                  if he rlly was bad he wudnt be picked in pros, yet he is

                                  also jdf8

                                    he has 47.88% winrate this week in 5k+. in the hansd of someone who is higher skileld than the other players of the match is where he really shines imo. because he is heavily xp and position dependent although you probably knew that

                                    his 25 talent is insane and his damage is very good against ubildings and heroes. his mid game after bkb is unimpressive but not useless with alacrity and he can get a lot of stuff done with hex. he also combos with a ton of heroes in a couple different ways, alacrit is common but tornado setup or cold snap + certain spels or ice wall are all amazing if used coreectly

                                    theres a reason high mmr players pick him ,and its not because they like playing with their food


                                      tornado cd is rlly that nuts?

                                      also jdf8

                                        idk dude i played like 3 matches against it in 6k ranked and then stopped playing but its super cancer

                                        also jdf8

                                          4ks u just click w on them as pa and they die before they remember qqw


                                            Invoker and meepo needs buff. Miracle, mid1 and abed just made it look strong. Look at meepo at hands of ordinary players. So fucking shieeeèeeet

                                            Fee Too Pee

                                              Really? Even in cancer 3.9 - 4.1 he is fucking strong but not op in my opinion

                                              Yung Beethoven

                                                well in my mmr range invoker is almost always a solid pick.


                                                  Invoker is never a bad pick. Even bad player can escape and don't feed, so I prefer him over a windranger or a pick mid.


                                                    good invoker= pain to deal with
                                                    bad invoker = huehuehue


                                                      Maybe I just need to get to 5k then.. at the rate I've been advancing it'll be yet another year until that time. at that point I do expect invoker to get some sort of minor buff which may shift him back to a decent position I'm still convinced he's just awful right now. Seems convenient most the people defending him have <50% win rate with the hero as well.


                                                        Voker is hard to play in the lane too. Shit movement speed, slower attack speed without alacrity spam, greedy mana-cost spells early game.


                                                          Seems convenient most the people defending him have <50% win rate with the hero as well.

                                                          wtf is wrong with u, the hero is hard and not everyone plays him of course a majority will have a bad winrate with him
                                                          dont pull at evidence that is obvious for anyone to back up, its pretty simple, if invoker was bad he would be unpicked in pros, but he isnt, so he is good.

                                                          Fee Too Pee

                                                            when invoker have 50 percent winrate , IT MEANS HE IS ON OP STATE , HE IS A FUCKING HIGH SKILL CAP HERO FOR FUCK SAKE


                                                              I'm only good playing voker with full item lvl 25 I suck at laning