General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to escape low 4K MMR?

How to escape low 4K MMR? in General Discussion

    @stance the mmr you have may not reflect your potential or "true" mmr. Unranked also has an mmr rating. How do u think matchmaking works? Lol. Does not mean that the measure itself is bad. How else do ppl change mmr if mmr is supposed to be correct at every point in time? God put some thought into it. Yes a 2k could be better than a 5k. What happens then is usually the 2ks mmr would reliably increase to greater than 5k mmr. And not remain stuck at 2k. How else then do u measure "skill" if that guy is stuck in 2k but u are so sure he is better than a 5k? From your own opinion? Oh I watched him he is better. Lmao but he can't fucking win games even though he is better. What kind of logic is that?

    That's what I mean when I say that mafistshit guy doesn't know what he's saying.


      Its a combination of a lot of shit. Carries not knowing how to farm, supports not knowing their roles, mid's feeding, people picking heroes they can't play, people randoming, feeders, those who give up after 2 deaths that were completely their fault... There's just a bunch of shit. This moron on my team last game being a prime example. Last picks sniper against ck morph slark lc silencer, dies fb, blames the team, proceeds to feed wards, couriers and himself, all while shittalking on mic. This trashcan has 13k hours, 10k games, still has no fucking clue how to pick, and how to play. I can't even remember the last time I won with a sniper on my team. Ppl here are just REALLY bad at dota, and they rage like fuck bc they don't want to drop back to 3k, although I wouldn't give them 1k.


        I don't care as much about number as having fun even games. If 3k was competent people who could combo heroes and do some teamwork then idc if I'm 3k for life but it's not. 3k = idiots with no clue about dota. 4k is probably the same. I wonder if 5k is different :/


          Considering this is my last smurf in 3k


            Fucking hate smurfs

            Most of them are 1k shitstains who think making a new account is gonna make them good. NO. You're shit and you're gonna remain shit.
            Idk why I keep letting retards carry. Its one moron after the other going safelane. This last game just now, pa jak lane lost to a solo bristle, like I don't even know how that happens


              Dude just because you are having fun does not mean you can't win lol. That's what skill means. A 7k player could random and meme in 3k with 100 % winrate. What's your point


                Inb4 ragey period woman SLQ comes and says he plays normal and party so he can't win. Some excuse for being bad. Lol.


                  No, you just think your teammates are 1k smurfs, i've played hundreds of games in 4k, and i can objectively tell 1 in 200 games you'll have a lower smurf in your games, it's just that due to your human defense mechanisms you don't want to admit that you're as bad as your teammates.

                  example, you just said you don't know how jak + pa lost to a bristle. What you think you've said is that you know that jak + pa are stronger than bristle and now you're flaming your teammates for losing to it.

                  but in reality, pa + jak only have 1 disable and some slows, bristle can tank all of that and dish out double their dps.

                  bristle can also buy a stick in the sideshop and start with a lot of regen, he'll definitely outregen both of them and destroy them.

                  so no, you're quite wrong.


                    Add to a list of things ppl get wrong and misattribution error


                      here's an 5 min example video of the scenario, add a thousand of these small mistakes and you're stuck at the mmr you belong.

                      and all of these mistakes are learned by experience, wrong experience.



                        How am I as bad as my teammates when I have better kd ratio, more net, more everything. Look at my past 3 games, these guys are just garbage dude, complete shit.


                 Look at this fucking shit, this massacre, fucking feeders and a wk with tp boots, although he didnt have farm for shit
                 Look at this feeding sniper, and dogshit team


                            People I play with are disgustingly bad at this game


                              The problem with pa/ jak is because they r shit players they never adjust. If they die once or twice they repeat,the same thing that got them the death to begin with. They could have rotated offlane and offlane came safe. That would have changed up the game and u can see if it will have a better result. Instead people in my mmr bracket think they have to keep going back to the lane they they can't win. There is no adjustment after a bad start.

                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                When I say smurfs, I mean ppl with +-1000 total games. If that's their actual account, they shouldn't be in 4k, bc this is whats ruining everything. They can't farm for shit, can't itemize properly, don't know when to fight and when to play defensively, no map awareness whatsoever, pick whatever the fuck they want, whenever they want, feed like shit, call gg before the game even starts, fighting for lanes, pick countered heroes first pick, shit talking, afk jungling, afk farming, none stop rage, I can go on and on. Watch the games I lost and you'll see for yourselves. If there is such thing as a shadow shit pool, i'm fucking in it, no doubt about it. Its almost always my team that's retarded, and the other team is fully aware. It could be my fault a game here and there, but I'm losing the majority of my games, no matter how well I do. When you have ppl like last game feeding with 14 12 15 deaths, there was no way in hell I'm winning that shit. I got 4 abandoners 4 games in a row a few days ago, all ranked. This game is really shitty right now.

                                chicken spook,,,,



                                    Normal skill on a smurf commenting on my post


                                      weird how i have 80-95% winrate in your brakcet with the same level of idiots on my team, while you don't

                                      Well, pointless for me to argue with you, you didn't make this thread because you want to actually gain some useful advice on how to leave 4k mmr from higher more experienced players who have been in 4k

                                      No, you made this thread like every other delusional kid trying to find another delusional kid who agrees with them on their shitty ideas how it's not their fault they're in that mmr, but their teammates.

                                      Reality hits, you're just as shit as your teammates, you will never leave 4k with that mentality.


                                        Tiege bro all u need is some positivity. I'm not gonna lie like 6 months ago I thought I was in shadow shit pool myself and I'd be negative and rage as soon as someone stole my lane. I seriously fed away 1000 mmr easy by being dumbass.
                                        Ever since I had a positive view I've been winning a crazy amount of games, people seem to play better when I give em positivity. Yeah i complain about 2-3games but freakiin a.... I lose 3 but win next 6. So idk, staying positive is one of those things that can win u games and not causd you to tilt.


                                          And yes, I can, this is back when i was 4k a year ago on this account



                                          and my personal favorite 4k game:

                                          You can't do this because you suck dicks at dota, I CAN because i'm not delusional and i try to fix my mistakes instead of projecting them onto my teammates so i don't feel bad.

                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                            Yeah I'm shit, thats why I lose. I have to be the one to carry my team, who cares if I have feeders, who gives a shit if I don't have a support, 5 cores? who gives a fuck man, I can solo carry that shit ANYDAY. This game isnt a 1v9 shitshow, enemy team can play as a team, no reason mine can't, but they don't. I don't have to do everything myself. I don't pick a support to carry the fucking game. Get your head out of your ass, this game is full of retards.


                                              Considering the fact that i orginally got to 5k by playing support, that is also incorrect.


                                                Yet another game, solo jugg against axe, and this retard picks veno jung. But tiege, you can carry them with roaming riki!


                                                  You mean how like Zdonfrank got from 4k to 5k roaming riki without a single loss?

                                                  You're wrong again my dear.

                                                  If you keep shitting so much, you might end up drowning in it

                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                    They have an omni+axe offlane against solo jugg. Our veno is jungling. Please explain to me, how do you want me to deal with this shit?


                                                      step 1- don't browse dotabuff, but rather focus on the game

                                                      all you do is look for excuses, instead of playing the game.

                                                      for example, your jugger might suffer but you have 3 other cores freefarming if you set them up, meaning you can let jugger just get solo exp and let that tower fall, for that the ohter 2 and hte jungler will have freefarm

                                                      which means the game can be won in the mid-lategame

                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                        Free farming ursa with kotl against sk offlane. Sentries in every lane.


                                                          Oh oh and 0-3 qop mid


                                                            Axe lvl8 at 6 min


                                                              you're the roamer, your job is to save mid

                                                              If you weren't a delusional fuck looking for excuses, and you played that game, you wouldn't be browsing dotabuff but rather winning those lanes.

                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                Save mid? Its sentried, they actually have supports, not a retard jungling. Axe almost has heart, at 10 minutes. 500hp riki can stop him


                                                                  enjoy your HIDDEN POOL


                                                                    It' sucks having scrubs on the team but you can help them play better by setting up kills like cookie says (even though he says it in a douche bag kind of way). The games I lose I know I could have done better, just analyze what you could have done better and improve, it helps alot. Grab impactful heroes too, that way,you can make something happen. Buy smoke hank mid or protect a rune for your mid if hes grtting wrecked etc. Little thing's help turn the game around, if your team tilts yiur done last game is proof, that team went 100% tilt before the first hero was even picked.


                                                                      Grab a sentry yourself and eat theirs. Give u gold and xp if im not mistaken, then he will be scared of u.


                                                                        They have omni kotl buying sentries and wards. Axe got his heart at 13 minutes, Qop blinks into an ursa, and dies. Roaming riki doesn't carry this shit, and cant do shit about this shit.


                                                                          When someone asks for proper advice, I'll gladly give them advice.

                                                                          When someone asks a stupid question, I'll gladly troll the shit out of them.

                                                                          BUT when a worm is delusional, I'll gladly put it where it belongs; IN THE DIRT


                                                                            Oh noes
                                                                            Is cookie mad? :(


                                                                              Lmao just fucking endless stream of excuses and u don't even bother to try to play around what the enemy is doing. That's part of the fucking game. Learn to outplay what the enemy throws at you. Use your brain to think creatively for solutions. And stop fixating on your god damn incorrect concept of how Dota games should be won. Dumb ass.


                                                                                Dude are you even fucking listening? They're ahead by like 30k net. What are you even talking about? How the fuck do you want me to do anythng about this shit? I'm a pos5 riki right now, their omni has 11 sentries in his inventory, and they have dust on every single hero. What the fuck are you smoking


                                                                                  35 min, qop still blinks into axe ursa. I dont even fucking understand


                                                                                    Tiege why are you complaining about a riki game ? Your 61% wr with him, it's great. I'd worry about the last few games not the riki game h lost 3 weeks ago.... come on.

                                                                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                      If you actually spend the time you waste on ranting about crap you can't control on getting good instead you'd probably be 6k by now
                                                                                      Also it doesn't take a genius to know that you're just a pathetic delusional shitfuck who kept on making excuses for your incapability of winning, you have fucking 6k matches and still a fucking 4k shithead I'm sure your fucking trash teammates isn't the problem here, you're fucking garbage, if you actually deserve higher sooner or later you'll get up, faster if you improve and use your fucking brain on improving, but whatever if you're just gonna ignore me because I'm just "normal skill smurf", right?

                                                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                        I just lost this riki game lol
                                                                                        I'm telling you about the degree of retardation the ppl on my team are at. I bought every single ward and sentry as a roaming riki, while veno jungles and sk feeds offlane. Qop lost mid, blinks into axe ursa. Jugg got shit on by axe. Game was unwinnable, just like every other game I play


                                                                                          Yeah addicted, I lose because of me, not because of my team's incompetence.


                                                                                            I'd love to have a riki in my games who buys wards. So much win.


                                                                                              Well nobody else bought them. Although we had 2 supports, but they're busy farming, so its okay.


                                                                                                The fact u forced everyone to buy that many sentries is a big win lol