General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to not die as a support ?

How to not die as a support ? in General Discussion



      Its one of the harder things to master.

      map awareness
      Item choices

      Things to avoid are
      don't rush aghm instead buy forstaff, ules, glimer, ghost stepter etc look for teams that help you and your team stay alive and get damage out.

      Mid and late game your right click does nothing in the team fight. You should be in position that it's hard for enemy to get to you but you can still get your item and spells off.

      Този коментар е бил редактиран

        Well, simply said yes map awareness and positioning.
        All supports are different and different position for them is needed, while supports like ogre are in front, others like lion, rubick can blink initiate, some like dazzle, winter weavern must be in the back. And the former type i like most, you just need to have hero in team, which focuses all enemy and then they cant focus you. Such heroes are: sven, troll, ursa, axe, legion, huskar.
        If your team has them, just go for support like dazzle, go healing items build and get easy win. Its just works.


          Not possible


            predict enemy movement and psychological tricks


              @happydonut any tips on how to rush those item when im the only support in the team ? I usually getting those item after 15 min mark. And die 5 times already.

              @yui what tricks ?


                @all. Thanks


                  But you are supposed to die as a support. If you live and your carries die, you failed as a support. Buy those items when able. Prioritize the item based on what's needed and not what you wanted.


                    @pastor what if i die before using one spel ?


                      Don't let your HP drop to 0. That's the green bar at the bottom of the screen.


                        Map awareness, proper positioning
                        Basically not being shit


                          Map awareness and positioning

                          Don't even bother thinking about rushing item when you solo support. Buy item only when you have the money AFTER all obs and smoke are bought, enough sentries and dusts, and 2/3 tps

                          The only time when you rush item farm is when you somehow became broke enough and not having (casual) boots at min 10, and/or your hero won't work without certain items (like, idk, arcane for swm? I rarely play pos 5 which desperately need item. AA need aghs but not obligatory soo....)


                            Supports always die.


                              Stop lying to the poor man


                                One of a support's job is to break smokes during the mid game, so you die instead of your carry, I learned that from watching kuro, fly and Jerax playing.

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                                  Crit does that as well, except he does it way too much.


                                    Your job is to enable your cores


                                      In the early game you should be aware of your ms aswell as enemies. Lately I have been building wind laces a lot, then make tranquils and get a new wind lace, them drums, very easy buildup and really gives you a big edge.

                                      basement :)

                                        I have less than 5 deaths on most supports. These are some good tips. Stand behind your cores when enemies are missing. After 20 minutes, do not auto attack in teamfights. Cast your spells and get out. Be cautious of big ultimates like Magnus and Enigma. It is typically the support’s fault if they get caught in the ultimate along with their core. Ward properly.

                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                          @leflash i did that on treant every games. And yes it works,

                                          @25 how can i get early kills as support(like in mid lane ),i mean thats what they did once they get boots right ?

                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                          basement :)

                                            It is not your job to gank middle as the position 5. You only leave lane once your core can bully the off laner out of the lane. Smoke up with your position 4 to gank middle. If you want advice for position 4, I got none.


                                              Tbh you shouldn't play a true pos 5 in most games, especially below 5kmmr. it's just not needed.

                                              If your dieng early game most of the time it's bad positioning and/or take bad trades.

                                              Story Time

                                                did you ever try the FORCE STUFF? it helps


                                                  Sometimes your team loses a team fight and you're the only one alive as a supp after doing all your spells.

                                                  That's when you know you're doing it right.

                                                  It's not a lich's job to tank and die for the team. Your'e not Jesus.

                                                  Keep the map warded. Tp to rotate. Cast your spells. Done.


                                                    Think of what heroes can kill you, stay away from those heroes.
                                                    Ward carefully, but make sure there is always wards. If you have no vision stay next to your team.
                                                    Build glimmer, force staffs, euls. Ghost scepter.
                                                    Don't be a greedy support, farming lanes to get an extra 100 gold while the enemy slark is missing, then feeding 300 gold away.
                                                    Don't rush blink unless it's a complete snowball. A rubick blink is useless if you die as soon as you blink to steal a spell.