Thanks cookie
for teaching me how to lane vs trilanes and forcing supports to draw aggro...gained 500 mmr only with that trick
You idiot noobs.. its very ez make 2k smurf andkeep killing enemy mid 10 times with you're 7 lvls ahead ez. .
i want to know too
cuki pls bless us with ur knowledge
ok im taking one for the team and watching the replay
ok im not very impressed hes just talking about 2 hit + wraith on range creep into flux i think , because the aws doing nothing else exceptional besides missing 7 cs in an empty lane while his supports play grab ass with the veno
this venos a fucking 4k and has no clue how aw works either. smh
I am officially the worst aw in this forum
Cant even win a free game
ive thrown a lot of aw games
ursa can be super annoying if ur out of position
just focus on getting rosh then sieging with bubble, and u should have a decent time securing wins. Make sure ur main is safe because everyone wants you to die in a dumpster fire
im still disappointed about that ta. 600 avg gpm mid spammer and she basically fed 3 times when the lane wasnt 3v1 and then gave up
I think I cud win every game with necro
I still have a 100% Winrate with him
Feels so strong against people who don't know when to stop chasing, they just overextend like crazy
honestly, like its mindblowing what happens in all the below 5k mmr games, mmr is definitely hugely inflated
I don't know if people are getting destroyed this badly by AW in lane is because they don't understand his abilities.
I don't know if people are getting destroyed this badly by AW in lane is because they don't understand his abilities.
4ks dont know tp escape as a general rule
u just kill the range creep and hit their mid until he backs, then ult and double flux and its a free kill unless a support is riding his dick. once you have midas u can ult and instakill the creeps near him with midas and then hes completely hosed, if he doesnt tp out u can right click him to death anyway.
most mids get shit on by aw anyway tbh, besides like lvl1 where his subpar base damage makes playing against puck types annyonig
if you get ganked u spawn ult and walk ur main back, then the support almost certainly dies to ur double like a complete tard, sometimes you can get a double/triple doing this shit because of spark wraiths and double flux
usually when i lose on this hero its because im l;ike 7/1 and then i feed 4 fights in a row somehow even though its not hard to stay safe
btw idk maybe it only works because of the low elo im playing in but im pretty sure blinks amazing and blademail is good against a lot of heroes (tinker sniper jakiro luna if ur team doesnt force a fast bkb from her)
this hero is actually quite good rn, hes been nerfed every patch for so long i forgot he could be fun
it's some basic stuff, but it's basically just this:
if you do an aggro onto your range creep, then you can deny your range creep
doing this over and over again will give you a huge exp advantage, just from that 1 creep, after 10 waves(5 minutes) you'll have basically 1 level above your enemy if you only did this. add in more denies and you basically super out level
and every mid laner can do this, BUT what the loveley part about arc is, you can create this scenario:
after pulling and denying, you kill the enemy range creep, so if the enemy wanted some LH he'd have to eat ass from the wraiths
If the enemy does a counter pull then there's no range creep to save him and he'll be under 4 melee creeps, so a flux and more sparks would kill most heroes.
Doing this 1-2 waves doesn't make much of a difference as a range creep deny will only deny the enemy 27 exp and give you 27 exp
but if you think about it that's a 54 exp difference, and after 5 minutes(10 waves) that' literally a whole level difference, add in other denies and then you basiclly create this huge exp advantage in which you get lvl 6 before your opponent and that means you get to kill him with that lvl 6 over and over again, as the enemy dies before even reaching the wave.
p.s you're welcome
its something so incredibly easy and dumb that I really should have thought of before, but that just hadnt crossed my mind, naturally it doesnt work against every hero (bloodseeker and TA dont care, but you can kill them easily at 6 either way) but it certainly made mid easier than just trying to out-cs the opponent
srsly though ty cookie i knew some of this stuff but i wasnt abusing it consciously
> well played
yes or no it all depends on the player
this hero is just a retard killer like no other, nearly every game people are spamming gg report mid because theyve died 4 times in 7 minutes
lol no she doesnt
ur just playing against garbage aws with trahs positioning and 0 farm
wr is a shit hero nd shit against aw
if u said ld mid or pl hc u would have some credibility, wr is dogshit
i cant even fathom how u think wr is good against aw. even if you land a shackle on the main (error # 1), he can shield the main with bubble for the entire shackle duration. so you have to shackle the main TO the clone (rofl) if you want to do jack fucking shit
hey you shackled anyone besides AW? great, you can't do any fucking damage to them
You wanna run away? great, 100ms and 120 damage per second, enjoy dying on your trashcan hero
don't think ur experiences against 3200 garbage piles entitles you to an authoritative opinion
You kill him with 2 PowerShots not auto kind of 2k scrub are you ?
Get rain drop, and max W. Hit him 2 times he is dead. Your E escapes/dodges his
Wraith without having to tp to base. Seriously bro... you bad.
Go play PA mid spam Q for good feelings bro...
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For the spark wraith trick
I just outleveled a venomancer 13 to 6 in the midlane, perfectly balanced I'm sure.