General Discussion

General DiscussionAt what MMR does team-oriented decisions start?

At what MMR does team-oriented decisions start? in General Discussion

    You can make "for the team" decision at any mmr but I'm specifically asking what bracket doea it seem a person can carry a team by himself.


      6k? just had a 6k player do the pickings and won. He makes every decision for team like when to gank and some item choices too. He was the bs

      Story Time

        i dont know, but most of my games in >4.5 already look like team games


          Agree with story time.


            Without being an mmr nazi, I would say honestly probably mid 4k as well


              Probably 5k

              O.J.'s Juicy Bag of Nuts

                Never in pubs, unless there is someone actively leading the team (which can be good or bad)

                Този коментар е бил редактиран
                Potato Marshal

                  Probably 5k



                    Like soul said:

                    6k, i literally tell my whole team what to do every game.

                    I've done an experiment recently where i kept quiet and listened to their decisions in a lower game, i fell to 5.9, so i had to do my thing to go back to 6k again.

                    moral of the story: leave nothing to variance, command your team.

                    but only once you know what you're doing is the right choice, don't run them into their doom.


                      it's not a question of mmr it's a question of the willingness of your teammates/ or you yourself to work as one
                      Though you should be able to know if the leaders decision is a bad


                        Communication and captaining will definitely give you mmr at any bracket. More coordination is always better than none. That doesn't mean that because u need to communicate to win your 6k bracket that that's where team play begins.

                        You'd need a more holistic overview of the different patterns of different brackets to draw a proper conclusion.


                        Story Time

                          at 4.5k mmr people understand that some leadership is needed, and if there is no one volunteering then you take the lead. So that is hwat i mean by cooperative games start at 4.5. Also people there are smart enough not to fight about it


                            you can cooperate at any bracket

                            that doesn't mean cooperation or team orientated playing is needed to win.


                              Good luck with communication, nobody in 3k bracket listens, they rather grab a bounty rune than kill someone on a 5 kill streak.