General Discussion

General DiscussionStorm Spirit for knobs

Storm Spirit for knobs in General Discussion
Nervous Bakedown

    Just a few quick questions i want to throw to you guys regarding Storm.
    First - when is the right time to go treads as the first boots choice instead of Arcanes? Is it a fighting item I would assume?

    Second - I was very surprised when i looked up his general dotabuff to see that +10 int is better than +200 health. I know that Int seems like a good choice here due to Storm being an int hero, but i've always seen it as slightly less efficient use of his ult. Also for a hero with a fairly high amount of armor for an int hero and a hero that tends to go 1 defensive item at least per game I feel as though +200 health is pretty good EHP the way I look at it. So basically what im trying to ask is
    *(TLDR)* Why is Int ultimately better in most games?

    Third - This is not a question just a recommendation I got from one of my 6K friends. He said never go eules on this hero because getting Lotus is like 100x better on this hero as well as alot of mids. So ya know just a little help in exchange for yours'.

    Thanks weebs ;)


      Im not weeb

      Riguma Borusu

        treads are better for fighting for passive procs and arcanes are better for farming the jungle


          Disclaimer am not a storm player.

          1. Almost always, tread switching is very good on this hero. Treads make you stronger in lane.

          2. I don't think 200hp will do to much for the hero. Hes weakness is low mana, silence/cc and low damage ie not be able to kill what he goes on.
          Imo as long as you pick your fights right you be fine, and you can escape most ganks. Most times you die is player error, over exertion and 200hp probably won't save you anyway. The extra mana and damage int gives sounds much batter to me almost always.

          3. Euls and Lotus have much different timings. Also Lotus is much stronger late game when sheep sticks are on the map.
          Generally you get euls on core heros only when you really need them and if you do you get it early.

          Този коментар е бил редактиран
          Nervous Bakedown

            Yeah not to be rude, but i didnt need the disclaimer. The answer to the first question told me you have no idea what you were reading. People go Arcanes on Storm first to disassemble into Bloodstone THEN you go treads once you have the item. and tread switching is not that important (compared to other heroes) on this hero because you can get away with staying on Int treads all game once you have bloodstone. the reason treads are good on this hero is because early Attack Speed is dumb important. and the rest is again just more lack of knowledge about this hero so if there is a way to say this nicely it eludes me. Try not to go giving advice when you dont know what you are talking about. Thanks for your time tho.

            Nervous Bakedown

              @RPQ thanks. So in that case does it make more sense to go 3-0-3-1 if you are going the arcane boots build? Or do you still go 2-0-4-1 regardless of boots?


                @Pickle Rick
                Seams like you know the answers to the questions your asking.


                  why exactly is lotus so good in comparison with eul

                  Nervous Bakedown

                    Here's the thing man. Just because I can debunk your answer, that doesnt mean i know everything about the hero. If you posted a thread asking what is going to end the world and I answered with "All the unicorns that live directly outslde your house are going to kill you and everyone else on earth" you'd know that I have no idea what I'm talking about because you know there are no unicorns that live directly outside your house. That doesnt mean you know how the world is going to end, but it means that you know enough about the question you are asking to know that i'm wrong. Thanks again for your response, but I just want to know Dota things.

                    Nervous Bakedown

                      @hidden pool warrior it is a strong dispel that gives you armor and a bit more mana regen. basically if you dont have to get a BKB, but there are silences that you have to deal with getting lotus orb is just better than eules. also if you get like 2/3 man ganked you can instantly jump away without the enemy team getting time to set up after you've been silenced because you dont have to wait in the air for 2.5 seconds.

                      Riguma Borusu

                        @RPQ thanks. So in that case does it make more sense to go 3-0-3-1 if you are going the arcane boots build? Or do you still go 2-0-4-1 regardless of boots?

                        You can look up some guides for this, I am sure there's much better information among high MMR people whose games ended up in the GUIDES section. But in general, if you are resorting to the jungle in this fashion, you'll make arcanes and then rotate the jungle with a skill build that deals the most AoE damage for the least mana. Since I have only watched people play storm, and never played him, you just calculate your damage output for mana.

                        The reason to go early treads is that the attack speed is really huge on the hero, to the point where people use agi treads when they approach the target, to get more overload hits, since even when you ult, your attack cooldown is still in the effect, but if you have treads, you are shortening the time between potential overload procs that you gain by ulting and using the remnant.

                        Този коментар е бил редактиран
                        < blank >

                          take the health over INT if you play against nyx but only if you are behind

                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                            i believe u dont have recources to go for lotus when ure playing vs 15 min orchid qop or similar shit


                              ^ this

                              Riguma Borusu

                                Another thing about lotus is that lotus doesn't stop you from being hexed, you can still be pushed around by a forcestaff (not that storm cares too much) but you can suffer from getting euled when you initiate. Ofc, even a BKB is bad against hex, but lotus just doesn't provide immunity to storm's most common problems.


                                  suprise late game lotus can sometimes win the game i think
                                  but we were talking about early game since theres 0 reasons to buy euls as anything but 1st/2nd item

                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    Lotus is actually really good against heroes like rhasta bane and pudge, since they can all either use abilities or build items to pop your linkens (forcestaff for pudge, for example), but if they try channeling their ultimates, they can disable themselves and unless they have a linkens (very unlikely), you're gonna cancel their channeling ult by reflecting it. But this is not a storm specific thing, lotus is good against those heroes in general.

                                    But even beside all this, your offlaner could build a lotus orb, and cast it on you as you are about to enter the fight, so there's that too.

                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                      im still proud of one of my games where i bought 50 min lotus against tinker who was keeping his team in the game since beginning, told teammate to just blink on hg, tinker hexed himself, died and we won

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        Well, but that's lotus just being amazing against tinker, it doesn't matter which hero you bought it on. Tinker is ridiculously weak to lotus if you can time it right or surprise him, it isn't even funny.

                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                          OP take my advice. Stop building arcanes as you are a right clicker with storm and should leave mid to jungle all game anyway as u can't contest mid. Why would anyone go arcanes on a mid you are not a support. You go orchid first anyway and won't get bloodstone till like 30 mins anyway farming the mud golems.

                                          Riguma Borusu

                                            ^my brain hurts, stop posting, did you become actual diox? Why are you giving advice when you aren't considering how good players play the hero?

                                            Arcanes are built on storm about half the time in the guides section. They are built in the competitive play too, don't listen to this guy. You also don't go first item orchid every game, it is situational, if you do not NEED an orchid that much to kill people, you go for the bloodstone, if you play against QoP or Antimage it's only natural to get an orchid asap.

                                            Also, naga mid used to be played with arcanes rush since her farming is mana dependant, the same thing applies to storm nowadays. The more mana you have, the better farm you can get in the early game.

                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                              imas 3000partija sa 4 heroja i jos si 3k sou


                                                odakle si?


                                                  ti daun?


                                                    @ RPQ he's being sarcastic. Just know that it's very unlikely he means any extremely dumb thing he says.

                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                      My source is 7k player Who say eul is better for mana regen early with tread. U can replace bloodstone as it takes too Long to farm it. Euls is core. you are farming and killing machine with it. He better than your 6k player sorry

                                                      Nervous Bakedown

                                                        ^ A 7k player is telling you that if you get eules you can skip bloodstone? im pretty sure this is a "My big brother is 27 and he can totally beat your big brother up for me" scenario. I dont like using 3rd party arguments, but you are either really stupid or think you're a lot funnier than you are. Also if you ARE trying to be funny keep in mind that ugly people take pictures where they pull uglier faces to hide their true uglyness. perhaps that is similar to those who say overly stupid comments to hide their true idiocy.

                                                        Nervous Bakedown

                                                          Also @RPQ and @hidden yes lotus is a mid thing not a storm thing. It can fully replace eules because it gives mana regen which is part of the reason eules is a good item on storm

                                                          Finally RPQ that one comment about lotus not being good vs hex isnt really a con to the item. eules doesnt save you from hex either in fact the only items that do are bkb linkons and (if your reaction speed is godlike) a scyth of your own. as i said you dont go lotus if you go BKB and obviously no one goes BKB and eules. Look if you don't believe me thats fine, but if you ever find yourself in the scenario where you dont feel as though BKB is worth it, but you need a dispel, try getting a lotus. Way better long term item than a eules and the +10 armor is actually so good on storm.

                                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                            If u want to be real tank (which storm should be) as a front liner u go both bkb and linkens. OP needs to get some lessons in Dota his itemizAtions are all funny

                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                              Euls is way better than lotus because it is cheaper and u can cancel tp


                                                                @diox are you serious about skipping bloodstone on storm? Im pretty sure bloodstone is very important and must get it every game as storm




                                                                    Scrup 3k you


                                                                      SOLO MMR


                                                                        Scrup is scrup no matter mmr


                                                                          Tread switching is important on this hero
                                                                          It's called B O T T L E E F F I C I E N C Y
                                                                          I'm pretty sure ur treads can juice out good amount of Mana as opposed to ur arcanes.
                                                                          Bloodstone first item almost every game
                                                                          Maybe only against silencer or smth wud I get euls first.
                                                                          Euls vs lotus is like "hmmmm lemme rush a 5000 gold item somewhere in between the crucial orchid and bloodstone"
                                                                          It's so much easier to fit in a euls
                                                                          Lategame u can get lotus or whatever but the whole point of euls is the early timing.
                                                                          There is a big fucking difference when u consider item costs.


                                                                            Bludstone is not core


                                                                              Nice first party arguments btw op. All I see are insults roflll

                                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                                Bloodstone is absolutely core on storm spirit, I don't know who you bought it off but your drugs are really bad man, please lay off drugs.

                                                                                < blank >

                                                                                  storm without bloodstone is soo useless


                                                                                    lmao what do u scrups know I main storm in 2k trench for years, I know what I'm talking about

                                                                                    BSJ. LGD

                                                                                      euls is a shit item i hate that item with a passion. also lotus orb is a support item so dont buy it, you are already slot starved. how are you going to dispel hex on yourself if you are the lotus orb carrier LUL.


                                                                                        Get jebaited fools


                                                                                          Ana went lotus vs me in a game I'm sure it's better than euls if you aren't absolutely starved for gold.


                                                                                            1. Almost every game, I used to go for Arcane boots when the game goes easy in lane and the game itself.
                                                                                            2. You're not supose to be a tanky heroe, and the best way to survive with storm spirit is escaping with lighting ball. so 10 Int is better over 200hp.
                                                                                            3. Well, Euls is kinda cheap comparing to Lotus and is oriented to fights in early game, after bloodstone . Just one time I went for euls before Bloodstone when I was really low in terms of farm, and in front of me there was an Invoker with orchid. I prefer linken's over Lotus (more stats), also prevents you from ganks with hex, or targeted stuns, and If I have to choice between Lotus and bkb I would go for bkb, same gold and is way better than lotus.

                                                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                              I am agree with Diox, storm spirit is not a natural front laner, thats why lotus is way better to be bought by supports in mid/late game to protect those fronlaners like sven, jugg, lifestealer, etc.


                                                                                                I don't play storm but if I did I would build linkens over both , but this will never happen cuz I'll never start playing this hero


                                                                                                  1. arcanes = if you want to farm, threads = if you want to get a bit more active on the map.
                                                                                                  2. you don't care about your hp, mana is the most important thing on this hero.
                                                                                                  3. I'm not sure about this tho, doesn't seem like a good item to me. Maybe in some high average games it's fine where people actually playing dota, but for most players I don't think it's a thing the way they play it.

                                                                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                                    This is actually a nonsensee thread. The owner of the thread is basically a showoff arrogant just trying to show his knowledge about using storm. Storm is a great core mid lane carry hero and of course everything shall depend upon your early game and your enemy heroes. Arcane is great for farming but treads is better if you engage fights early. You only need to buy euls when theres silence in the enemy team or someone buys orchid, nevertheless straight bkb or linken. Also, how dare you "debunk" other people's argument when you have 753 solo mmr.