General Discussion

General DiscussionThe truth about Cookie

The truth about Cookie in General Discussion

    Okay it's 6:47AM here and yeah you might think I am a morning person but nope I haven't been to bed yet and I just wanna write something about Cookie. I wasn't really an active dude on Dotabuff or have a name at all but yeah I do browse around and read all the gags and memes and you know the talks about the legends. What I noticed the most is Cookie's existence, in every topic and I even see him replies people. To me back then I used to imagine Cookie being a mean and cold guy like you know the salty type. So a couple days ago I posted on the forum asking for tips and help on improving my Invoker game and guess who replied, it's Cookie. I don't really remember since my brain is fucked but I did replied his sarcasm with my sarcastic ass about his guide or sth lol. Then I decided to message his Facebook's page asking if he do coaching session and how much he charge and guess what? Classic Cookie xD he said that if I manage to get 700 cs in 30 minutes as an Invoker he'll coach me for free. Then you know everything went on and I shit you not but I failed with only 400cs the first try. He showed me how he can beat the challenge and stuffs you know? He let me try again and again. I'm a salty guy myself, if I wait for someone for too long I'll get damn annoying and pissed but thinking about Cookie who spent his time about 3-4 hours messing around in lobby with me, teaching me new stuffs, tell me tips and a lot more. I really want to say Cookie isn't the type of guy that I expected him to be. Yeah he might be cold and all that but a legend like him communicating with the Dota 2 player community and even spent time making guides, coaching people and giving them tips. I have nothing to say but I'd love to show my gratitude and thank you Cookie for the time you spent and all the stuffs you taught me. I shit you not I did improve a lot and check my Invoker game. I'm sorry I made a topic about you without your permission Cookie but really what you did is something people appreciate. I don't know how to show my gratitude but I'll spread your legacy.

    By the way here is the link to the my improved Invoker game:

    I guess Imma go to sleep now, peace and long live Dota 2 Community.


      But did u manage to get 700cs?


        Cookie is like the most influential person on this forum


          @diox nope 583 xDD still trying and practicing everyday tho


            @Soul of Cinder I used to imagine him being mean and salty with his sarcastic tone you know but I shit you not he's fucking goddamn cool. What a legend.


              Was expecting cuki trash talking. Disappointed.


                Nice try cuki/sem btw. Nice pr campaign

                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                  @diox that's my point because I knew people expected him to be kind of salty and all but I just want to let everyone else know what he did for me and the Dota 2 community

                  To Cookie: sry bro that I made this forum without permission but really I want everybody to know how good of a person you are.


                    Is this an indirect confession of love to cookie?


                      @Abyss Watcher It is <3




                          And to anyone else that read this post, if you can analyze my replay please do and tell me what am I missing on and what should I do more to improve better. I feel like a pro Invoker can cause pressure on the enemy lanes if he win mid, but I can't I'm just to scared to die and the miscommunication with my teammates. I party with favorite cousin tho and we still miscommunicate the gank and fight.


                            Split push until u die. U have tornado ghost wAlk man


                              @diox .-. still not getting used to the busy eyes and mind of checking map and predict the enemy position or even remembering their tp cool down TP. I'm a 3k scrub man. I'm still stuck between when to fight or when to split push or you can say decision making so you can watch my replay and tell if it were you what would you do instead or what should I do instead to avoid the situation? I'm bad at analyzing myself ><


                                Nice try cookie


                                  Can you people stop making Cookie threads, ty




                                      Just go get high mmr replays

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        is it really so hard to write paragraphs


                                          To: @Cookie @SophieNelisse: "All my life I've waited for someone to tame me. Who gonna take this jaded heart and make it new, baby is it you?"


                                            @RPQ-sama I don't know but my English is bad so I'm trying to improve it as much as I can since I want to be a screen-writer and a movie director when I finish school. Not gonna join Hollywood with a broken English xD


                                              Still a better love story than Twilight.

                                              10/10 brought a tear to 1 eye

                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                Your English isn't bad at all, but your block of text is kinda unreadable to me, I always try to write long posts in such a way that they can be broken down.

                                                Anyway I read it and yeah cuki is a great guy.

                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                  1 hour 400 lh ? Last time i pick carry i go 400lh in 40 min as jugg but my techies still have more farm than me


                                                    I think It is pretty legit to go 3k by having 600 cs ii 30 min


                                                      yeah where did yo uget this lul. how can you know that? like how can you know , ' if rain is created by clouds, it will fall down into earth? how can you know that? waht kind of genius are you ? jsut cause you not named tripple retard doesnt mean you genius brah lol.


                                                        @a yeah I'm a noob I know

                                                        @ywn I don't understand bro .-.

                                                        @RPQ-sama omg thanks man something I gotta learn and improve. Noted. Thank you.


                                                          I've never kept track of tp cd. Thx for the tips


                                                            ^ I got a mic , this week I started asking my teammates to check it for me lol . I'll be like hey guys anyone know if so and so tp on cool down so I can keep focus on cs and what not .


                                                              I've never kept track of tp cd. Thx for the tips

                                                              I see that you don't give a shit about non blue star opinion as well


                                                                Wut I was serious

                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                  I always keep track of TP when I am aware someone had used it, and as a bs spammer I force people to use TP a lot, they think it's cool they avoided a gank, but it was a bluff just to send them back to base while I fuck with their lane.


                                                                    Cookie is a food. Fyi 😂😂 peace out


                                                                      I'm just sitting here waiting for spunki to pick this up and make another copy-pasta.

                                                                      and no I've actually finished with sem and i'm working on re-editing the guide, i had issues with teaching people how farming patterns work but i think i figured out a new way, so i can force even more farm dependent gameplay


                                                                        Cuki IS A DICK THAT UNFRIENDED ME ON HIS MAIN ACCOUNT still friends on smurf BUT HE UNFRIENDED ME ON HIS MAIN ACCOUNT SMH.


                                                                          you could've read my status


                                                                            cringe thread


                                                                              Rofl sad cuki follower didn't get the memo and got unfriended

                                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                W8 wut memo.....I didnt have internet for like 2 weeks I've been playing in cybercafés and visiting relatives that I'd otherwise never visit cuz they have internet


                                                                                  I wasn't really an active dude on Dotabuff or have a name at all but yeah I do browse around and read all the gags and memes and you know the talks about t h e l e g e n d s. What I noticed the most is Cookie's existence, in every topic and I even see him replies people. To me back then I used to imagine Cookie being a mean and cold guy like you know the salty type.


                                                                                    yeah where did yo uget this lul. how can you know that? like how can you know , ' if rain is created by clouds, it will fall down into earth? how can you know that? waht kind of genius are you ? jsut cause you not named tripple retard doesnt mean you genius brah lol.


                                                                                      What did désolé mean......I didn't read anything french in a year

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                                                                                          O.J.'s Juicy Bag of Nuts

                                                                                            700 cs in 30 minutes is impossible in a normal game if you can even do it at all

                                                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                            me, government hooker


                                                                                              me, government hooker

                                                                                                how do these people manage to survive childhood


                                                                                                  @o.j's it's a drill to make ur farming pattern better and just solely focus on csing without any other real games variants.

                                                                                                  but i think i figured out a new way, so i can force even more farm dependent gameplay

                                                                                                  DEAR GOD xD
                                                                                                  Cookie's HayDay simulator 2k18 incoming

                                                                                                  i have 5 reports to use

                                                                                                    It's not a farming pattern thing it's a micro thing. How else are you going to get 700 cs without stacking with summons and last hitting with summons. And obviously you start at radiant safelane. you can farm anywhere you want that is considered dangerous. Probably involves radiance and pulling the creeps to you with summons.

                                                                                                    Also, efficiency training.

                                                                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                                      it's pretty much this: get aghs bots octa asap (arguably bots aghs octa) then just nuke a wave with meteor send forge next ones with alacrity, farm the whole jungle and get to the next lane, again forge alacrity and so on until lanes just get pushed until ancient itself.