General Discussion

General Discussion2k invoker

2k invoker in General Discussion

    What can you advice for me, any mistakes?

    Тази тема била редактирана

      Did you land all your combo?


        Item timing


          Noob kid


            Diox mostly


              Just play like that every game and you will be 4k ez


                If I were to give any tips, it would be to farm more efficiently. I usually get my aghs at 15-16 mins (average, 14 on a good day and 19 on a bad one). One way to achieve that is by first destrying the mid tower at 5 minutes or 10 (when the cart shows up so you can alacrity it and it demolishes the mid tower at 8 hits?) then quickly farm the lane so you can go to the ancients and big camps in the jungle. In doing so, you get the most out of the lane and jungle. I see your item timings and you usually get aghs over 20 mins, IMO that's a bad sign that you're terribly underfarmed.

                When in lane, dont be afraid to get another null, aquila, wand etc. dont go null->midas almost immedately because you will most likely lose your lane if you do that. sometimes, depending on the enemy, itemize you early game items. I still get my aghs at 17 mins even if I get an aquila and wand (whenever sf or pa is mid.)

                In midgame, after aghs and BoTs, see how to itemize against your enemies. If you have an enemy safelane pa, get a shivas over octarine. Dont always go for the same items every game. If you have necrophos, nyx, or some other annoying support, get linkens (or bkb if all three are there.

                Try reaching an average of 700 gpm consistently. IMO an invo with 400+ gpm is doing something wrong (if of course he wins the lane)

                Also, don't just post a "good game" the way everyone does to show off. Show both the good and bad. Check my invo games, you'll see a consistent <8 kda (in the past few games).

                I'm saying this as a 2.7k player (i usually play with my 3k friends and average mmr goes to 2.7)