General Discussion

General Discussionmid play

mid play in General Discussion

    Guys can you give me some good tips how to put enemy mid hero with less kills, if i`m mid? He can`t kill me(or it`s hard to do that), but if i can`t run with him from mid to top, to jungle to, bot and again... Tower is ok but he get kills? And my teammates get weaker.

    Player 404335202

      you own mid and destroy mid tower then farm and help team ! Always keep a tp


        rip english


          i genuinely cant tell what were you trying to say


            I'm going to try and make sense of what you want us to understand.

            "Guys, can you give me some good tips on how to prevent an enemy mid hero from getting kills whenever I'm mid? Well, he can't kill me in lane, but I can't respond quickly when he rotates from mid to top, then head to jungle to farm a bit before going to mid and repeating his rotation to bot. This happens alot and the one good thing about it is my mid tower is safe but the team loses gold because of his ganks."

            My answer to that is unless you're an invoker, just get a tp scoll and respond whenever you see the mid in a lane. Be wary when the mid is missing (report missing, no joke) and see what kind of rune the mid got (invis, dd, etc.) if you don't contest it. Otherwise, have 2 tp scrolls and respond quickly when he ganks in a lane.

            I mean, tp cd is identical in radiant and dire right?

            Този коментар е бил редактиран

              ye something like that, sometime (evertime) i get problem how to explain myself with not so good english it`s that. xD
              ty all. So tp(usually i carry one or two) but as i see should be more carefully with minimap.


                Personnaly when the enemy mid go ganking I just go right click his tower.

                The main reason is because I generally don't have a TP but I like saying to my teamate that I did this to give them tower gold and apply pressure on the map.

                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                  where tp cyka

                  meteor hammer

                    u should always havea tp


                      Tp's will carry you to 3k and beyond


                        having a tp is good but you still need to know when to used it (also when do you buy it, I generally start buying arround the 5 min marks if i can have the courrier).

                        Also tower diving doesn't happen often in normal skill (tower is scary, and low mmr people generally know they don't know how to dive)

                        Riguma Borusu

                          If the enemy mid is a hero you can kill by a rotation, have a TP ready and TP to the lane that he ganks. For example, if you are blood seeker mid and laning against QoP, she might get her ult and decide to kill the dual offlane that was giving her Spectre some trouble, instead of you. When she decides this, make sure you have a TP ready, and when he decides to gank, you can rotate to kill her, even if she kills your dual offlane or even safelane, you are still going to kill her.

                          If you pick a hero who CANNOT kill the enemy mid, then just push the tower.

                          In any case, you should make sure YOU DO NOT GO AWAY FROM YOUR LANE for too long, unless there are no creeps in it or you can farm it without being there.

                          In any case, do not rotate from your lane if you cannot do anything for whatever reason, you are going to waste your own time, make sure you know what you are doing with your own rotations, and of course, report that the mid is missing, when you kill a hero and it respawns, and you do not see it in your lane for 3 seconds, report that the mid is missing.



                              Basically u have so many creeps so try not to leave the lane without a really good reason. If enemy mid leaves, just shove the wave and hit tower

                              chicken spook,,,,



                                  honestly i never push t1 mid unless my team go for it fucking never i dont see point u can alwys kill it later n a matter of 5-10 sec


                                    Be wary when the mid is missing (report missing, no joke)

                                    No Juke (o) Kappa.1