General Discussion

General DiscussionThis game is quite mediocre if i do say so myself

This game is quite mediocre if i do say so myself in General Discussion

    As a person who suffers from dunning kruger i find it very difficult to enjoy this game, add this to the fact that the game is in a state of complete boredom atm as it is stale and the match making is shit. I shall be moving towards a better game ( League of Greatness) and i will be engaging in good matchmaking, fun games, nice ppl and over good gameplay. Enjoy your shit game you nerds, i hope you all stick with youre dying game till the day valve dies it into the floor. P.S TI's prize next year will be 10 mil :) cya kids




        Who TF even are you, and why shud we give an ounce of a fuck that u are leaving
        Go back to ur league of lesbians dota tutorial with the shittiest business model known to man


          u have autism?


            Do you think anyone in the world gives a shit about NORMAL SKILL players ?


              While you may try to flame me due to my skill level( which is laughable at best) the point still remains that dota at its core is a medicore game and if you refuse to accept this then you ARE beyond my comprehension!

              Lets do Science

                If you don't enjoy a game just stop playing. I wish you all the best in League of Legends.


                  First, who the fuck are you?

                  Second, why the fuck should we care about you?

                  Third, if you are going to quit dota then quit and dont ever play dota again.


                    point still remains that dota at its core is a medicore game and if you refuse to accept this then you ARE beyond my comprehension!

                    Why r u trying to force ur opinion to be fact?
                    Idc if u dislike dota, won't make me dislike dota tho
                    So just fuck off from the forum now if u quit k bye

                    chicken spook,,,,

                      Lol what



                          If you refuse to be refuted because you have nothing good to say you ARE beyond my comprehension

                          chicken spook,,,,

                            i hope you all stick with youre dying game



                              Why the fuck anyone would even reply to this thread . ( yea, im included )

                              meteor hammer

                                holy shit u have 1k mmr

                                enjoy playing bronze in league??? xd


                                  Nobody give a shit, get you and your 1k mmr out of here.


                                    A person who suffers from DK and knows it? Lul


                                      You know it's not a mental condition


                                        id u have dunnin kruger mengal state of.mind , u wouldnt be aware of it


                                          @thinker holy shit you have 4kmmr...

                                          have fun playing dota XD

                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                            Lmfao you guys got jebaited so hard, was fun trolling u guys for a couple days on this thread.
                                            Can't believe none said that this is a troll.


                                              3/10 troll.....way too obvious......not enough dicking....smh smh

                                              Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                I thought he was being sarcastic since he pointed out he has Dunning Kruger himself. It did get fairly serious in the later part.


                                                  I'll miss you mr 6:39am, you truly changed my life for the better.


                                                    Well my fellow comrades. We have lost another Wooden tier level player today.


                                                      holy shit you have 4kmmr

                                                      Lmfao you guys got jebaited so hard, was fun trolling u guys for a couple days on this thread.
                                                      Can't believe none said that this is a troll.


                                                        Goodbye in yout league of shit


                                                          Invoke Cookie

                                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                                            Sorry cookie machine 🅱️roke

                                                            Story Time

                                                              shit, OP teach me how to calibrate low 1k mmr! Please help, I can hardly mmr anything below 3k even when afk^feed nonstop... pls leave your great knowledge! before you go and enchant LoL with your magestic personality

                                                              A Little Knight

                                                                You what else is mediocre op?


                                                                You'll be mediocre your whole life

                                                                because you're a bitch

                                                                SO yeah

                                                                Enjoy being mediocre forever


                                                                  aggressive much you 2k ?


                                                                    get the cool shoe shine


                                                                      op seems smart, no scarcasm intended. ur all shit in comparaison


                                                                        come join me on arena of valor

