General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to climb mmr from 1k?

How to climb mmr from 1k? in General Discussion

    I know I still need to learn more sometimes I just can't do anything about my team when we are losing score and tower. idk what should I learn. How to farm properly? How to war properly? How to be a good carry and how to be a good support? Cz i don't wanna always play as a carry. Just give me ur advice below for me to get better

    For the horde

      Bro this is bad forum for that question

      Potato Marshal

        The sad thing is that this site is probably one of the better places to ask this, since most other Dota forums are either dead, or like the Steam forums and full of people asking if sites are scams or asking people to personally report a player they didn't like in their last match.


          like potato said, this is sadly the best place to ask other than finding higher players and asking them personally or getting coached.

          p.s have you tried destroying the enemy ancient?

          Този коментар е бил редактиран

            I just need ur guys advise to improve my gameplay to get better, not complaining about how I feel from losing mmr


              to get out of any bracket, you simply have to play better than that bracket

              Friendly player

                Just pick a hard carry. I simply first pick am, ban spirit breaker. Go safelane. If someone wants to support you tell them to fuck off, all they will do is push the lane and steal your last hits. Supports are useless in 1k, they are good only if atleast one carry from your team knows the fuck they are doing. Trust me supporting in 1k is the most stupid idea ever, it will auto lose you games. So yeah either you carry the game or you're fucked (unless enemy team throws).


                  Sadly none of my friend have a high MMR..

                  Friendly player

                    Sadly the only thing you have to do to get out of 1k is last hitting, and no one can teach you that, you just have to practice it


                      It's easy to pick a carry and then play and farm. But most of 1k ppl keep war and die , war and die. ya you know A.M can't fight till get his core item. And that makes me hard to rat cz enemy already got a core item before my team. And what should I do?


                        Yeah sometimes I just can't Lasthitting better because of getting harrased or I'm solo in my lane against 2 enemies.. I sould learn more about how to solo in your lane against 2 ppl or more


                          well first learn english, then use those english skills to read some guides.

                          Friendly player

                            I mean im getting harassed pretty much every game cause i first pick a hard carry :D but its doesn't actually matter, when i get my bf i blink around whole map and farm easily, btw don't build bkb, you could get a moon shard instead of bkb, its a lot more useful, you can farm faster, destroy buildings faster, and kill your enemies faster. Btw you have shrines and tp scrolls to retreat yourself, vladimir's is useless. Its not some kind of pro game where every single mistake you make can turn the game around. You can do stupid shit from time to time but don't build items you don't need. BF > Manta > Butterknife > Moon shard if your enemies started dying for some reason, and aghanim's if they have something like legion commander.

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                            Potato Marshal

                              Okay, so I took a quick look at your replays to see what were your biggest problems. Your last match with Drow I just kind of skipped through since you kept disconnecting in the middle of the match and feeding by going afk. Your last lost match before that was Skywrath. One big problem I'm seeing you're having in both the Drow and Sky matches is the pathfinding, whenever you get caught out by the enemy team, you have a bad tendency to pace back and forth, often running towards the enemy for a second, then away from them. Learn to manipulate vision through juking through trees and using high ground advantage. Try analyzing replays between different teams to better understand how the fog of war works. There were a lot of times you could've escaped in your matches if you managed to juke better.

                              The second is your item choices, throughout your whole Skywrath game you were getting destroyed in seconds single-handedly by Riki. Items like force, glimmer, and ghost would've helped you immensely but you decided to rush atos instead. You also didn't buy the bracers early when you had the money, and waited till you bought everything but the recipe. Armor was also a huge issue and the reason why Riki could kill you so fast, for literally half the game, you had only 1 armor, and you only had 3 armor by the end of the game. You had aether lens and aghs queued up for the second half of the game, though I wasn't sure if you seriously considered getting them as your next items since you never had the money to buy any of the components after your atos. You seem to understand general item builds for the heroes you're playing, but not really good at adapting your item builds flexibly to situations.

                              Those were the most obviously problems from gleaning over your last two losses.


                                Most players that vastly improve in the game are those had a higher MMR friends because you can have tips and can pull something out of them right away.

                                but we are the same I don't have literally friend that is 4k-5k+ but I like to play with my 1k-2k friends even if we are losing, because along every game so many lots to learn.

                                I'm almost getting my 1st anniversary in playing this game, My first account has been calibrated even I didn't play Dota1 to about 1.2k with 400+ games under its belt. Now this is my second account calibrated at high 2k I have atleast got it to 3k and rest for 2 months then cameback with a losing streak and so on, I think I've been over calibrated and played like a different player now. I still playing with my friends and majority of my rank games were party.

                                From your case dreaming for Higher MMR is good but you should be in your bracket or else you can be fraustrated losing tons of games, getting out of 1k is easy if you play better than them.

                                You can play whatever hero you're good at but you can try playing "Axe" backdooring enemy safelane, "LC" Shadowblade and all invi heroes they are so OP at 1k's because (No support bracket/Sentry-dust is like never an item)

                                And as always! Play and watch replays a lot, practice lasthitting, map awareness, and Itemization of a certain heroes.


                                  @techies spammer
                                  Do u have any idea what ur talking abt?

                                  Friendly player

                                    Alright if your so smart, tell me why would you need bkb on am in 1k match? And vladimir's when both shrines are usually free to use?


                                      I was caliberated around 700 mmr and have climbed up yo 2k mmr the thing u need to do is to practice last hits in private lobby with the hero you intend to play,improve farming and watch bsj videos he teaches a lot about laning mechanics but in 1k games 2 1 2 lanes with no supports you will need to buy your own ward and put them where you intend to farm or take objectives its ony 2 creeps worth gold and saves your life mute every one so you do t need pressured to fight a bad fight finht when you get some core items short farming more fighting less will get you out easily


                                        @potato marshal
                                        Yeah when i played drow that was a mistaken, i kept on dissconecting cz of my internet problem and then i was like "the fuck this connection idc anymore about this game tho it's not mmr". And about that sky that was a mmr game, and i was confusing to fight or survive that riki and I could only hope to my carry. I kept on saying to them to buy a dust till the late game and finally they bought it but it's too late. Thankyou for your advises


                                 is a good and relatively friendly place for newbies trying to get better at the game

                                          Forget me not

                                            @This ACC AUTO LOOSE MMR
                                            Don't hope for your carry , you fight Riki in a Lane with a sentry ward, and every time you gonna go push a tower with your team you place a sentry ward where you wanna push. Riki is easily killed early mid game with sky. You can solo kill him with just skil 1 2 and 3 . in a teamfight you position yourself in a tree or far away from the fight cause all your skill have good long range. Dont go in front when you casting your spell. Cast your spell then go to safe location, again keep repeating that.
                                            In teamfight support is just need to "use your spell once, disengage and engage again when your spell is off cooldown. "

                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                              Thankyou for your advises sir. I need to learn how to positioning better next time

                                              chicken spook,,,,

                                                High mmr replays
                                                Ignore whatever these no good theorycrafters say who talk like they have any sort of credibility

                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                Mode : TOPSON

                                                  i think u should learn the basic like defeat an unfair bots
                                                  back then i cant defeat unfair bot and calibrate 1.4 and stomping unfair bot reach 2k


                                                    I always watch high mmr replays but it's hard to apply it on 1k idk why it just like something don't allow me to do it or I'm just bad idk..


                                                      @ayaya ayaya
                                                      Are you kidding me? I got an easy rampage on unfair bot but I can't win 1k mmr game

                                                      Pump Cultist

                                                        attack click behind enemy ancient, and go make a coffee 'n watch rick and morty.

                                                        Palmen aus Plastik

                                                          will you listen to me, friend? the correct answer is, you need more games. You will yourself realise in time what you are doing wrong. While it is great reading from others on what you're doing wrong, you will undoubtedly keep doing the same thing despite knowing what not to do simply because human beings learn from experience better than they learn from secondhand knowledge. This is a game of patience. Cheers!


                                                            Thankyou so much friend for you great advises! I"ll do my best!


                                                              Watch Miracle~'s video bro

                                                              chicken spook,,,,

                                                                You go try find out how high mmr players think and solve problems, think why they do specific things, etc, instead of blatantly copy pasting and failing miserably (shoutout to those Miracle wannabes)
                                                                Just like in school, where things you learn won't mean shit, but you learn how to think from studying those things.

                                                                chicken spook,,,,

                                                                  Try to find reliable guides made by reliable people (purge, professorfierce, etc) if you struggle to learn anything from high mmr replays


                                                                    I heard from my friend there's a youtube account name "Dota D. Bowie" he was an analyzer pro's match, can I learn something from that video? They said he made a good content about new meta and gameplay (sorry for my bad english)

                                                                    Potato Marshal

                                                                      Lmao, Dota D. Bowie has an even lower MMR than I do, and he actually gets coached by better Dota players like BSJ. Dota D. Bowie has a tendency to praise every decision by pro players no matter what too. "Oh this pro player fed 3 times in lane in the first 5 minutes, but it was actually a strategic choice to make space for his team!"

                                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                        Lmaoo , maybe i sould learn by myself

                                                                        Friendly player

                                                                          Lmao this is 1k you are talking about. You DON'T need to learn anything to get out of here, just LAST HIT, know when to split push, know when to help your team full of idiots. First you have to get used to what you should be doing perfectly - Mechanics. When all of these simple things is gonna get into your muscle memory, then you will have to learn tricks, hero combinations, counter picking, item builds etc...
                                                                          You can't ride a bicycle if you don't know how to ride a tricycle.


                                                                            dbowie is basically a moron, his analysis is almost always off point.

                                                                            i'm surprised anyone can take him seriously.

                                                                            if you don't want to brainwash yourself with stupidity, then find actual informational content from people with actual analysis skill like:

                                                                            blitz lee
                                                                            professor fierce
                                                                            bren dota

                                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                              Learn few heroes with high impact during the whole game(supports which don't fall behind in lategame, cores which are not that passive on start), get high winrate on them 60%+ and simply play games.


                                                                                Not to suck cuki off, but ever since the first time I read Cookie bash Bowie for his analyses, I've begun to see his point. He brushes off obvious mistakes from the pro players that get them killed, as some form of space creation. His credibility was killed, for me at least, when he suggested Huskar greaves. Like WTF.
                                                                                Once you have thorough game knowledge and mechanical skill, you will shoot up in MMR, easily breaking 1k, promise. Don't practice in actual ranked, especially since you're in 1K, you'll just pick up some bad habits. Take a few months to learn through unranked pubs. Yes, i am saying that unranked pubs will teach you better than ranked 1k. Trust me it's what I did for a long time almost a year or 2 I avoided ranked, went back to ranked and shot my MMR from 1.4 up to 3K(where I still am now, i cri)


                                                                                  Dude, spam techies. Really annoying but work


                                                                                    Do not play hard sup in 1k, may be you r a pro sup but that doesnt mean your teammates can make use of your warding/actions. The lowest position you should play is position 4, you can roam around the map, having more control of the game while being pretty relevant in combats.
                                                                                    My suggestions for heroes you could play:
                                                                                    1) Earthshaker - pretty meta + greatest stun ingame + pretty ez to land 4-5 man echoslam to win combats in your bracket. I'm spamming this bad boy recently, I could share you some experiences ( position 4/offlane/mid)

                                                                                    2) NightStalker - Tanky + Scary ass presence/ pressuring those with faint of heart. There is a meta blog about him on dotabuff recently, look it up (position 4/offlane/mid).

                                                                                    3) Necrophos - the fountain-is-my-beetch guy with regen of both mana and hp built-in, great nuker + legal ks-er.(Position 1/Mid/decent offlane).

                                                                                    4) Venomancer - aka Venocancer, great nuke, lord of the slow skills, annoying with wards, great pusher, decent jungler. ( Mid/offlane/jungle/position 4-5).

                                                                                    5) Tidehunter - bully of melee heroes, tanky, has the ultimate combat skill, hard to be disabled his ss, loves sushi ( Offlane, can jungle if needed - but not recommended).