General Discussion

General Discussionis terror blade good this meta?

is terror blade good this meta? in General Discussion

    can you spam him in ranked (3.5 average) if your skill is 3.5?


      you clearly can't, idk about other 2-3k players, but you can't.


        ^why you think so?


          maybe terror blade is just not for you with that 40% wr


            i cant beviave there is a heroes which some persons cant play, i am just asking is he good in current meta?

            Riguma Borusu

              43.75% win rate

              why does it matter whether he is good in a meta when you cannot play him?

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                well fu, i gonna spam him anyway


                  well you got nothing to lose, it's unranked anyways


                    ^i am talking about ranked games


                      oh shit i looked at the 83 - 62 thought you weren't at ranked yet XD

                      well, have fun losing all your mmr.


                        well maybe i can lose a bit and gain with my signature heroes back, right?
                        or should i just play as much as i can just in nonranked games, but i feel like there noone careas about victory


                          whatever you do, try not to go insane by losing every match

                          Riguma Borusu


                            Dire Wolf

                              41% but it's still a pretty low sample, he's 7-10. Go on a 3-0 run and he's back to 50%.

                              I looked at some of your recent games and nothing jumps out. Your builds seem standard, talents standard, every thing seems mostly fine. You're doing majority of team's tower dmg and nothing super low considering you're losing and not getting megas.

                              The main thing is cs but even that isn't that bad. I was thinking oh man this guy never breaks 10 cs, but then I checked out my last tb games and I never did either. Tb has transitioned from a pure pusher/split farmer to more of a fighter, plus people go treads instead of rushing bots on him so his cs is naturally lower.

                              honestly seems like most games you get stuck with some horrible feeders. Like you're just not winning with a 2-14 techies who only does 14k hero dmg.

                              Or this riki, damn dude.

                              I would watch your own replays, make sure you are laning well, cus that doesn't show up in the stats sheet. If you're missing cs and behind on your items it will echo throughout the game, even if you come back later to have decent farm. You're treads and aquila timings seem late, like 7 mins treads, 10 min aquila, you really want both of those by like 7-8 mins max. Push all those t1s super fast for your team's gold while using illusions to farm woods (or illusions push while you farm, but every time meta is up take a tower, bail if they fort and tp). That should give your team space to farm.

                              Ian Lim

                                buy an arcana and your winrate on tb will rise


                                  There're a lot of easier heroes that you can spam in that tier.


                                    buy me an arcana and i'll double your terrorblade winrate


                                    Vacmaster Model #VWMB508

                                      I spammed him to get 3k. It's a very good pub hero cause he fights pushes and farms very well. It's a hero that one can very easily solo carry on.

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                                      Ian Lim



                                          tried him out doesn't seem farm super fast but not bad , I don't play tb , what's good strays on raising cs on him ?

                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                            shoving waves with illu


                                              How s illusions seem to clear the lanes pretty slow compared to other carries like for instance if I send my manta illusions into a lane as am they'll wreck the creeps quickly however my to illusins seem to take forever to do it . I know it's small sample size tho since I haven't really played tb so I'll just have to try him more times .

                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                              Dire Wolf

                                                Did you go yasha then skadi then finish s&y? First s&y isn't good on TB, well it is but manta is a lot better. You are always going skadi so you don't need maim. The manta illusions get dmg from meta so they do a lot of dmg.

                                                Your tb illusions deal more dmg than manta ones at level 2. Manta melees do 33% dmg, tb level 2 illusions do 40% so it must just be in your head. They take more dmg though, 400% vs 350%, but they deal a lot, issue for them is tanking camps.

                                                To farm more, illusions can't tank jungle til at least level 3, that's why you send them to clear waves. With yasha, treads on agi and aquila they should do respectable dmg. It's just farming patterns, push lanes with illusions, shift queue attack orders, then go clear jungle with hero. When illusions are strong enough to clear jungle, not die before expiring, shift queue attacks through all the jungles and go clear lanes yourself, just do it safely of course. Your treads timing is a little late, did you get like aquila and wand first?

                                                TB should get really close to 10 cs/min every game if it's a win and goes ~30 mins. Having a drow that farms that much though could cut into your farm if she takes all the jungle camps.

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                                                  He's fine. Just try your best, winrate means nothing with such little games on the hero.
                                                  You only have 17 games, and it takes about 50 to start getting good at a hero.
                                                  Any kid who commented about your winrate with the hero has no idea what they are talking about/ didn't look close enough at your profile.
                                                  As with learning any hero or if they are good in that meta you will lose mmr before you gain it.

                                                  It's like somebody learning meepo. Their first 25 games will be horrible, but after they understand how to play the hero the win rate will shoot up.

                                                  Cookie I am dumbfounded how you see there was only 17 games but you are too dumb to see he wins 3 games and he's back at a sub 50 wr with the hero, but say he's bad at the hero. Please look into things before you comment on anything fam, making yourself look stupid

                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                    The only reason to ever go SnY on TB is that you absolutely have to disarm someone later in the game and cannot depend on teammates to do it for you. Halberd is kinda shit on tb, but sometimes you want it to win an otherwise even game.


                                                      If I remember right the enemy rotated a couple heros down which kicked me to fountain or killled me can't remember and while there I had enough for Aquila which you can't buy in lane so I purchased it , as far as getting lance before treads I happened to have enough gold for a ogre axe when courier was available and figured I could complete dlance and treads in lane . I had no lane support btw . That drow was pretty cancerous we coulda won at like 25-30 mins due to our large advantage but she refused to fight with us instead farming or going for solo pick offs . I made the s and y becuase I already had the yasha and didnt want another active when I already had bkb and would later have pike , considering it was my second game with the hero I didn't think I could handle all the actives plus playing the hero lol . In retrospect I probs noticed my am illusions pushing faster becuase I always sent two into a wave vs the one I was sending with tb.


                                                        Arcana TB best TB. Also vote for that smexy TB set!


                                                          Fellas he just asked if tb is good in this meta. No need to flame him


                                                            TB is good but u need to know what you're doing.


                                                              hes bad



                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  I mean manta is a really easy active to manage on tb cus you basically save it for when meta is up, pop meta, pop manta. You don't usually use it defensively, maybe to farm I guess, but it's not something you have to think about like your bkb usage. You could probably click it and be fine!

                                                                  If you had aquila, lance and treads at 14 mins that's actually pretty good. Then I think you want yasha by like 18-20.


                                                                    ^Pop manta first, then E ;)

                                                                    To speak in general, I find TB as one of those carrys, who have their own kit of abilities sufficient of dealing with everything. Don't get me wrong, every carry has this in some amount. But even with bad early game or laning without support, both of his ults (E and R) can counter gank, Q is also very good spell, so you can at least take someone with you. Even obvious counters such as Timber or Sven kneel before TB in lategame, but there's also word like positioning. He isn't that mechanically difficult, so yea, feel free to spam him.


                                                                      O ok , ya I'll build manta every time then I guess .


                                                                        So I've played a couple tb games now , is it normal to feel like your doing shitty but still win games with this hero? Seems lik swinging high ground is his specialty and he's pretty decent at defending it but any fights outside that he seems very lackluster to me .

                                                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                          ^im no tb expert but it seems like almost all my things games I had to carry hard. I think only in 1 win did I get carried

                                                                          O.J.'s Juicy Bag of Nuts

                                                                            Took me 40 games on the before I got good with him


                                                                              playing him with tink on the enemy team is absolute cancer tho


                                                                                Correct me if I'm wrong but I think you pick tb vs single target physical damage line ups .

                                                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                  He starts with 10 armour and 500 HP I think. So yea, he is better against physical dmg. You can also see this on worst versus tab. That doesn't mean you can't pick him into magical nukers. But for a first 10/25 mins you are gonna suffer, even with raindrops.


                                                                                    I think someone brought this up before but last night I watched a bunch of tb pro games and they all built mom , is mom that good on this hero ? Also would it just be an item to use at higher mmr ?

                                                                                    Pigeon ( °□°) ︵

                                                                                      You have to use mom really carefully though because if you don't you can't sunder to live

                                                                                      Vacmaster Model #VWMB508

                                                                                        Yea mom is very good, don't look at my last game as reference I got followed around by a clock and a sk which was aids but with some ratting and dk we won. Anyways it's very good just use it properly. Also pop manta before meta cause it increases the dmg and lowers the manta cd by 15.


                                                                                          OP is dead boys, enough.


                                                                                            Mom is good but mostly for farming, when fighting with it u have to be really careful

                                                                                            Also pop manta before meta cause it increases the dmg and lowers the manta cd by 15.

                                                                                            Decreases cd yes, increases dmg is a no

                                                                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                              Just play the hero if you enjoy it. You can win with any hero if you put enough practice.

                                                                                              Story Time

                                                                                                so nice of those who think that first 50 games on any hero could show how good the player is...

                                                                                                PS there is this thing called learning curve btw

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                                                                                                👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                                                                  Sure, if you want to go with it, it's a fun hero

                                                                                                  About the meta, I think he is decent he is a pushing force and with MoM farms like crazy. He isn't the best but definitely can work

                                                                                                  Don't listen to other saying you can't play, you want to? Go play
                                                                                                  Even if you aren't the best on him, how can you get better without practicing? Go play what you want, that's why you have choice :)

                                                                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                                    ^^^ it does increase damage by 5%. melee illus do 33% while ranged ones do 28% and turning them into ranged after they were summoned when you are melee doesnt reduce the damage back to 28%


                                                                                                      he already farms so fast without madness though

                                                                                                      Vacmaster Model #VWMB508

                                                                                                        @feelsbadman it actually does. When u pop it in melee file the game counts then as melee illusions which deal more dmg. When u pop meta they are still considered melee illusions.