General Discussion

General Discussion1st/2nd pick carries?

1st/2nd pick carries? in General Discussion
ᴊᴇssɪᴇ ᴠᴀʀᴅ

    Title^ what safelane heroes are strong enough to be 1st/2nd picked but can't be hard countered?

    On the top of my head, Jugg, Luna and Slark are strong picks unless the enemy is willing to use all resources and picks to shutyou down.

    ᴊᴇssɪᴇ ᴠᴀʀᴅ

      Special mentions to Sven and LS but they are hard to manuveur and easy to kite if the enemy is focused on you.

      ᴊᴇssɪᴇ ᴠᴀʀᴅ

        Ofc Necro and Veno are powerful picks but I think they are just too strong in the meta.


          Don't do that unless ur trying to ruin a game.


            i'd do so only with hanter on team so he fucks off to jungle or straight abandons

            one syllable anglo-saxon

              jugg fp is good
              luna fp is fine
              slark fp is terrible


                I'd never play jungle and I wouldn't abandon if someone would do that, neither will I ever play with you in my team.

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  lycan troll. you should prob just ban kotl

                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                    i don't usually encounter 3500 mmr specimen in my games unless some valve matchmaking tomfoolery takes effect

                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                      That's a very nice joke of you, I noticed on your profile you updated your mmr 8 months ago when you were 4766, now currently you're around ~4.7k aswell because I checked ur games, just accept that u are garbage.


                        the carry pick doesn't matter as much as mid or other positions. so it doesn't really matter if you first pick it or last. sven or hc necro fp is pretty common.

                        If your team lets you farm for 20 mins, doesn't matter if you're troll, spec, tb, slark, or necro, you'll come out fine.

                        If your team lets enemies poop on your safe lane hc, doesn't matter if you're troll, spec, tb, slark, or necro, you'll look stupid with that 0-8 score.


                          Sadly cannot first pick am , or illusion heros .

                          死の恐怖 Haseo

                            invoker timbersaw anti-mage


                              Jugg, Luna, and good laners like bs ursa, at least I'm
                              Ursa being kited isn't a problem for me in 2k

                              chicken spook,,,,

                                void is good if you can play the hero properly

                                Dire Wolf

                                  Slark is awful fp, it's just asking enemy to pick mass disables for you like lc, axe, earthshaker.

                                  There's a bunch of heroes without direct counters but they aren't really the best safelaners like dk, lifestealer, pa, drow, gyro, sf, luna.

                                  Only real meta safe lane I love to fp right now are troll and sven. Troll is most countered by mass force staffs and disables, not one particular hero. Sven is similar, kite, kite, kite, disarm. That's about it.

                                  Lycan I haven't played in forever, dunno if he's good.


                                    ^ ya plus if I ever see a slark I know I can get am and pretty much slark cannot fight am at all unless way ahead .