General Discussion

General DiscussionBanned till Year 2025

Banned till Year 2025 in General Discussion

    Many have reported them being banned till Year 2025

    Affected accounts
    -used LP removal service
    -abused sandbox to boost mmr

    Many threads are now in dev dota forum complaining ban till 2025 , lol
    7K MMR
    "Used for botting"


      Ofcourse he's russian xD.


        can confirm

        one syllable anglo-saxon

          so u got the ban?


            yes, and likely ill get banned on my smurf as well, good time to stop playing dota anyway


              Good u were dogshit anyways finally u understood it and now u quit.

              one syllable anglo-saxon

                monkaS i hope they wont get to me too
                please sirs i realised the error of my ways

                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                  HAHAHAHAH FUNNY BOYS


                    this katz guy has fucking autism lmfao


                      is too short (minimum is 6 characters)

                      Potato Marshal

                        Seeing people with higher MMR than me getting banned turns me on.


                          Guys don't pull a Potato Marshal.

                          He plays 1 ranked game a month and he hopes he wins that game or else he falls below 5k and loses his blue star, then his opinion doesn't matter anymore, he only plays unranked games lmfao.


                            забанили за абуз песка
                            banned for sand box abuse.

                            Potato Marshal

                              Don't worry Hunter, just keep making smurfs and one day you can get a blue star like half the forum too. I believe in you!

                              1st class tourist

                                Holy shit you do actually play in stack/unranked to not lose 5k. Insecure dog lmfao


                                  Holy shit you do actually play in stack/unranked to not lose 5k. Insecure dog lmfao

                                  thi applies to jdf and cookie and ywn ad other trash players ( no joke ) :)

                                  < blank >

                                    lol hanter is just jealous because he cant get a blue star


                                      Don't worry Hunter, just keep making smurfs and one day you can get a blue star like half the forum too. I believe in you!


                                      I only made/played a bit on this account so I could post on dotabuff forums since my main is permanently muted, this is the only ''smurf'' account I have, I'm 4.7k on my main anyways.


                                        @Retardstrong im pretty sure u arent 5k anymore, you lost 4 games in arow with MK and you're 49XX now, plz update ur mmr trashboy thx.


                                          this hunter is 3 options;

                                          1.No life 25 year old fat guy who have depression and want to kill himself

                                          2.Triplesteal smurf ( he said he has multiple accs posting on forum)

                                          3. Diox but after brain washing and scientifical research on him making a slightly intelectual improvement but stil autistic

                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                            God bless Gaben


                                              I'm 20 without depression and I don't want to kill myself either.
                                              I'm not Tripletard.
                                              I'm not diox either.

                                              Nt retard katz


                                                That's a lie Hanter and you know it. You had another smurf account that was also muted. There was a thread about it. That's your 3rd account. Unless you're gonna argue some shit like "it's not a smurf, it's an alt"


                                                  Oh really? Can you find that account for me then?

                                                  I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd



                                                      What kind of loser retires from ranked tbh.


                                                        What's with the surge in blue stars recently ?