General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp !!! Lost in 3k

Help !!! Lost in 3k in General Discussion

    A month ago i was on 4.3k and had problems with ordinary and standard community retards , every few games there appears "rustard" a feeder or there comes leaver but everything was bearable.. then i had some losing streak and my mmr droped to 3.7-8 mmr , i lost my concentration and become careless so i picked heroes i really cant play and was not focused to game at all ..Got really deep in that and my friends started with humiliating me , erasing me from friends or even denounce me on their dota Feeds every day at every moment and i cant withstand that anymore and i decided to tryhard and raise my mmr again , but ...
    Now i am at 3.2k mmr and its a different DotA world ..
    I'm mid player and there is no way u can get that role in this bracket , even if we agree to roll and if i win , i would not get mid .. if i rape on offlane mine carry or mid would get raped on their lane and i would get flamed cuz i didn't help .. if i am carry , my support will pull every single wave , mby even the small one so i would get double waves and get flamed again cuz i got "free farm" while their offlaner had ez gold and ez exp .. if i am support , my carry will miss so many creaps or wil auto attack so i gone crazy and go jungling or start farming , so i would be one who is throwing the game .. It is just about geting role in game
    Those guys dont want to push or they just want to push , there is no other option .. we are rushin on twrs and dying , or we are not pushin if 5 of their heroes are not dead .. I'm trying to give them advices in game and trying to explaing how this works and what we should be doing without a large spamings , but then i am " muted retard "
    What to do , what to play , how to stay positive , give me advices pls , share me experience...


      Hello first of all im 4k player I mean I'm too good.first lf all you should work on ur communication skills becous i saw alot of fuck my supports russtards and blacks are slaves I dont really think you can proggres with that mentality,you shouldnt offend ur supports.

      Dark Hunter

        Try to pick heroes that enable the team. Like magnus, lion, shaman. things that keep your 4 carries alive. ik it sucks but thats how it works. You either deal with it and adapt or become obsolete. I was 2.3k in august now i'm back to 1.8k. I could cry about shitty teammates. But i know half the games i lost are on me. So focus more, make less mistakes, and dont get tilted.


          dark hunter can you fking delete ur comment you're a s
          disgrace to this community


            op and kekeroni u guys are not 4k players nothing below 4400 4500 is 4k its more like tras trash 4k same shit like 3k so no wonder u dropped to 3k its so normal (i dropped too)


              waaah i'm perfect my teammates are trash waaah why am i losing waaah

              Have you tried destroying the enemy ancient?

              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                @Dark Hunter , where would you find a team with 4 carries ?
                @KEKERONI and u with that attitude and communication have 4k #YOUMUSTBEGOOD
                @qweqew im just asking for help , im sick of those pro 4k players like this guy on top ...
                @Cookie that's the advice i needed , destroying the enemy ancient .. i like forget what's that feeling #RESPECT

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  your winrate is not even 50% mate, you just suck

                  Dark Hunter

                    basicly every game i play. Well except my last game, there we didnt even have a carry. Its either one of the two xD


                      Look at mine activity for last 3 months , its almost all red .. i had it about 52% but this is now .. mby im not for this meta or idk
                      But im asking for help , not this ...


                        @dark mby u should learn to play roaming kunkka or pudhe , so you could be usefull on all your lanes and try to increse your mmr

                        MEKETA BREKETA

                          i think you guys are jeleous becose Im 4k and becouse I fuck womans


                            My party mmr is higher then yours so it means i have better communication and i bet you are a gay ...
                            I just came here asking for help and u are raging and dont want anything good for me , we aint guarding sheeps together so u can write this things to my post, i hope admins will see this and report you ..
                            my life is crashing and u just making fun from everything , i wife left me because of this game and then i want help and i get this ...
                            Tnx you community

                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                              FriendsThis Week
                              Friend Matches Win Rate
                              KEKERONI 6

                              nice prank boys
                              go home


                                @black and gray morality
                                it is true that we used to play thogether ,but he is just one of those humiliating me every daay and he is chasing me everywhere ... what can i do about him ? Help me

                                MEKETA BREKETA

                                  black and gray i dont know how to tag you but this proves you're jelly becouse Im good and you suck.


                                    If means that much to you I think it would be worth it to buy a coach .


                                      KEKERONI can u please leave my profile ?


                                        @Filthy how can i find it and whot is the cost ?


                                          after a while observing lower players, people with op's mentality are physically incapable of improving

                                          no coach will fix your brain.


                                            @Cokkie i must say i saw your comments on other's topics and u seems like really smart guys and i really appreciate your suggestion to visit the doctor ...
                                            I would like to say that i have mates on 4.5 4.8k or more than 5k that i was giving them to play on this rating and to try , and no matter how they dominate thew was not able to win games here , those were records about 5/10 games so its 50 % of winrate


                                              Never got one but I’m sure some one here knows . I dropped as well but for me I know it was just due to quiting for 7 months then coming back / probably starting ranked too soon after one of my surgeries , so for me personally I know I will get back . If you get right mentality you will be back as welll.


                                                Boosting services wouldn't exist if that was true, maybe those 4.5-5k players haven't played in 3k in a while so it'd take them 2-3 games to get used, but after 10-20 games they will be winning 70%+ games.


                                                  Oh thank you very much , im just trying to stay positive and all that .. but my nerves are on the edge :)
                                                  I can see that you are Dotabuff plus member , can u tell me is that worthy and how much that could help me ?


                                                    That is just point of my topic , they will have that % after they get used and see what is the way to win games in this bracket ,cuz u really cant win playing anyrole u want and playing it on the way it should be played cuz u have to do more then the others question is that what is this i should be doing ?
                                                    U are 6k and im just noob for you , but im sure people that this already happen to them will undrestood and could give me the right answer


                                                      Plus doesn’t help that much but I don’t mind paying the little that it cost but I have pretty good income so dont mins that it’s not really needed . It would probably be best used if you bought just like a 1 Month subscription then cancel unless you really like it .


                                                        you have very many games, on your core heroes and you have poor win rates with tham, you just suck man, go support


                                                          you don't need a team to win in 3k, i win almost every single game solo.

                                                          if you wanna get better then start analyzing replays, you can use the ones from my 3k smurf, easiest for you to understand.


                                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                            haHAA im "6k" and i can solo carry games in 3k im so good haHAA


                                                              which reminds me i need to refresh my inventory of 0-1k accs, anyone here got any old accs they don't need that they'd want to donate?

                                                              for a good cause: keeping me from dying of boredom

                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                I know i was spiting a lot for teammates on start of topic but i know that is all on me
                                                                @kormoranas i would say that is probably cuz i have many games and a lot of those games belongs to 2k13 when i i know nothing about dota , example is mby that invoker with 3.5kda what is not that bad and 47% of win ... u will all agree that Sf is hero that must be protected from ganks , or be helped with stacks in case that u are losing and those are some stuffs u cant get on this mmr at solo games... and puck is hard to kill hero and hero i started to play about year ago so that's the reason of good stats with him ...


                                                                  well u'r meppo and arc stats are impressive , and those are skill depended heroes that win solo game's when picked at right time.. ill try to watch what i can .. but its big difference in mmr to be discusing , i feel like i would win every game on 0-1k mmr same as u are winning on mine mmr ..
                                                                  But can u tell me as the good arc warden what is most countering things for that hero and how to stop him ?
                                                                  and when to pick and to play him ?
                                                                  I just hate that hero because i dont know him very well and i cant play him and its one of top three banned heroes for me


                                                                    getting camped in the midlane, other than that you can't really counter arc in low mmr.

                                                                    so basically you can instapick him every game, counters don't matter, you can always itemize for any hero in the game and beat them.


                                                                      I'd like if u answer me for normal conditions ... for whole stadiums of game not based on my 3k problem
                                                                      Few months ago i played that ESL tournament and we had arc on opponet team and he was about 6-6.5k and i preety raped him on laning stage with viper , getting whole vaves of creeps and leading him on lvls , denying him everythin that was possible and it was some preety big number as 40+ denyes .. then guy just became invisible for some period farming jungle , he went back with all needed items and just ruined the game.. so we lost in semi finals for reason we didnt know how to play against him


                                                                        How you drop from 4.3 to Normal Skill. This one is impressive also. In addition your friends erase you not cos u played bad, but im 100% sure u behave like an asshole and dont see your own mistake - but u always see other's mistakes. I had plenty of such retards in my friens list who I also got rid off.

                                                                        On the other hand I have many 2k friends who jsut play for fun and I love to play with them even if we lose. They are normal people. U have to work on your mental issues or jsut dont play dota.

                                                                        If you drop 1000 mmr you should be able to carry these games with your eyes closed. Also you have to play heros you can put huge impact with. For example I was playing many heros and roles, now I just spam Chen and win games in streaks, a couple of loses and then again a winning streak. U gotta find a hero u good at. Or at least 2-3 heros.

                                                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                          @Lex Sure it is about me , i wrote it on later's comments that i blame myself most , i also wrote that there came period that i became careless and just go random playing whatever i get however i wanted to , not raging , tryharding or anything , just loosing the games and loosing , probably at this moment i should go play normal matches ...
                                                                          and i dont have problem with my party games , I have a lot of friends who are on 2k ,3k and its ez with them and i am enjojing party games
                                                                          for example my sf and pucks are on 80% when i play party ,while solo is much less
                                                                          , i can play my role , they will listen to what is spoken them to do, and if u lose its because other team was better ...
                                                                          Tnx for advice, i know that i have to have more impact no matter what role or hero i play


                                                                            if you want to get better you need to stop mentioning your team at all.

                                                                            There should be only "me, i and myself"

                                                                            Levi - 黛米神

                                                                              spam Spirit Breaker in 3-4k bracket ez mmr bro


                                                                                When a player suck why do people consider them go support?

                                                                                Is support role that low skill player get?


                                                                                  ^ good point :thinking:


                                                                                    Scale of hardest roles in dota:

                                                                                    U cant play? You are bad? Play support! Ofc gl....
                                                                                    I hate this way noobs have to watch support role, in this meta they are the most influent and skilled role.
                                                                                    They just win games even at pro level...
                                                                                    But yea you are a support s hut up you are bad.


                                                                                      core roles are mechanically, but support roles are 10x more complex as you don't have farm to compensate for your mistakes.


                                                                                      chicken spook,,,,


                                                                                        Mlada i Luda

                                                                                          this topic is full of bullshit comments son, ignore all and try to ask help somewhere else. trust they just make things worst , any of those comments doesnt make sense or have anything helpful for you . they only talk based on theyr experience , which is 1 of 10 milion others scenarios. what works for a person can be a completely disaster for another if you only based in his experience, since no on here is a real dota coach .analist or psychologist. those kids will only mess up your brain more with theyr weird retarded experiences. trust me i do this for your protection , ignore all and move on .

                                                                                          i mean look at this " 🍩🍪Cookie🍪🍩 21 hours ago
                                                                                          you don't need a team to win in 3k, i win almost every single game solo.
                                                                                          if you wanna get better then start analyzing replays, you can use the ones from my 3k smurf, easiest for you to understand.
                                                                                 " .

                                                                                          those kids ignore completely the most important part of your post, which is that you droped from , 4k, and they jsut keep spamming same shit all over again that they do to everyone else, even that they asking for something else, you know, they just want to share theyr self experience doesnt matter waht your actually looking for.

                                                                                          " destroy enemy ancient " ha ha, im a smart ass haha. after all mean of DOTA is "Defending Of The Ancient " not destroy enemy ancient.


                                                                                            I agree and disagree with you, yes in laning stage its of course better when your teammates gank rather than enemy, but good mid players can come back, especially heroes like sf, who can farm jungle spawns in one second. You are just doing something wrong bro