Had the same thing vs an arc warden this week. Sad day.
I did my best with 1st pick rubick, fact is rubick against their lineup isnt efficient. 2nd pick jugg well be almost useless against their team cause they have so many escapes. 3rd pick weaver got owned early n mid game going 3-13 at min 35. 4th pick shadow fiend might be the only decent pick but cant out carry a late game slark. 5th FUCKING PICK JUNGLE BS, although bs is good here but the player himself is a complete idiot who went magic damage rather than physical and went aghs just to counter their linkens when they have 3 linkens....
And what kind of carry goes fucking 3-4-19 in a 1 hour game ffs, I hope the idiot sees this thread cause hes the most awful carry in 3k (ironically)
Going aghs on BS to counter linkens when he has bloodrage on 6 sec cd? Thats some next level retardation.
That's what u call a greedy lineup. I imagine the carries competing with each other for farm, so basically u have 4 sub par carries with no utility. And then u have a 3k rubick. There Are no good 3k rubick players ever. sorry. This loss was understandable.
Shit, im being told by someone hos 700 mmr lower than me and and a 51% win rate to "Git gud" while i won 18 games out of 19 in the past week.
@op understanding why such games are lost are actually very valuable to climbing. U will see a lot of games like these at your bracket. Basically u and weaver had to be the main playmakers and you'd have to play out of your mind. Basically you'd have to play like a 5k rubick that game
I didn't have to look at the match to know everyone one of your cores went full dmg builds. 0 utility
They actually had 3 carries as well
it wasnt planned to be a greedy lineup, last pick was bs jungler when we thought he would pick a roamer like sb or pudge. He spent the first 15 min farming jungle without ganking mid or safelane, he went magic damage rather than physical to deal with slark and invoker. Like I said i first picked rubick I didnt have much choice, plus bad items from jugg going both bf and mjoll rather than a basher or a skadi.
And for some odd reason SF went for Satanic which isnt completely bad but hurricanpike or butterfly would have been better.
Split pushing was nearly impossible, if one of them got caught by SK or Silencer they are 100% dead, we tried and got all of their t1 and t2 towers but we simply couldnt push high ground against that lineup.
Yeah I know why I lost that match, we simply got out-drafted with poor decisions on items. I gave Jugg almost ffree farm bot then I left him to roam, Weaver although he killed Slark 3 times early games, he simply was useless mid and late game with SK.
SK won them the game, although I hate to admit ut cause he was shit talking almost all game.
My TeAm HoLd Me BaCk, NoOb JugGerNauT aAnD CaRriEs.
git gud.
Was really hoping to see someone post something like this, don't listen to this autist.
Eblade on Lion and AC on Silencer, even their supports are farmed. Can't really expect much from a team where 3 heroes literally do nothing but damage.
git gud, it's the same rant thread like others.
and the reason is same, MY TEAM HOLD ME BACK. fucking bullshits. git gud.
scrubs complaining about their 16 winstreaks ended..
imagine having your 63 winstreak ended
@ReiZ I already lost them, check my previous games I had l has like 2 9 losing streaks, went from 55.6% winrate to 54.20%, now im back at 54.8%
That BS build does not kill a farmed carry. The dagon build is meant to make people unable to farm because you run at them, burst them down before they can react, and now they are dead and not farming, meanwhile your team farms up while they can't show on the map. It doesn't do shit if the game goes long enough, especially against hit-and-run heroes.
One halberd would have won that game.
Exactly, I told BS to get Halberd or force staff to cancel their linkens/for teamfights but he refused and muted me. I told jugg to go for butterfly rather than mjoll (cause he already has a bf) and said im an idiot and muted me. It was a hellish game.
Like I said, 4 of them had BoT, if one of my cores got caught by silencer or sk hes 100% dead.
Jugg did 0 pushing to make it simple.
butterfly rather than mjoll (cause he already has a bf
I did my best with 1st pick rubick
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when the enemy slark outcarries your 4 carrys combined.....