General Discussion

General DiscussionPeople over exaggerate about the toxicity of the dota community

People over exaggerate about the toxicity of the dota community in General Discussion
👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

    I see a lot of people complaining that a major part of the dota community in each bracket is really toxic, incompetent and selfish

    But in the 101 (exactly) games I played in the 2 and a half years (my internet is rarely stable :( )

    I have never found it to be true

    Maybe alot of people are inexperienced (not saying I am, but I do think that I have a bit more grasp of mechanics and meta concepts than average people on my skill level). But incompetent and toxic, that's a stretch imo

    Overall all my games were enjoyable, alot of people are genuinely nice people that simply want to have fun and do their best (yes Russians aren't exception). And while communication can be a struggle once in a while, we still do the best

    People are willing to help, willing to be appreciated, sometimes they just need their space, and other times they need a guide, and in the rest they want trust

    I lost almost half of my games, and in none of them I finished with a feeling of desperation. I always felt we did our best, and we simply got outplayed. And that's not a bad thing, for every 5 winners there must be 5 losers. And I think with each game I got better, and it requires more and more skills to won against me

    Overall, just wanted to say that I always glad to play with the community, it full of amazing people and sometimes the community is really under appreciated. And I am glad to help people help the team to play the best they can. And that's the main reason I find playing the support role the most fun, I help people bring their best, and I feel satisfied to do so

    Thanks for the experience in the game overall, looking forward to improve (and overall being able to play more often) and to have fun with the game
    Just a thought I have in the back of my mind for a while
    Love ya'll <3


      I had a very good experience as well, honestly i only can remember 2 toxic players, but i feel it because i haven't played ranked. I assume people care more in ranked and as a result are easier to get trigged.

      I don't think you should comment on how the community is as a whole if you haven't play a decent amount of ranked games.

      Този коментар е бил редактиран

        ranked games are 100% less toxic

        people dont feed or rage because they want +25

        in normal MM theyll just pick whatever they want and if they get angry they just run down mid.


          We are talking about SEA server


            @Unhealable Damage
            I haven't had one player run down mid, had 1 or 2 rage dc and 1 game of 4 stack of toxic player's i muted 2mins into the game.
            Over all i had very pleasant experience so far.
            I haven't played ranked so i can only assume because mmr is at stake people can get upset more easily but then again try hard as well.

            I play Australian server because any another server here is 250+ms.
            Australia 1st world country 3rd world internet.

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            死の恐怖 Haseo

              there is too many core player

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              chicken spook,,,,

                We are talking about SEA server

                No, you morons are just too sensitive.
                If you actually give a fuck about other server players' experience, it's basically the same shit with different language. The only difference is that you overly dramatic piece of shits make these rants more often.


                  Your behavior score might be high? There are tons of people who rage and throw.

                  👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                    Because I got a lot of abandons some tike ago because my internet was suddenly really unstable

                    chicken spook,,,,

                      I had 600 BS.
                      0 intentional thrower, rages were on tolerable level.
                      If you people stop fighting fire with fire, or even starting it, maybe you'd have a less toxic playing enviroment.


                        @A BSJ In Training
                        My bs was over 9k but now shows normal.


                          I totally agree i dont meet a toxic from the last patch about behaviour score


                            We are toxic, fu idiot

                            Dark Hunter

                              I've played 1200+ games (and still trash lul) and i've had a shitload of toxic people that shouldn't even be allowed to touch a computer. But the number is far less than the amount of nice friendly people i've met over the years. A lot depends on your own mentality. If you're calm and fun yourself, you have a lower change to trigger other people or to calm them down. Dota is 50% mindgame and 50% mechanical skill.

                              Cheap Laugh Guy

                                You're too pure for this world

                                👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                  You're too pure for this world


                                    People over exaggerate about the toxicity of the dota community


                                    Have a good day sir.


                                      I am toxic for a reason
                                      Even bots understand more shit than them lol

                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                        its the nature of a team game. when one person decides to do be an asshole, it will be hard for the other 4. and people abuse the crap out of this "power" they have to do retarded things like deciding that one person doesnt deserve to win the game, that they should play carry/mid or they wont let their team win the game, that everything they say should be done otherwise they will drag the team down. and most of the time you have to oblige if you actually want to win the game because if you dont you will most likely lose the game. but when people DO oblige, they just keep doing it because they have seen firsthand that their retarded "threats" actually work.


                                          not really toxic if u just muted everyone who give negative vibe to you

                                          👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                            I never muted anyone
                                            Besides one guy that said nothing and just streamed white noise

                                            white boy summer

                                              reddit overexterrages everything and ppl who listen to those shits will be concieved easily. i never felt like a patch is stale/unplayable but looking at reddit posts makes me feel like they are right (which they are not). same goes to reddit whining about any other things. it's so easy to put the blame on someone/something else for your 40% winrate

                                              👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                Well I also see it a lot here


                                                  NOT EVERYONE IS TOXIC


                                                    OP is basically a bot. He wouldn't know toxic if it farted on his face and blew it with a fan.

                                                    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                      I can notice toxicity, but I find it not nearly as bad as claimed to be


                                                        I meet a toxic person once about every 150 games

                                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                        👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                          I meet a toxic person once about every 150 games
                                                          The red man with the balls of steel said so


                                                            It really depends on what you consider toxic. If they're intentionally feeding/destroying items that is really throwing the game, then yeah I would say that I have rarely ever saw those games while playing Dota 2.

                                                            People of course talk a lot of trash, but at the end of the day, they still want to win and really put effort into it.
                                                            So I think Dota 2 tends to be a much more friendly game (for a MOBA game) than most people give credit for.

                                                            Président® Salted Butter

                                                              Idk man, it just varies a lot

                                                              1k and 2k seem much worse than 4k in terms of salt and toxicity, at least in 4k you can actually communicate with people

                                                              👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                                Well I am around 1-2k

                                                                chicken spook,,,,

                                                                  Lol no 1k-2k is chill
                                                                  People are just deluded and they simply can't differentiate bad players and toxic ones

                                                                  Chocolate Sailor

                                                                    I'm glad you've had an enjoyable experience with Dota, but just because you haven't experienced it doesn't mean that it isn't there. This is known as a logical fallacy.


                                                                    These are two recent matches that I've played in. They were played on the same day and both matches had a different player who intentionally fed in the 2-3k skill bracket, unranked on US East. Chessie, a 7.7k MMR pro player, has currently been shown to be intentionally feeding in his ranked matches as well. This is what Dota really is for the majority of players at any skill bracket.

                                                                    Even 100 matches is a very small sample and, I mean this in the kindest way possible, but I'm certain that you are matched with players who are new to the game and don't care much about core mechanics. When everyone is learning the game, expectations are low and costly mistakes aren't apparent. I was the same way when I was new to Dota.