General Discussion

General DiscussionDota is LoL

Dota 2 API-то не е достъпно в момента, затова новите Ви мачове ще се появят веднага, когато то стане отново достъпно.
Dota is LoL in General Discussion

    Wtf, dota has become so low that it is getting closer to becoming LoL...


      You are a sad soul in need of rest.

      Riguma Borusu

        what the fuck does "become so low" even mean


          original "dota is lol"-joke number 6402


            At least visage got buffed :(

            Pale Mannie

              haHAA i hate change haHAA i live in permanent nostalgia haHAA dota purist btw


                Added a bunch of things from Dota 1 like neutral creeps sleeping and turbo mode (dota 1 easy mode).
                Game is more like LOL.
                Makes sense.