General Discussion

General DiscussionNew mmr system

New mmr system in General Discussion
Shikanoko Noko

    Omg valve actually do their job

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    Night Shade

      This is nice.... but question is that valve states that new mmr callibrated each season will be seeded by previous mmr so i think people will mostly stay in the same brackets , maybe improve by hundred or two if they abuse meta correctly and get nice stats and KDA. but anything at this point .......its changed singsing says "its not dota IMBA, its 7.07"

      happy noob

        I just want to get this correct - our current mmr system is done, and we will be just doing season now?

        Dire Wolf

          Basically all it means is your first 10 games of the new season are going to recalibrate your mmr. Or however many games it takes to calibrate idk how many it is. Your old mmr carries over to seed you but you will recalibrate.

          Honestly it's no different unless you tank a bunch of games. What it does is eliminate smurfs. For two reasons: One those smurfs will be recalibrated every 6 months so instead of getting boosted to 5k and then taking a million losses to drop to 2k where you belong, you'll just recalibrate to 2k in like 10 games.

          Second you don't need to make a smurf to jump a lot in a short time. Just play really good during your calibration.

          Dire Wolf

            For normal players though it's not any different.


              This can still be abused by letting your account played by booster during the re-calibration period though. Then you can enjoy the high MMR for the next few months or so

              Dire Wolf

                why do people think playing out of their league is enjoyable though? Enjoy the high mmr when you lose every game?


                  ^ cus they think they re not deserve to low mmr, they believe they deserve better , they see themselves as 6k while they re 3k. but thinking of their teams '' hold them back '' . so they re not hesitating to play high mmr even they lose every game. cus they will probably think omg this bracket is the same, still their team hold them back.


                    What specific things affect your re-calibration? I gather just winning the games is not enough, right?


                      Good KDA thats all, Playing support in calibration in low mmr like I do is tough.


                        Just read a long article that somewhat confirms what you said, but added some nuances. A good support with lots of assists will have a great KDA, i.e. a good calibration chance. Also, someone that completes his or her role well have alot of other minor factors such as creep kills, denies, neutral stacking, ward, deward, yes, even clicks per minute matters somewhat. It would just seem weird to me, that a support should suffer, and a hurr durr carry should benefit more and it seems they might be equals in this, if everything is correct. I think maybe offlaners will suffer the most from recalibration.

                        Yes, I play support too.


                          If you're 2k now and you aren't able to climb then you're 100% still going to be 2k when you recalibrate.
                          Same thing for any mmr range.


                            ^unless you intentionally feed during calibration xD

                            Bad Intentions

                              IMHO there is really no 2k players, everyone should be at least 3k.


                                ithink it will show mmr number like past and just added medals by every season

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                                Riguma Borusu

                                  your opinion albeit humble is completely wrong

                                  i went from 1k to 3.7k on this account and in 1k you wonder whether the people are even playing the same game as you or maybe they have some physical disabilities (I played in 1k when I had already played in VHS unranked)


                                    I can already foresee those 2 star wood medal dumbshits complain about their tim holdin them bek. Tsk

                                    Man this sounds so weird, flaming will never be the same.

                                    TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                      Imma take this opportunity to calibrate to 1k and enjoy my games the next few months until mext season

                                      Livin' Real Good

                                        I think you guys are wrong.

                                        If you are let's say 4.5K, and you purposely lose the 10 calibration games, I don't you will calibrate to Bronze 1K badge tier, obviously lower, but not as low as you think. Your actual MMR (in this case 4.5K) is probably more important of a factor than the actual 10 calibration games. The same way all the unranked games you play on a smurf before calibrating with the old system are more important than the actual 10 calibration games.


                                          if im 69mmr, and i completely bomb my 10 calibration games. Will i end up being 1.5k to 2k


                                            how to re-calibrate mmr ? how does it work?


                                              it just help people egos and it's not really bad thing too boosting egos


                                                This is going to be interesting!!


                                                  This is going to be interesting!!

                                                  Asif Ali Slardari

                                                    Dude how the fuck do you get 69 solo MMR and 5000 party MMR

                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                      Umair who gave you permission to speak to a god, shut the fuck up

                                                      Fuck Dota 2's Devs

                                                        any one knows when "NEW MMR SYSTEM" will lunch?
                                                        they said 2 weeks gonna be like 14-15nov?


                                                          Valve trolling players, 15 nov and no update yet? why 2 weeks from now message then? god...


                                                            Can someone test the new system and tell me if it's possible to drop 2k mmr?


                                                              as a note. The new calibration will probably be very similar to the first time someone calibrates where it can swing a couple thousand mmr. i doubt this will be like the seasonal resets where you could like max move up 200 mmr. The only major difference will be that it will use your previous mmr as the starting point for recalibration. So if you were 2k mmr before your first calibration match will be a 2k match. but a 6k player will have like a 6k match.


                                                                the calibration will go the same as the seassonal calibration did...


                                                                  What of you don't want to recalibrate your Mmr ? Like I'm good to my MMR now is there a option just like in last ti that you have an option whether you switch your current mmr to the seasonal MMR?


                                                                    International calibration was based on your unranked mmr, new calibration is based on your previous mmr.


                                                                      There’s lots of naive people here. Calibration won’t move your mmr much - maybe a medal or two (so +/-500mmr)

                                                                      The medal system is a psychological tool by valve to give people a more tangible goal than grinding a bigger number. It’s second purpose is to reduce the negative feelings from losing a game because there will be no immediate red -25 and your medal won’t change every loss.


                                                                        Wasnt it supposed to be launched by now?


                                                                          so if i grinding my mmr right now its useless cuz they will erase mmr?


                                                                            I am 2k player. If I play 40 unranked now, is it going to reset my MMR after I play the 10 calibration games? I asked like this because I really sick the 2k SEA server. Honestly, as a helpful player I am really not deserve in that level. Can anyone give me a proper suggestions to guide me?


                                                                              yo concurdo


                                                                                so if i grinding my mmr right now its useless cuz they will erase mmr?

                                                                                your current mmr is a seed for ur new one, so no


                                                                                  OH..., how tihs system works...


                                                                                    so it's still possible to lose mmr, right? and how many match should i win to get to next star on current medal? (let's say i'm on legend 3 and trying to get legend 4)


                                                                                      yeah finally i lost a game and lost my mmr, imo, this medal thing is pointless, it just reflect your highest mmr, valve could've just put this medal thing without recalibrate.. i lost 300 mmr because of this, i dunno.. just saying


                                                                                        The good KDA myth was debunked when Value offered re-calibration with purchase of the compendium. It appears to be more based on damage (player and building), GPM, and XPM. Some say supports are factored in differently but who knows.