General Discussion

General DiscussionBrewmaster talent

Brewmaster talent in General Discussion

    +100 as? Or +1500 health primal split?
    In which kind of situation is the +100 as viable and vice versa, i've seen sccc choose +100 as om their game against liquid

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      depends on your build. if you went for brawler build like bkb, ac, basher, get AS, if you have radiance/shiva get HP. though i think as is just better most of the time, hp only matters for fire spirit but earth is the one that carries all the auras so fire spirit doesnt really matter that much.


        the 100 as are so overpowerd its not even close
        it's a 2:1 use on dotabuff stats and the winrate is higher by 3%
        that's a nobrainer right there


          I guess you go for 100AS as a pos 2 while 1.5k hp is situational(usually picked when you're the one who tanks most of enemies damage)
          The pandas are tanky enough anyway lol

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            oh it seems that people dont usually focus ur spirits that much, they just either disable them using stuns/euls unless they have a 1.5k dps hero like PA


              not like it actually matters, almost no one plays that shit anyways


                Yep we only play superb heroes like Arc(spam them) and shit talk on fourms, acting cocky like cocky...
                Lets not turn this thread into a meme please


                  when you say situational, can you give me an example with all heroes of both team named and why exactly it would be better for that 1500 instead of 100 as

                  I am just curious, I can't think of an situation


                    Ahmm for e.g. when playing versus CK or PA.
                    Any hero who deals abnormal amount of damage(physical) in a short period of time


                      Pos 2 brew you get +100 as?, he can get lvl 20 fast enough though, but if its pos 3?


                        depends on your build. if you went for brawler build like bkb, ac, basher, get AS, if you have radiance/shiva get HP. though i think as is just better most of the time, hp only matters for fire spirit but earth is the one that carries all the auras so fire spirit doesnt really matter that much.

                        © go to AP
                        In 90% of my games I would choose AS but yeh it's up to you

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                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          always get as

                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                            honestly if ure still trying to make this hero an utility offlane just because his ulti doesnt scale in the very same patch where brawling brew is the strongest he has ever been there might be something wrong with u

                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                              you need farm to be a brawler though and you wont get that kind of farm in the offlane. you can put him mid, but then why not just pick dk or something instead?

                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                because they are different heroes? i can ask the same question about playing dk mid
                                even if u dont run him mid u can get that kind of farm if u run some cancer double offlane, which will probably be the offlane meta since solo offlane is everything but dead for most heroes. even if u have just drums blink bkb + basher/halberd/something and lv20 u already deal a lot of damage and are mega annoying to deal with

                                зачем я начал поиск

                                  Thought about learning this hero, but then I realized, that I barely know how to play 3 heroes.
                                  Besides, I don't even see any potential in this drunk at the moment.

                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                    the +3s second slow on q is also heavily underestimated, 7s is A LOT of time for 55% ms as slow with 13s cd, especially when u have beer, ure actually extremely hard to kite if u dont have any innate blinks or haste


                                      Double offlane seems good? but brew needs fast lvl 6?