General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to deal with report abusers?

How to deal with report abusers? in General Discussion
Friendly player

    Recently i was getting bad games and ran into teammates who reported me for just playing the game for fun. So how to deal with these people? Share your creative ways to deal with report abusers.

    profesionel fouri retardist

      If you want to have fun go play unranked on a smurf, people report other players even in ability draft for playing silly builds / trolling.

      Player 153433446

        Go to settings》options》advanced options》 strict solo ranked matchmaking.
        You wont que with or against a party.


          Playing for fun in my ranked games is a reportable offense.


            Mute them early.


              Try not to take important positions and "playing for fUn". Do it on position 3 and below


                The word "playing for fun" is very dangerous in DOTA in many sense. It could have many meaning "trolling for fun" "YOLO w/o brain for fun" "shitty build for fun" and your personal gain might cost 60 mins of other people time. Just play normal DOTA, hone your skills that should be fun by itself and no one will report you.

                go 5 man party game and you can do what you want.

                зачем я начал поиск

                  If you "play for fun" in ranked, you deserve to get reported.


                    single draft is quite fun actually, deal with it


                      Dota isn't fun. Don't play for fun.

                      Play LoL. LoL is fun lol


                        If you play for fun you shouldn't care about getting reported.

                        Bill Cutting

                          As far as I know party reports only count as one report, doesn’t matter if a 4 stack all report you

                          But it is annoying I’ve been there

                          Friendly player

                            Waow everyone talks about "play for fun" phrase. Just because you have fun while trolling doesn't mean other people have fun in that way. Hopefully you are not 12yo kids who cant think on their own.


                              Triggered 12 years old child LUL


                                "Go to settings》options》advanced options》 strict solo ranked matchmaking.
                                You wont que with or against a party."

                                holy crap didn't know that was an option.


                                  @Jacked ummmmmmmm, dude, if you think pos 3-5 is less important than 1 or 2, then you misunderstand dota.

                                  anyway, I don't encounter this problem much, in that, I am usually nice to people, and when I play something weird I generally only do bad when I play badly, like literally just poor mechanical play. So my team does not rage at me. But maybe that is because I never play ranked because I don't care and I play with 2.5k players. Usually I manage to convince the people who rage at me that I understand I screwed up, and they can stop. So I have never gotten low prio from reports. The only advice I can give is to not just choose random stuff, and possibly even warn your team about what you will be playing before hand. Tell them you will be picking a weird item and give a reason why you like the item. It is about coming to terms with people, even the ones who are just mean.


                                    Pee on them to show dominance. Idk just try to win even if playing for fun. The 4 guys out there wanna win too, and if youre not at least trying it annoys because dota is such a big time investment


                                      Idk im intenationaly feeding as np my team and enemy says he Will report me and guess what... Zero report given... "People who says he Will report anyone always have zero report available" dota law and physics book 2