General Discussion

General DiscussionRelooking at Pangolier

Relooking at Pangolier in General Discussion

    With all the new javelin builds and items like d-blade and blink dagger being used more on Pangolier, is he more viable?

    To those who don't know: It has been found that Pangolier's Swashbuckle can proc the 100dmg pierce from javelin. People now tend to buy 2-3 javelins and use them to make a MKB and a Skull Basher.

    This allows Pangolier to be very powerful in the mid-game, which is his strong suit with his mobility and ultimate that drops off in the late game. Yet, abyssal and MKB, and a 5sec CD on Swashbuckle at level 25 (plus other items, like d-blade and/or blink), can easily allow Pangolier to impact fights in the late game.

    I definitely think Pangolier should rise to a higher win-rate soon enough, probably somewhere around 48-50%.
    What are your thoughts?

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    1st class tourist

      I think 2ks shouldnt theorycraft since they dont know jackshir about the game


        Ah, wonderful inclusion into a discussion. I don't think anything you could add would contribute at all anyways, mainly because you last played a month ago, when the patch wasn't even out.

        Also I don't think you know much about English either, seeing how you made multiple mistakes of basic grammar and spelling, all in a single statement.


          had a pango on my team that had those items, he actually had a good impact on the game. It's just hes hard to play successfully and people that don't have the dexterity are gonna miss their skills and feed. But yah, he can be a good hero in capable hands. Which right now tends to be 1/10 because I smash him almost every time


            2 sec shield crash in ball is insane
            good hero but definitely difficult


              If pangolier will not be fixed, i get ez mmr for sure *+*


                I played pango off maxed sheild crash first cause its the most reliable spell imo.aquilla-treads for mana( is it just me or does int treads give a buttload of mana now? I kepit it on int for my whole combo and during offtime.) a 40 second (potential lul) ravage is insane, and when you get used to pinballing with it, you basically have a huge, if not just straight up win those small skirmishes in midgame. I also went javelins build and it was pretty good. With mkb first, basher and mjol later I even stood a chance against their carries. All I can say is he does no push potential though. Hes a very good hero imo.

                meteor hammer

                  u play him offlane and gank mid with 6 xd

                  yes hes very strong he does a ton of damage and his ults huge

                  his weakest point is probably that manavoid/assassinate type spells cancel the ult almost for free. also his damage kinda drops off because the most dmg ull get is basically mjolnir+mkb+basher. but if u have 3x javelin early u can almost 1shot people

                  meteor hammer

                    btw if u shield crash and then roll the cd is reset to 2 seconds

                    u need to do ur best to bounce off walls, its really easy to dodge the ball if ur running in circles

                    i just played him woa!!!1 almost top damage

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                      By push potential I mean tower damage, he pushes waves very fast though


                        Agree with you all, I personally haven't tried him yet but depending on where you are fighting he can almost perma bash someone if the walls are close enough apart

                        meteor hammer

                          u can permastun someone with 1 wall if u bounce like this


                            he feels like a league of legends character ..... Rammus?


                              Permastun spots are river, rosh, some camps, tusk shards. I usually plan it during the cast point. And on a 40 second cooldown, damn.


                                Definitely a good hero imo, his damage output is good and his ulti can really turn the rides of a fight especially in early/mid game.

                                Cheap Laugh Guy

                                  3 Javelin is best build

                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    Hard to use his ulti but very rewarding if you can

                                    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                      I don't know about mkb, but 2 javelins into basher seems very strong, mkb is simply to expensive for a hero that doesn't really want to have high farm priority

                                      Also arcane seems to me like a reasonable item for him, sustaining his mana quiet well (he doesn't really depend on it enough to justify soul ring imo, yet he do need that small boost to keep going)
                                      I think something around the line of arcane-aquilla-javelin-javelin-blink-diffusal-basher is a reasonable cookie cutter on him

                                      Potato Marshal

                                        Really feel like arcanes are the boots to go on this hero since swashbuckle doesn't benefit from the attack speed or damage from treads and phase.


                                          I buy treads for mana actually, and tankiness, Id buy arcanes if Im gonna use tge booster dor something, but attack speed is ok since ur gonna be manfighting them after combo. Mkb is nice too since its pure and you can clear a wave with swashbuckle after


                                            Is Pango better offlane tank, or carry? Offlane, he feels like an initiating Bristleback, slightly less tanky. Carry, he feels like PA, jump in and blow a hero up

                                            ZA WARUDO

                                              I've played with and against offlane and carry Pangoliers.

                                              Imagine Attacker and how he gets Kunkka with mutiple Bracers and Daedalus, which makes Tidehunter deal huge damage.
                                              Pangolier carry is basically that with MKB, with Swashbuckle replacing Tidehunter.

                                              Pangolier offlane to me feels like SK offlane, you survive and get farm to make yourself some teamfighting items for the midgame.

                                              < blank >

                                                JUST SPAM PANGOLIER FOR FREE MMR <3 NO NERF VALVE PLSSSS

                                                i have 5 reports to use

                                                  Just pick a real offlane like axe ya fukin memers

                                                  white boy summer

                                                    "real offlane"




                                                      Imagine Attacker and how he gets Kunkka with mutiple Bracers and Daedalus, which makes Tidehunter deal huge damage.
                                                      Pangolier carry is basically that with MKB, with Swashbuckle replacing Tidehunter.



                                                        Above me were bunch of retards