General Discussion

General DiscussionMeepo - Silver Edge or Dagger?

Meepo - Silver Edge or Dagger? in General Discussion

    Seeing quite a number of meepo players going Silver Edge over Dagger first. What’s your thought?


      depends on the game


        I get both, since sometimes you need to catch a disruptive support with SE, while blink is definitely a core item on meepo cuz invisibility is countered by gem or sents


          Usually if get both, you will go dagger first then only SE right. Some meepo players that I have seen goes SE straight and even skipped dagger.


            I used to go SE only but then started going dagger as I realised it helped in pushing highground, icreased by pitiful winrate by quite a bit.

            General Asim Muneer

              I go SE if there is really an important passive to break..usually vs bb/timber/abba but i have to go dagger anyways later bcz SE is dogshit at pushing high ground


                as 3k i just check if they have sup or no if no se all the way..


                  Why buy Se if u can have sheepstick for almost the same cost mate?

                  Or..u can buy 2 meteor hammer same cost.You can combo blink poof and meteor twice holyshiit!!


                    because u have to get to enemy unoticed or with suprise

                    pos5 with carry hero,ez g...

                      lothar or silver edge , 3-4 k mmr , dagers 6k +
                      lothar in pubs , in tournametns dagers ofc





                          blink 90% of the time imo
                          silver edge is super situational