General Discussion

General DiscussionJust watched Paparazzi Morphling in PW Grand Finals

Just watched Paparazzi Morphling in PW Grand Finals in General Discussion
Cheap Laugh Guy

    And he only used the ult twice or trice FOR THE WHOLE FUCKING GAME!
    None of them are game changing, two were used after a won fight and a tease, one was used in a fight and failed to do anything.

    Even a 9k CHINA NUMBA WAN can't find a situation to fully use this unrewarding ult. OSfrog pls save this trash hero

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      morphling is not trash. he is one of the top carries at tournaments and high mmr games. one of his biggest weaknesses (mana burn) doesnt counter him as much anymore which is a big deal. his new ulti is bad yes, but people are not using it to its full potential yet. in time they will learn to use it more effectively. if the ultimate was better the hero would be bonkers


        His basic abilities make the hero. The ult is there as just a bonus that scales from useless to game-winning based on picks.

        chicken spook,,,,

          Is the build basically 4441 rn