General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is the carry supposed to do in a trilane?

What is the carry supposed to do in a trilane? in General Discussion
69 god

    Okay so while in a trilane, what is the carry supposed to do in the first 2 creep waves. I was lifestealer carry with venge and dazzle supp. While they're zoning out, and there wasn't a considerable decrease in hp of the ursa and omniknight(dual offlane), what am I supposed to do as the carry, considering the above situation as well in general trilane vs dual lane. First two waves? Last hits or damage the offlaners?

    死の恐怖 Haseo

      you let your range go and die first when blocking creeps . then you can harass enemy offlaner without worrying about your creep equilibrium both zoning and cs is important


        u should jungle with LS maybe :V


          ALWAYS prioritize creep equilibrium.

          Your job as a carry is to get the most xp and gold from the lane; to do so, you need to control the lane so that it's not too close to your tower that you need to compete with your own tower for CS, and make sure that it's not too far from your tower that it makes you vulnerable to ganks / harder for your support to zone the offlaner out.

          Killing/harassing offlaner is just a way to help you gain the most xp and gold from the lane: the more you dumpster the offlaner > the less likely he could stay in lane and fuck with your CS > you get easy gold and xp > you achieve the goal

          On the other hands, if you keep going for kills and harassing without considering about the lane equilibrium you will end up losing the lane because are sharing xp with 3 perople while the enemy is alone 2.creeps will keep pushing to the enemy's tower and he can just tp back after he respawn and get free xp + gold

          So in short, learn how to control creeps (creep blocking + creep aggro) and make sure it's slightly pushing toward you before you go for any kill, it's almost always correct to give up a kill on offlaner if it is to keep the equilibrium in the lane


            what if the lane is 3v3 or 3v2 and you cant just let your supports fight or they just gonna both die and feed enemy a lot of extra gold

            69 god

              Okay so usually try to get deny on our ranged creep. Try to keep lane to us. Nearby the tower yet not under it. Can you also please explain the situation as I gave. The ursa omniknight was pretty tough to deal with.


                do ur best to not miss any cs while also helping ur supports kill or zone
                if u miss a couple cs for a kill ur good, just make sure ur supports pull afterwards so the offlaner doesnt get the classic free double or even triple wave under tower after respawning


                  "the classic free double or even triple wave under tower after respawning" so classic, sometimes i even get those without dying


                    what kinda moron support in 5k doesnt pull


                      How about solo offlaner vs trilane safelane? What to do?


                        get as much xp and gold as you can without dieing. If you can't stay in lane jungle and grab bounty runes or go set up a gank on another lane if you can.


                          what kinda moron support in 5k doesnt pull- The one who kills offlane and zones the fuck out of him.


                            ^ye then u pull afterwards
                            cuz ur a TRILANE
                            so even if 1 is zoning, the other is pulling
                            u can do MULTIPLE THINGS AT ONCE