General Discussion

General DiscussionCalibration is broken?

Calibration is broken? in General Discussion


    I was 4.2k solo mmr prior to resetting everything... from the calibration games, I won 7 out of the 10 games... that calibrated me to 3.7k solo mmr (legend 3)... how is that right?

    can anyone explain?



      Did you feed in any of those games?

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      死の恐怖 Haseo

        there are lots of other player who also lose their mmr

          nope, absolutely not, probablly was negative K/D in one game by one death vs kill... rest I actually was like 10+kda

          casual gamer

            There’s a league for you


              pretty annoying... I am already up to 4k almost... but playing really easy games is no fun when I was in a higher bracket already


                Just means that your skill isn't for 4.2k (according to the metrics that Dota 2 has at least)


                  wow thats harsh. I was 4002 and went up to 4.1


                    Icefrog actually analysed all accounts one after one and in your case he found (as official document says) you climbed too much on dead brain heroes like riki who climb pretty much invisibly.


                      Miracle and 10ks went to 7200 mmr why u mad ?


                        7k is now 10k


                          most of your game are 30min+


                            That cant be right, i was 4575 then i calibrated 2win 8lose, i got about 4450+ I had my first 2 games as CM 0-10 :/


                              Yeah doesn’t sound right. I was 4.2 before. Won 6, lost 4 and ended up with 4340 and ancient 1.
                              Everyone is saying mmr during calibration went down for them but I guess the squish didn’t affect 4K players

                              win, win, win

                                yes, calibration is broken. give with it that valve ruin your mmr which u worked for with your own blood and sweat.


                                  A professional gamer who transitioned to Dota and was trained by one of the best professional analysts of the game who is 5k+ MMR, being taught many advanced to semi-advanced concepts in the game, many of which a Normal skill or even High skill player may not know. The result? See for yourself.


                                  3k MMR with 800 or so games.

                                  Calibration: Herald 1


                                    did he really get herald 1?


                                      5007 before calibrating
                                      8win-2lose my mmr is 5156


                                        "Icefrog actually analysed all accounts one after one and in your case he found (as official document says) you climbed too much on dead brain heroes like riki who climb pretty much invisibly."

                                        That doesn't make sense... I learned the game on this account, so I played riki and void most... lately (especially after 7.0 patch) I don't play riki anymore... on top of that, the 10 games I played to calibrate were all different heroes, and none riki... so how is the number of my riki games relevant?

                                        I am a bit disappointed because in theory I should have calibrated higher than my original 4.2k...


                                          didnt they say they pull everybody closer ot 2.4k?
                                          so the further above you were, teh most mmr you loose. and the 1k players will increase slightly


                                            There seems to be a Two groups of ppl. Those who get +-25 and some who got Their mmr adjusted. Usually they are for the higher mmrs. But I didn't think a 4k would get adjusted. I Guess valve has a way of selecting accounts they think are possibly inflated?

                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                              I got it 2.4k which was the same mmr as pre update
                                              I walked down mid 0-25 or smth on one of them



                                                ~3500 before
                                                ~3600 after

                                                Won 7 out of 10 games and got Legend 1.


                                                  Calibration is total garbage, I dropped from 4.4 to 4 with 6 wins 4 losses. The losses also had high dmg/KDA. typical

                                                  now all my games are trash again. wp


                                                    Dude. Its no worries. If you really are 4k+ skill. You'd be stomping that bracket. I was placed at the 4ks. Now im back at 5.3+ chill out man. Enjoy pwning noobs


                                                      True story... I am back to 4k already... sometimes it's nice to play easy games, anti stress...




                                                          Yes I am worried, since the last 3 games I 1st picked mid the guy went jungle and ruined the game. Can't win If I don't play cores.

                                                          What's more, you get reports and end up in LP.

                                                          you don't understand do you. You get guys with low stars in your team and you are up against guys with high stars. It's not a fair game since one guy can ruin entire game.


                                                            True story... I am back to 4k already... sometimes it's nice to play easy games, anti stress...

                                                            First of all you are not at 4k since your last soloq games are mixture of high skill and very high skill which means you are around 3750 mmr.

                                                            Second, easy games? Most of your games are 35+ min in which 80% of them you either play a)offlane role b)lich, ogre, cm stuff.

                                                            Its not that you are demolishing mid your every fucking game 15/0, raping your opponents with imbalance. Stop writing shit that is not true, thats it.

                                                            зачем я начал поиск


                                                              Because he's a dumb shitstain, who wasted his money on a scam.
                                                              Shit collocations like "professional analyst" in one sentence with "Dota" already suggest "a smart guy looking to make dumbfucks lose their money for nothing".

                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                I was 4380 before calibration. calibrated at 4550 (Ancient 2). I won 8 of the 10 games. Now I am already Ancient 3 with a nice streak.

                                                                I think calibration works as it shoudl it just doenst only count wins and losses.


                                                                  @Coroner, are you a bit tilted? calm down boy... If I was 3750 I wouldn't be Legend 4 stars, so if I didn't lie about my MMR I didnt lie about the rest (despite 30min games, it was bloody easy and I won the game alone as a offlaner)... you should delete your existence from this thread, tilted boy...



                                                                    If you were actually 4k, you wouldnt be matched on 3.5k average mmr soloq on EU west during peak player hours. Thats it. All the other soloq players in that game are around 3600-3800 which by healthy logic means you are also around 3.7k. I really dont get it why you are lying...


                                                                      And lets see your next couple of games. If you are really fucking stomping your opponents, that pretty much means MM fucked up your calibration, your are rated lower than you should be. If you keep winning/ lossing or getting carried eventaully that means you are where you should be :)


                                                                        I am sure calibration fucked up, I've been all over this bracket and it will be easy to get passed it... probably will take me 15-20 games to reach my previous mmr... and actually, I was 4.4k for a while although had a small losing streak right before the calibration phase... I am definitely in the wrong bracket...


                                                                          Haha, I see. So ez games hehe 5 games lossing streak btw hehe


                                                                            there you go @Coroner, took me 23 games to get back to my old mmr prior to calibration... from 3.7k to 4.2k (Ancient)... so that's a proof the calibration fucked up... I just hope they fix it, I dont want to gain 500 mmr because they fucked up every time they reset it...


                                                                              new mmr's are different from old ones


                                                                                Ancient 1 is not 4.2k mmr. Take screenshot of it


                                                                                  And calibration didnt fuck up. Average of mmr is simply lowered. 4.2k on previous mmr is not same as 4.2k mmr in this one, get it? they just moved median a little bit left.


                                                                                    so you are saying that a 4.2k now is more or less than before? all I can say is that in general, if your team doesnt have a rager, it's quite easy compared to the 4.5k bracket from before...

                                                                                    and Coroner, I don't have to take screenshots... my word is enough, suck it up tilted boy...


                                                                                      yours is a unique case pippo. theres a couple of ppl who got 'deflated' meaning they lost more than they should. mmr as a whole deflated but already people are climbing back to their old mmrs. i dont know what this is all about.


                                                                                        damn you got back to 4.2k quick. was it really that easy


                                                                                          well it took me 1 week and 20+ games... games were easy though... I just hope they fix it, my account will always have riki top hero... it doesnt mean I am not in the correct bracket though...


                                                                                            There is nothing that should be fixed niether something is wrong with calibration process. Matchmaking system didnt take 500 mmr away from you. When you calibrated new mmr you got a new number which has no relations niether should be compared to old mmr. get it?

                                                                                            New mmr has new average median. Further from the average median of all MMRs in the world, the higher drops of MMR could potential be. Calibration process is obviously based on some factors that involve individual performance, consistency in some things and other game factors that me and you dont know.


                                                                                              And to add, if calibration actually fucked up as you are claiming, you would steamroll trough games like its nothing. But you are not doing that. You are lossing some games, you are winning some. You are getting carried in some or you eventually carry.

                                                                                              You belong exactly where you currently are.


                                                                                                Coroner. You got no brain? Or you dont know how to read? Didnt you see he just said he calibrated 3.7k legend 3 and now at ancient back to his original mmr.
                                                                                                Ofcourse hes losing and winning now since HE IS BACK TO HIS ORIGINAL MMR ALREADY.

                                                                                                Also it seems like if your legend 5 you got to match with legend 1 3.2k mmr animals. Might explain why you get high skill games.


                                                                                                  Coroner there's a lot of evidence of 4ks having simple +- 25 mmr per calibration game. Op has a legit case of something funky going on


                                                                                                    5500 before, 4500 after calib idk what u are on about. just play ur ez games and climb back if u like solo mmr


                                                                                                      I was 4.5 k before calibration.

                                                                                                      Got Legen 4, now Ancient and still climbing - easy games.

                                                                                                      I think its a matter of unranked games that also count to calibration. I left unranked games and played only ranked since then when I was 3.3 k.