General Discussion

General DiscussionI want to get better but don't know how

I want to get better but don't know how in General Discussion

    I'm not new to the game, I've been playing for a few years now, and recently became interested in improving rank.. I'm around 1k right now which I know is very low. I don't really know a lot about tactics, but I'd say i can last hit proficiently and am very good at the physical mechanics (ie. casting spells, fighting, combos, etc). At this point i'm just trying to get out of 1-2k so that I can play more strategic games instead of mindless pubs. Although I would like to learn a lot more about how the game is really meant to be played, like more strategic things.
    For example, i can invoke all spells pretty fast, and string a lot of them together, I just don't know when, why and where to use them.

    (and yes I realize i'm a terrible invoker for this reason, although I've mostly been playing for fun up to now), just trying to make a point.


      Play more


        Watch dota on youtube, twitch, dota. Watch your own replays.


          Thanks for the reply I really appreciate it. I've never really watched any dota so I'll definitely do that but if there's anything more specific that I'm doing wrong I'd love to know

          Grace Bernelli

            Honestly id say the watch your own replays tip is the most important part of getting better. People rarely understand what they are doing wrong while they are playing. For example even if you watch a pro play a game u might be thinking that its not that much different than what you are doing. But if you watch your own replay whilst u can focus on more things since u arent focusing on actually playing the game you start noticing tons of differences with your own play and the good players.

            After you do that you might get shocked and overwhelmed by the amount of things you have to fix. Most then recommend picking up one or 2 major mistakes / problems you have. For example if you realize that you have 30 last hits at 10 minutes instead of 70 focus on that and watch replays once again while you are improving. Team fights are often a big problem for people since they are chaotic and watching replays especially helps u analyze on what you have to work at.

            Honestly if you know how to last hit properly on lane and not lose the lane + group up with your teammates you will be 3k in a short while. The thing is especially in mid people play really aggressive even if they don't have to. From my understanding people at lower mmr:s dont farm they fight and fight and fight and that way get their gold+ win or lose the game. If you focus on your own farming and play defensively you will take that option out from your opponent and he has no idea what to do and you will at some point reach your heros peak and win the game that way.


              dont watch your own replays, watch other peoples replays who are better than you

              Grace Bernelli

                Of course dont fall into the farm while the enemy thrones you pit. If the enemy team comp is very strong early on, dont just take teamfights against them but take em on favorable terms as in high ground defense at t3 towers. Defensive till your team comp peaks.

                If your team is early game heavy, try to understand when your whole team is at its strongest and try to group em all up.


                  Wow thanks so much for the replies its really helpful


                    alright so just another question - what are some examples of carries that can win games by themselves if farmed adequately?


                      No point watching your own replays when you dont know what youre looking for.
                      For the fastest improvement i recommend gameleap or pvgna.
                      I have not personally used pvgna but gameleap i can personally recommend.

                      Second fastest way is youtube it.

                      Third fastest way is keep posting these forum threads.

                      Gameleap is well worth the subscription price (not sponsored/affiliated with)

                      Some informative youtube channels:
                      Erick Wright


                        Spectre and AM can run away with shit tier games.

                        Mute your whole team before the game begins and never show up to fights unless you can 5 man the whole enemy team.
                        Focus on improving your own mechanical skill with these heroes, Lane control, Creep score, avoiding ganks, HP/MP efficiency, eliminate unnecessary movement, stacking, blink/dagger usage to move between camps more effectively.
                        Ignore everyone and farm everything you think you can get away with, you will develop this sense (known as gamesense) as you play.
                        I personally can count down as to when enemies are going to show up, just by knowing there movement speeds (and advanced movement such as blinks). And can walk away a few seconds before people show up. Its hard to get caught off guard when you develop this sense. i suppose thats what you get playing a split push hero such as AM or Storm for years aha


                          In regards to spell usage on invoker. It highlights an important part of spell usage . For example, if you can be sure you will not need echo slam for the next 120 seconds, you might as well slam a hard camp. The idea is to have the spells up when you need them.

                          In regards to needing them, on invoker you can do many things. That is why the hero is hard , not because you have to press 4 buttons before you can use a spell.

                          You have "ideal combos" tornado, meatball , sunstrike, def blast or tornado emp icewall for example.

                          but sometimes you might have to use def blast to stop an enemy killing your support(or you)
                          or tornado to cancel the enemy tidehunters blink in the back of the fight.

                          So you dont have that for the combo anymore.
                          Its a work around, its about expending your resources.
                          Playing the hero in many situations will help you judge this over time.


                            Dusa also a very good hero right now for hard carry. Me and my team turtled a game for 2 and a half hours a few weeks ago and ended up winning against megas

                            The Bus Driver

                              Some great replies on here. I’ve just gone from 1.1k to 3.1k in past 5 months. As above replies, farm and learn when to group up(rarely). Wait til t3 high ground for unfavourable fights. Keep farming and you’ll develop game sense of when enemies should be coming. AM, Luna and jugg seem to be good go to’s at the moment.


                                This is awesome I never thought i'd get so much help here. I watched 2 of my games and I think you're right, I don't really know what I'm looking for, although I did notice a few stupid things i did that i wouldn't have in the middle of the game. I'll look into game leap, but I don't really have the money to be spending on a monthly subscription. I'm gonna try watching better players and compare to my games. although I think at this point right now, I just need to grind and get out of guardian lmao. After I get out of this hole of trolls and noobs I can really start working on my game. any ideas as to how to quickly win a shit ton of extremely low mmr games?? XD


                                  sweet thanks I'll try some of those

                                  pos5 with carry hero,ez g...

                                    man learn positioning range of spells movement speed etc all in same ,check if ppl r missing than get back and play more defend until u reach xp and items so u can dive and ez kill em , im talking about invoker , with invoker u need to play deff until midas (if u can farm normaly) if u cant than dont go midas go stats items so u can survive and roam or secure tower at least , if u play vs nukers u cant go midas coz they will rape u early game , so its all about 1 sec not about 15min or 20.....

                                    and this solo MMR is not even 10% of dota like in tournametns just so u know...

                                    pos5 with carry hero,ez g...

                                      about carries , spect is best carry imo , than terrorblade sven , and than others..
                                      builds: spect: as u can free farm lane u go instant radiance even with no boots but u need to not die when u have like 3100 gold than u should play safe until u buy item,than heart of tarasque and than u can go what ever uwant
                                      sven:bracer soul ring stick treads echo sabre ]than u can go s/y and lothar coz its pub and no1 buy dusts or shit wards so its better than blink , but in tours and clans wars u go dager dont ever buy lothar there ,
                                      terrorblade:treads aquila dragon lance and gg wp :D , manta skadi butter bkb , gg wp

                                      btw : JDf8 tipe here if ucan host from there so we can go 1x1 (:

                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                        Knowing what you suck at, figuring out how to deal with certain situation, logical thinking, practice, trial and error, checking out high mmr replays to know why they do certain things, etc
                                        Mostly brainstorming to figure out things tbh

                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                          Spamming really helps for learning the basics btw

                                          pos5 with carry hero,ez g...

                                            and for invoker : midas if possible than aghanim than dager (for :BLINK next to their heroes in raw if its not only 1 than hit in raw tornado meteor blast ,instant kills everyone , and after aghanim midas u should buy necro 3 and than u can go whatever u want , but necro 3 for sure must be 3th item,dont listen other noobs i told ueverything what u need and its same for all heroes

                                            pos5 with carry hero,ez g...

                                              " any ideas as to how to quickly win a shit ton of extremely low mmr games?? XD "
                                              insant mute game ruiners ,dont talk ingame coz ur not playing this game than , when game start check what role u can play , if they pick cores get support ,ward all map , dont feed , stay back dont dive, and bring helas and potions for mid and safe , dont ever go off with support coz u will just feed their safelane or support their safelane :)), man gl hf

                                              pos5 with carry hero,ez g...

                                                after that uwill learn when not to dive and what dive means , u can only throw with diving on low lvls , u need to have sure kills and wards before ur diving,u got mini map so u see positioning of heroes, if u dont see any1 meet go smoke or they will smoke u , gg gl

                                                check some of my games : which u rly need to know how to carry or finish game :

                                       - lost coz i went desolator and not hex or anything better but could win alone
                                       - after 3min all my team left in ranked , and ofc i won it solo vs 5

                                                jdf8 anything to say about this bane ? 1x5,sup?
                                                rdy for 1x1 :) ?

                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                  If u really wanna spam keep a pool of 2-3 heros and try to last pick them.

                                                  ngko ft. baba

                                                    We talk about ADVANTAGE
                                                    A. You have knowledge (fast hand,hero skill,enemy skill)
                                                    B. You good at farm creep
                                                    C. ..... fill yourself ........
                                                    1. after success solo kill, see ur REPLAY, for what? see how many hp and mana u need for doing that (of course with your items)
                                                    2. can you regenerate(hp and mana) while your skill coolingdown?
                                                    3. do push / jungle / any extra farm until all skill ready again
                                                    4. prepare your next killing plan, with new knowledge (enemy will improve his items : BKB,linken,etc)
                                                    5. if success killing : repeat 2,3,4
                                                    if fail killing : fast next game

                                                    What will you learn ? FLEXIBILITY choosing items
                                                    Conclusion : if u have ADVANTAGE then try maximize it, if you stuck then try FLEXIBILTY.

                                                    Many player at your problem case think:
                                                    "i need this items to win" this standard pattern will drag the game into late game, so if u have early ADVANTAGE then dont give them time (farming) to have their advantage based on their hero picking against us.
                                                    "i must kill" this must be avoided if u say TACTICS earlier, combine it with "I just don't know when, why and where to use them" most player will use all skills earlier so it easier for you to REACT.

                                                    learn WHEN by limiting your playstyle with just cheap 6 slot items (like support do), no mana no skills.
                                                    learn WHY by removing "i must kill" problem in your head, REACT properly, guard your cores , give him kill.
                                                    learn WHERE better if you stick often with your team, or limit your farming "i need this items to win".

                                                    i hope that new word can open up your new perspective to apply tactic with your advantages.

                                                    (at least i make my cousin escape 1k dota)


                                                      Spam dusa


                                                        To improve, you first need to know how to filter useless advices in this forum xd
                                                        Please dont try to watch and learn from 3k player's games... Please.

                                                        If you dont want to spend money on gameleap, just go in youtube, search for bananaslamjamma and watch the videos that he coaches and there are some free videos from gameleap as well.

                                                        And please hit more tower.. you cant win if you dont hit tower.... thats my best advice for you

                                                        Banana Cat

                                                          play more and watch pro player on youtube or tournament.. it takes time


                                                            heyyy i ranked up to guardian 1, almost outta 1k


                                                              20 mmr to go


                                                                Play support! and make wonders!

                                                                69 god

                                                                  Watch a live match in a player perspective for one hero. Watch another match for the same hero. From beginning to end. Repeat the same things for one match for the hero you watched. Watch YouTube guides. Early game mid lane fearie fire and stick troll kills should get you out of 2k.


                                                                    Oh my lord this eu tard lmao. You're noob bro 1x1 me