General Discussion

General DiscussionHow To Get Promoted To The Next Medal Star ?

How To Get Promoted To The Next Medal Star ? in General Discussion

    Lets say that Im at Archon [1 Star] after finished the calib . Then I play more and more [Some win some lose] but still stuck at Archon [1 Star] ? How this things actually works ? Win a match wont promote you the the next star then how to ?



        Does that numbers MMR ? If so , I need to increase my mmr to get to the next Medal Star ? But the problem is , MMR not visible anymore ?


          It is in the stats tab on your dota profile, top right corner


            wtf if i dont get legend im out...7 more games to get my calibration from archon 5 to legend 1


              this pic is not correct, I have lower star number than I should looking at the mmr.


                for me it fits


                  So my solo mmr was 3250.

                  does this mean max i can get is archon 5, and i actually cant get legend 1?

                  that would be rather unfortunate, because no matter how good i play i stay the same mmr. only direction it change is downwards
                  lul gaben pls


                    @Unhealable Damage My solo before recalibrate is 3200 so you can probably get legend 0 like me


                      cool thx

                      bobmartien .-

                        Solo mmr was around 2.8k
                        Archon 1. Cool. Enjoy support.

                        Flot Far

                          The picture is not entirely correct. Im currently 3602 and Legend 2

                          Baby Shark Doo Doo

                            There will be no accurate mmr towards medals, atleast not for a while. Like the highest is above 5740. but we have 10k players. so divine and the others will shift dramatically according to skill levels over the next month.

                            But if you bother to read patch notes you would see that solo ranking also makes a bigger impact towrards medals, then laet's say party. It even says below all official mmr charts, that they do not take in to consideration the differance between solo and party. So all mmr charts are ESTIMATES. For now atleast, when the entire community calibrates, it will be way more accurate.

                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                              Wasn't there a thing where you don't ever lose your rank if you first achieve it? Eg. if I made it to Legend 1, but lost 15 games after that I wouldn't be demoted back to Archon?

                              That means I could technically be Herald 5 (MMR wise) while showing Legend 1...


                                I played zeus support and use ult to give detection and winning the game, then i promoted to Guardian to Guardian 1

                                Maybe its about your good impact for your team


                                  ^Damn son!


                                    Just win games




                                        Guyz I want to know with every wins in rank game dose our mmr also increase in each games?

                                        Justin Weaver

                                          Well I got my legend medal at 3360 according to the 140 mmr rule it's pretty accurate, after winning some party games I got one star as well, so u win enough games in party or solo and u will get more stars

                                          Hawaiian Pizza

                                            Can some one explain why i promoted to archon2 to legend4 i still have 2.6 mmr


                                              I wonder how i got 1 star crusader became 3 star crusader in just one game. could someone explain it to me?

                                              W merchant

                                                i got herald 4 during calibration, then i lost 3 solo games and managed to win one after with relatively good KDA after which i got promoted to herald 5 even though i dropped mmr. i played 2 party games but i still havent calibrated party mmr. can someone explain this to me


                                                  I think this picture is only correct for mmr right After calibration, what happens After that is mostly up to fantasypoints i guess.
                                                  For example i calibrated 4980 mmr (ancient 5) dropped down to 4300.

                                                  Now i grinded my way back to 4700 with barly losing any game and Suddenly im divine with 4778 mmr, over 200 mmr less than i calibrated.

                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                  Mamu the Tenacious

                                                    Guys.. If lose.. does the mmr decrease like before??


                                                      I think the medal system is broken.
                                                      my medal just jumped from crusader 1 to archon 1, and i only calibrated my party which is 1.8k(crusader) and havent gained much really still 1.8k... but it changed to archon 1. thanks.

                                                      ` w i n e x

                                                        im 3427 party and 3282 solo. and calibrated as archon[0] with 2.5 MMR not playing for almost a year.

                                                        * played 3 to 5 games = archon[1]
                                                        * Loss 2 games and win 1 game = archon[3]
                                                        * loss 7 games streak and win 1 game = archon[5]

                                                        party: TBD
                                                        solo: from 3282 to 2.5.
                                                        Well played fucking valve.

                                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                        Bounty Hunter

                                                          3.7k mmr calibrated 7win 3lose
                                                          Placed in Legend 2, but then I lose 16 games straight. After win at my 17th games I promoted Legend 3
                                                          Now my mmr around 3.3k mmr

                                                          If I calibrate my party rank will my medal get promoted after that?


                                                            Understand that both PARTY and SOLO affect your medal ranking. If your solo or party are low, it will drag your medal down. Your pre-existing MMRs are still there, which will affect your medal qualification.

                                                            SRUTAL BEX

                                                              Solo MMR: 2950
                                                              Party MMR: 2800
                                                              Medal after calibration: Legend[1]
                                                              Dunno how it happened but I'm pretty happy about it :v


                                                                dota in their page said medals never decrese !
                                                                can medla promote???????????????????????????????????
                                                                you can see in your profile in dota ,in status your mmr . this mmr is after 10 tbd match


                                                                  Lolba. Just keep winning and you will eventually grind mmr


                                                                    There is not such a thing as a system in this new ranking system. It misses a logic. VALVE FUCKED UP. AGAIN! As usual.

                                                                    I won 8 games in a row. Did not achieved a single star. My match record (on solo games) is 38 wins 21 losses (+17) still no star gained. GO fcuk yourself Gaben

                                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                    1st class tourist

                                                                      Im 3.1k right now and still legend 3 idk whats going on


                                                                        really? I am 3.5k and I am legend 0


                                                                          Okay after I calibrated my stats were:

                                                                          SOLO = 3269
                                                                          MEDAL: Legend [4]

                                                                          I grind my MMR my party became 4.2k and my solo became 3.4k but still Legend [4]

                                                                          Then I lost many shts, my party became 3.9k my solo back to 3.2k but I got Promoted to Legend [5]

                                                                          And just yesterday, I lost 0-2 in party and won 1-0 in my solo then Boom! Now I'm Ancient[0]

                                                                          WTF VALVE?

                                                                          Lruce Bee

                                                                            Medals are bugged. It might be a mistake. I hope mine is a mistake. I always played with crusaders, and I therefore should be one as well.


                                                                              Medals take into account both party MMR and solo MMR. Solo MMR is prioritized when determining medals.
                                                                              You cannot lose your medal. If you were 3.5K and Legend 3 for example, and had a loss streak and went down to 1K, you will still retain your medal of Legend 3, until the 6 month reset.


                                                                                From my perspective... you'll won't get anywhere with your medal. If u truly wanna enjoy dota and be good at it then change your dota playstyle. The reason you are in Archon is that you are a typical SEA 2k pinoy bobo player... I mean.... look at u. Ur heroes are mostly PA, Sniper, Invoker, meepo, am, lc.... my god these are what makes SEA server cancer af. Imagine you're plying dota in the picking hero phase and all of a sudden someone say ako mid and instant locked PA... cancer. The hero PA is among the most popular in pinoy bobo culture becuz the hero has a lot of physical dmg and doesn't even consider the fact that its one of the most (easy to counter) heroes...lack mobility, lack disable, lack escape. And also...playing Invoker isn't gonna get u anywhere with the skills u have... plying a difficult hero is not the way to get better at plying dota.LC...why pick this shitty hero? farm jungle? get shadow blade instead of blink dagger becuz u have tiny fingers and can't react fast enough?... Sniper is almost the same as PA...has dmg, lack everthing important, ez to counter by nyx, spec, tinker etc...... and don't always pick carry when you're not really good at it... If u really want to get a good medal rank... go suck some dicks and rethink the way u ply, learn the basics, improve ur winrates, try new heroes instead of (2k pinoy bobo cancer hero), ply support if ur team is lacking it instead of all carry team and don't be so simple minded.

                                                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран



                                                                                    ^^ funny how u look down so much at 2k bobo player when you're barely 3k yourself. Lol


                                                                                      I calibrated at Archon 3. I then proceeded to play techies like dog shit. Seriously, I'm so bad at techies. After a few dog shit techies games I got demoted to Archon 1 (true story). I didn't think that was possible so I stopped playing techies and started doing my normal thing again. Within 2-3 games I was back to Archon 4.

                                                                                      So is it, you can lose stars on your medal but you won't entirely lose your medal? As in go from Archon to Crusader if I were to continue playing dogshit-style techies?

                                                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                        as far as I know, Valve does state that you won't demoted to the medal below your current one, but you'll lose the star still if you lose.


                                                                                          I don't really know about the medal system, but before I was
                                                                                          Solo 4.3k
                                                                                          Party 4.2k

                                                                                          I played 10 games (5 win 5 lost ) and calibrated at Ancient[2]

                                                                                          then somehow I got 6 wins out of 14 only and I climbed to Ancient[3]
                                                                                          I personally thinks they take into account of each roles, the hero's average impact/ KDA
                                                                                          (I personally plays support/offlane 99% of the time)

                                                                                          For instance, if you're playing roamer with higher KDA than the hero's average KDA
                                                                                          e.g. : Night Stalker with kill participation of 25 out of 32, it will take account to the game's impact

                                                                                          Pointy Shoes

                                                                                            The medal system could be based on percentiles ( meaning that even if you lose games, you can still gain ranks because a large portion of the distribution of player ranks have shifted (i.e. players that used to be higher than you have lost games too, and more so than you).


                                                                                              Does this table of mmr rankings work for only solo or party also?


                                                                                                You file an application to gaben, he checks your paperwork and you can get a promotion

                                                                                                Can't Buy Culture

                                                                                                  win more than u losse. easy as that

                                                                                                  Johnny Ox

                                                                                                    This is wrong, I have 300-400 mmr and jumped from Herald 3 to Crusader 2 after a 0 death match.

                                                                                                    Azura's Star

                                                                                                      Yeah I don't understand this medal award system...My solo mmr is 2202 and my party mmr is lower yet my rank is crusader 4, which according to the mmr table I've seen around puts me in crusader 3.

                                                                                                      < blank >

                                                                                                        Im Ancient 1 on my main with 4400 solo mmr and 4000 party.

                                                                                                        It seemingly takes some averges between solo, party and unranked as stated in the patch changes. 1 guy in this topic is Ancient 0 with 1000 mmr less than me. Wtf is wrong with this system ?