General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat would you do?

What would you do? in General Discussion

    Your parents kick you out from house at the age of 18. You have no friends to help you out. But you did really well in school and could easily land any course in Uni etc if you had money. Despite this you are homeless with no money. What do you do?




        depends where you live
        china - rip
        europe - find an appartment and start looking for a job or apply to university, you get free money
        us - proceed against fastfood companies and be rich


          Well if you live in the US, you still need accommodation or a way to make yourself look tidy. If you show up to the job everyday looking like a bum they won't keep you there for very long.


            stop fuccing playing dota and get a job maybe


              Simple, you just knock back at your parents door, saying you are sorry and stuffs, go cry if necessary. Depending on how old you are, sticking with your parents is really useful at least until you get some real life skills which is useful at works, not all the bs you learnt at school.

              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                @ely there is no fcking way ur parent gonna kick u if u are doing good at school lol, if i were you, im going back to home to apologize, remember the only person in the earthwho will always take care of u no matter what ur situation (poor,In jail or what ever) is ur "parent "not ur friend or wife


                  According by the law of some countries, parents HAVE to support their biological child trough the age of 26. Give him place to live, food for eating and money for education. Parents kicked you? Go to the social office and give them whole story. They CANNOT kick you without any reason and having no consequences.

                  These dumb advices like find a job, find a place to live are very cute hehe its like when somebody says he has depression and as help people tell him to go outside and socialize.


                    get a part time job. get a loan. goto college, do well. pay back loans. carry on with life


                      -move to india
                      -learn make curry
                      -open curry house

                      зачем я начал поиск

                        My fellow Dota friend ran into exactly this problem, except his is worse.
                        He didn't finish high school. His mom has AIDS, his dad kicked him out of the house. He is 20.
                        No joke.

                        He just found a hostel, where he resides and pays for with money he gets from delivering food. Lul.
                        A pretty upbeat individual, I'd say.

                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                          -move to india
                          -learn make curry
                          -open curry house

                          So funny dude. haHAA. Why open a curry house when you can open a comedy club with jokes like that.


                            because its me who funny not OP you fool haHA xD


                              in my country parents are obligated to support their children until 18 OR until they have finished education (which can easily be 25+)

                              help your mom with the houshold, get a job and pay them some "rent", im sure they will be happy to keep you around. get stuff done

                              if youre a lazy douche thats plays dota all day while dreaming about uni, they will kick you out. i would do the same. they probably think its the last possibility to get you to do stuff

                              some kids need to be thrown in the cold water to start swimming on their own.

                              Dire Wolf

                                Get a student loan? They're not hard to get, go to a cheap university that has room and board. It'll still be expensive, like 10-15k a year on the super low end, but then you'll be able to get a job after that pays the bills if you take a practical major like engineering or computers.


                                  Kako onda da izlecis nekog ko je u depresiji ako nece xa izadje i socijalizuje a pritom mu ne narusavas zivot nego je jednostavno depfesivan


                                    @SgtSizzles @Coroner I'm pretty sure in 1st world countries like Australia and US your parents can legally kick you out by the age of 18.


                                      Although I do agree getting a student loan and living in a university sounds like a good idea. What criteria is there for a student loan? and how much can you get? Enough to pay for Uni + food?


                                        Parents required until 26? where in the hell do you Live. I was kicked out at 18 Because I bought my own Vehicle. She lost control Over me so I Got a Job at a pizzaria Drove to work and school for a week crashing with friends and got an apartment with my first 2 checks. Withing 2 weeks I was in an apartment working full time and going to school Full time EZ game. 26 now Own my home making $40 an hour. My mother- Living in her van. Enough said.


                                          Find your nearest Centrelink office. Dire wolfs etc advice is for the USA. In Australia you can access HECS automatically to pay your course fees but it doesn’t pay your living expenses. You also needed to have got a good ATAR so you can get a Uni placement offer as well (and have submitted your preferences in the last year of school), otherwise you need to apply as a mature age student and they’ll expect you to demonstrate that you can meet the course load and not fail all your units.

                                          You can get Youth allowance from centrelink if you are studying but the most you can get is $438 a fortnight which is what I spend in a week when I’m trying to be stingy so I’m not really sure how anyone lives off it. If you work as a waiter or whatever to supplement your income once you start earning $524 you lose $44 bucks and then every extra dollar reduces the payment by 60 cents.

                                          Best to find a share house with the lowest rent possible.

                                          Otherwise you have to go on the jobseeker payment and start applying for jobs until you get one.

                                          I should note if you do get accepted into a uni a lot of them offer scholarships and financial assistance for poor people so check out the uni website for information about how to apply for those.

                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                            ShiftingSkys why would she kick you out just because you bought a vehicle? I'm guessing it was with your own money?