General Discussion

General DiscussionAnti mage is not a hero

Anti mage is not a hero in General Discussion

    I ban this abomination every game.As a former am picker i feel disgusted by this hero,just selfish,trash hero.Thank god the real boss void is back.


      Pick am/techies=report even if game ruiner in the team.

      casual gamer

        mmmmmmAGIC is an abomination

        Livin' Real Good

          I ban SB every game, fuck him, AM has never been a problem for me since 6.84, he's just been annoying as of late though. There's just something about the hero, the way he moves, his animate portrait, his avatar, his playstyle that triggers me cause usually people who play him think they're the best on the team.

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            Anyone else seen a sharp rise in techies recently?


              I hate am so I pick him and feed.


                ^I agree

                chicken spook,,,,

                  AM got nerfed hard anyway


                    He will rise again because "It is not magic brings me back, but purity of will!"

                    ps. fuck AM and AM picker!

                    ps.2 Icefrog pls stop nerfing Terrorblade already, AM shouldn't be a problem if his brother were still strong.




                        He'd be an instapick/ban in pros if he's as broken as people say. Oh look, he's not.
                        Just chain disables properly, deny his farm early(both lane and jungle), and deathball.


                          BECAUSE in pro scene you can have a good communication and clear objective within teammate but not in "PUB" that's why his winrate is high at the begining of 7.07 despite the fact that player from 1k to7k picked this abomination.

                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                            AM can be very elusive from start to end of the game. This hero , no matter what, will always be as one of the top heroes in DOTA 2. From escape to the go to hero to carry and win the game, AM is definitely the hero you can rely on. I played this hero 2 times or 3 times since I am not really a melee type of player but everytime the opposing team picks AM, there is a big chance that they will win especially on late games.


                              Not my problem


                                Just fix his goddamn comeback potential and he's okayish... The aghanim introduction made me cry for weeks without end as a support player, and the blink illusion made me catatonic. The +25% spell protection sent me into a maniac-induced laugh/cry marathon that caused 90% of my reports to go to enemy Antimage-pickers. Making BF cheaper didn't help either and almost made me download LoL.

                                I love the comments, though, about "just" chain disable him, deny him farm in both lane and jungle... As if he didn't have a team with him, and he's the raid boss at the end of a 5 hour long WoW raid previously unsolved by players and devs alike.

                                In pubs, this hero is hella broken. In coordinated games, it's much less of an issue as long as you play perfectly. Like, fucking spot on.


                                  the only problem anti mage has is that nobody knows how to play him effectively


                                    if he can't comeback he's totally garbage


                                      Fuck your magic

                                      зачем я начал поиск

                                        He was always mediocre to trash.
                                        LIterally not a problem at all.

                                        I mean, HE MAY BE an issue, if you have no CC/have no brain at all, but overall it's a bad hero.
                                        He can't fight for shit and you just rape his team/base.

                                        I honestly don't see, how he's as strong of a hero, as people make him out to be. No matter the patch.
                                        Overrated as fuck. He solo wins only if his team solo won his own game at the start, which kind of makes him pointless, hence you could replace him with any actually good carry hero in such a scenario.

                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                          What's wrong with AM?


                                            AM aghs is overrated
                                            if u can't outdraft him just make pressure on the map so that his supports will need to move out of safe lane, then u proceed to fuck his early game so that u can play the game 5v4 until 25/30min where he just comes back anyway, it's not a hero that u can erase from the game, but u can sure as hell slow him down

                                            зачем я начал поиск


                                              He can't fight early-midgame, has a high base networth needed to be useful. Gets easily killed lategame.
                                              The only actually strong part of him is split-pushing.

                                              Why not just pick Sven? Why not pick Luna/Jug/Spectre/Slark?

                                              AM is the most overrated hero in the game.
                                              Only strong, if his team licks his asshole relentlessly/manages to have total freefarm and overfarms enemy carry by 1-2 slots.
                                              Given equal farm, he's mediocre.


                                              If he would have BF+Manta only at 25-30, then you might as well consider it as "erasing", because AM with bare BF+Manta 25-30 minutes in is a creep, who dies in 3 hits.

                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                Anti-mage is the best carry in game .


                                                  jugg best carry 1 omni any die ?_?

                                                  Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                    AM blink should be replaced, coz QoP already have her blink. A unique skill, like:

                                                    -Blink removed.
                                                    -New ability: Sudoku

                                                    Make yourself block 100% damage for its duration. After the duration ended, you instantly deny yourself, and your nearby ally movement is increased to maximum. Your respawn time is reduced by 50% when you succesfully cast this ability.

                                                    Buff duration: 4/6/8/10
                                                    Haste AOE: 1200
                                                    CD: 160
                                                    Mana: 0

                                                    зачем я начал поиск

                                                      Anti-mage carry is like a Rubick support (overrated trashy heroes).

                                                      At least that's as far, as my personal experience goes.
                                                      My average winrate drops down to 50%, once I have AM in team (I simply don't have a carry in half of these, harder to win 2 cores + Anticreep vs 3 actual cores).
                                                      Same for Rubick teammates, for which it drops to 48%.

                                                      All because these heroes are weak/overly hailed, despite their obvious weaknesses.

                                                      No matter how many high pts games I've watched, in most of them Anti-mage was either carried hard by his team at start/had freefarm from the start/had his throne falling 25 minutes in, while he was creep-skipping near enemy T2.
                                                      This also confirms my low pts experience, where it's just the same, except even worse.

                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                        get void ,sven or dk will solve the problem.


                                                          Try killing him until he’s dead

                                                          i have 5 reports to use

                                                            If anything ck tinker dark willow bm are worse balance wise


                                                              Playing vs anti mage is not my problem,but watching people pick him and fail miserably is what triggers me.


                                                                Get Night Stalker and ruin his farm


                                                                  Am isn't a big deal
                                                                  He is a free win if u have a free lane
                                                                  He has some comeback potential
                                                                  But he isn't some sort of god hero
                                                                  The reason u pick am is because when u pick him u will almost never die cuz they're either magic dmg or lack disable or both
                                                                  But it's not a free win

                                                                  Pale Mannie

                                                                    the real problems are void and medusa. both tilt me to no end. void with his mask + sb/diffusal and medusa with her infinite bounce range, damage and low cd snakes

                                                                    Fee Too Pee

                                                                      Regardless AM is OP or not

                                                                      IT'S A FACT ITS NOT FUN TO HAVE HIM AS UR TEAM OR AS ENEMY

                                                                      FUCK ANTIMAGE

                                                                      casual gamer

                                                                        fun to play some hero vs antimage

                                                                        mainly void

                                                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                          i got rekt by 8k am as a void so fuck HIM even more, manta on 26 min,6 slotted on 41 min.

                                                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                          casual gamer

                                                                            yuo needed to just go mom-mkb-shadow and you couldve raped him all game, manta is a huge waste and ruined your timing


                                                                              Not buying bfury on void in 2017...


                                                                                it is fun to shit on garbage antimages
                                                                                o wait thats most of them
                                                                                also cutnpaste
                                                                                can u explain why bf
                                                                                i see it a lot but i want to know the reasoning over MoM

                                                                                chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                  BF void
                                                                                  cool and good


                                                                                    just play void
                                                                                    with a timely mask (10-12 minutes) and an R button, void destroys am early game, has significant impact on him midgame, and can potentially outcarry him lategame


                                                                                      atium you still need a defensive item...

                                                                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                        Jdf doesnt even play void anymore xD?


                                                                                          @atium yeah manta was a waste,but i still needed bkb/linken vs their lineup.I went mom-sb-manta-bkb-mkb and then he was 6 slotted.

                                                                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                            3k am is online only after 45 min so no worries


                                                                                              ^shut the hell your mouth


                                                                                                3k am is online only after 45 min so no worries
