General Discussion

General DiscussionPA's lore

PA's lore in General Discussion

    Even tho this shit tilts me like crazy I love this game, not only for its challenging and complicated mechanics but also for its characters and their stories.

    I don't know how many of you are interested in the lores of the Dota 2 heroes. If you are you should check this link, it's Slacks analysis of PA's lore. He basically says that Spectre and PA are the same character which, if true, would be mind-blowing.

    What do you guys think about this?

    And who is your favourite hero lore wise?

    Dire Wolf

      Most dota lore sucks cus it's all disjointed and doesn't follow any central theme or connection in any meaningful way other than a few characters overlapping like venge and sky.

      But I always kind of like elder titan and ancient apparition I guess as these all powerful beings invovled in creation.


        yeah the lore is all nonsense as there is no main single player story.

        zeus has a good one. he was a god that cheated on his wife so became mortal to win her back.


          All dota hero models were used from warcraf 3 and then copied by valve. There is no lore behind heros in dota.

          You can only look for it in warcraft 3 campaign by blizzard. For example anti mage and terrorblade was the same hero, where metamorphosis was his ultimate giving him ms, dmg and as.

          Shadow deamon was using model from Archimonde deamon in the main story. There are other stories connected with mirana, luna, juggernaut, axe, elder titan, necrophos, lich and night stalker. I dont remember more than that.


            ^I did some research and actually the lores of the heroes in Dota 2 have nothing to do with the lores of Warcraft 3, basically they took the characters but made their stories different. For example TB is not AM's brother in Dota 2.


              Clinkz is probably the most tragic. He hunts down a demon from hell to save his land but as he kills the demon he's set on fire. Of course the King Mage's reward of immortality is given to him leaving him forever on fire.
              Also he may have the hots for Lina (no pun intended).

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                yeah neither dota 1 nor dota 2 has any important lore. wc3 lore is NOT dota 1 lore, they are totally different and not related


                  Windranger and drow are the same character.
                  Lady Sylvanas Windrunner , chief of the super hot sylvan elfs.
                  She defended hard his country from the undead invasion , at begin she holded the invasion but when the newraised king of the lich Arthas (ex prince of humans ) ;aka abbadon; joined the fight she lost her life, but still found a way whit his life to defend her people.
                  Not enought , whit cruelty arthas corrupted her whit his new powers , and she becomed a banshee , slave of the lich king. Aka drow ranger.

                  Fuck always hated arthas for that.
                  The most freaking hot character in warcraft hystory and you make her decompose?


                    Well maybe the story is not relates between the games, idk and idc.
                    W3 story is the greatest fantasy videogame story of all time , its an honor for dota chars to take the lore from it.


                      Man I hope WR and Drow aren't the same character, I still have to accept the fact that PA and Spectre are one and PA's arcana represents Mortred after she signs Oracle's contract o.o

                      Haven't had the chance to play Warcraft 3 yet and it seems I've been missing a masterpiece.


                        Wc3 lore is different but actually worth shit
                        Dota lore is literally ENTIRELY HEAD CANNON
                        Almost anything worth shit that slacks says in his videos is head cannon
                        They're entertaining vids, and I like them, but it's not lore, it's mostly a theory and nothing more.
                        Dora lore is mostly bs
                        Just look at enigmas lore and vomit everywhere at how lazy and dumb it is
                        Also sorla Khan may become a new hero, there r a lot of voice lines abt it to axe.
                        Also waiting for the 4th spirit.


                          Wr and drow r just the models for those characters but they're not the same
                          I heard Abaddon and Omni shared the same character too (probably arthas)
                          Tb and am were both illidan
                          Again this is separate and just what happens when u have to use certain existing models for characters for new ones.

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            To be honest, you need to have a very high IQ to understand Warcraft lore.


                              @Washes up that's true, he actually clearly stated that it is just his own theory. So many convincing proofs tho, from the lore of the heroes, to their similar abilities and voice, then the arcana looking like the beginning of PA's transition into Spectre (released when they introduced that mode where PAs in games had contracts to kill a specific enemy hero before they killed them, so basically the arcana would represent Mortred after she signs the contract Oracle proposes to her, where she would travel through multidimentions to protect Oracle from his potential killers, and by doing this would start losing herself and her humanity, becoming more blurry, phantom-like and with a less human voice: Phantom Assassin), some lines they say in game and that drawing of PA's initial model, very similar to Spectre. Plus from what I've read in the comments of the video, in WC3 the hero that represents PA in that game summons/turns into Spectre with her ulti. They might have brought that concept into Dota 2. Like you said no official evidence but interesting idea anyway imo.

                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                I didn't even know they have Lore for Dota. I mean I know they just write some crap for the heroes and spells. But there's no real story cuz there's no quests like in rpgs


                                  Omni is not arthas but the strongest and older of the paladins... Uther.
                                  Why is called windranger and drow ranger?
                                  Rangers was the army of the sylvan elfs.
                                  Dota 1 got no lore was just a mod ( at least im pretty sure of this)
                                  And the characters used for these heroes was windrunner and lady sylvanas.
                                  Sooo... Yea its not stated but all the people played them they didi it playng windrunner\sylvanas.
                                  Not the wierds name the mods applyed .
                                  Its a fantasy game u cant beat fantasy people!


                                    dude thats all well and good but in dota 2 the characters are two people, not two models of the same character at different time periods


                                      also ur wrong, omniknight literally used arthas' model when he was a paladin
                                      and abaddon's model is arthas when he was serving the lich king
                                      dota 2 omni looks like uther, but dota 1 literally used the arthas model


                                        Yea it was arthas my bad.


                                          Adventure into the Loreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

                                          Fuckin love it :D


                                            It's no surprise to us dota 1 players . In Dota 1 , Spectre and PA have the same Model too , spectre is just blacker , and in the single player campaign , Pa's ult creates a Scectre , which creates Vengeful spirits

                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                              tbh I find them boring


                                                ^Ah so this was in Dota 1. I don't know anything about the precursors of Dota 2 so it might explain why I'm the only one surprised about this. Ty for the infos