General Discussion

General DiscussionFuck this update Medal, so much cancer supports.

Fuck this update Medal, so much cancer supports. in General Discussion
Jonas Kahnwald

    Do you know, when I see someone said he play support 5, and 0 sentry in the game. Item started with courier, and 1 observer, I know he is noob one. Pick Jakiro buy fucking 3 wards, then run around map, never put, then got ganked like idiot. #FeelsBadMan

    Mid-game, 0 defensive ward, they going to the fog map, put all offensive wards, then got ganked, and deward. I rather have 5 carry heroes in my team, than Jakiro, or Lion doing shit like this.

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    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

      How does that relate to the medals?

      Този коментар е бил редактиран
      Jonas Kahnwald

        @howtonoob6 : I was played at 4900 bracket before medal update came, and I'm fine with it. Fuck the medal system reduced my mmr, then keep give me so many cancer supports, or any retard carry in my games.

        👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

          Than why won't you buy wards?

          Jonas Kahnwald

            howtonoob6 : Ward must buy as max, if I play support. My start items as support players is : Tango set, courier, 2 sentries, 2 observer. Put 1 ward at mid rune spot, 1 ward at Radiant top rune. After that, I always check enemies's inventory they have ward or not ?

            Then waiting for 3rd ward respawn, and I buy it for Radiant bot rune. This place is good in my perspective, or I can put it at Dire bottom rune. But I feel like its too risky, if enemy can have 30% to deward. So, early game, defensive spot is good, at all.

            Keep using map control, and teamfight until end game.

            How about you ?

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            👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

              Well, I am trying to think about what objectives are the highest priority of the match, generally i put 1 in the mid lane, the second either reserve so I'll have triple vision on the 5 minutes or put in a rune/enemy jungle to see rotations

              I am not as good at that but I'm learning
              Keep in mind I'm uncalibrated, likely herald

              And yes, I make sure wards are constantly on cd. You can see alot of games of mine are with 2 digits of wards bought

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              إن شاء الله

                Conversation is quite derailed. I think he want to ask why wouldn't Cores buy some wards themselves if you have some money to spare when you're feeling insecure.

                Also I don't think this Jakiro is noob because this is 100% smurfing acc. for something (for sale maybe). the fact that he can climb to Legend 5 (which is one below you) with 262 matches is quite clear in this point.

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                Jonas Kahnwald

                  @howtonoob6 : try to watch replay man ;)

                  👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                    Conversation is quite derailed. I think he want to ask why wouldn't Cores buy some wards themselves if you have some money to spare when you're feeling insecure.
                    Also I don't think this Jakiro is noob because this is 100% smurfing acc. for something (for sale maybe). the fact that he can climb to Legend 5 (which is one below you) with 262 matches is quite clear in this point.

                    I meant more of "of the supports doesn't buy it" rather than if the cores are insecure
                    I personally feel that having vision is superior to buying items even on cores, so if a support doesn't do his duty your best bet is to do it yourself

                    Tomas Morato

                      hey man play your game and be positive


                        ^ longQ

                        Story Time

                          OP is bad support him self, according to statistics. So i assume he has no idea how to play suport either. Also, what a retarded idea to buy 4 wards at the start of every match as a pos 5 :D


                            Dude, 2 sentries and 2 observers at the start of the game?? that would do more harm than good. You'll be too weak to be able to help anyone around the map besides providing vision. I doubt you'll be able to find a scenario where you'd need 2 sentries at the start of the game. 1 would be enough if there's an invis hero in the enemy team. Please remember that the cour cost was increased to 200

                            Story Time

                              ^i think OP has no idea how to support, he is one of those silly carries that like to bitch around


                                4900 before this.


                                  Courier (200) + 2 Obs (160) + Tango (150) + 2 Sentries (200) for a total of 710... Sure, you are buying this at the start of the game, sure. You must be playing some custom game cause I never get this kind of cash at the start of a regular Dota game.

                                  And 2 sentries is just overkill... And 5 obs at 5 minutes is just throwing your money away. You need some items too. You are there for other things than running around planting wards. You don't know how to play support.

                                  It was actually weird that they have used a good chunk of the past 2 years making the life easier for supports and now they pull this crap.

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                                  Jonas Kahnwald

                                    Oh, I've seen so many cancer supports in this topic too.

                                    Most idiots don't understand that, if you get 2 sentries, you got EXP, and out-play vision enemies, when you already know where is warded. Don't be mad if you exactly are cancer support.

                                    Pos 4 already cancer, dont even help any support stuffs, I just do a part for help the team. Oblivious let them support, sure lose.

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                                    < blank >

                                      4900 please stop making fool of yourself. You mostly have negative win rate on supports . And play mostly carry. You the cancer I dont want to meet on my ranked games. Go ahead keep living in your bubble.


                                        why u gotta tell every u were 4.9? past is the past. lol

                                        Jonas Kahnwald

                                          @ Carry Porrter : Oh sh*t up my friend, I'm not belong in your bracket. Haha

                                          < blank >

                                            First of all you are lower than me. Secondly you are in the worst tier 4100-4200 mmr. Full of delusional cuunts like you.

                                            < blank >

                                              How many games you play a day ?

                                              Man this is serious addiction. You have something wrong with your head.

                                              Last week:
                                              - 12 games
                                              - 18 games
                                              - 10 games
                                              - 14 games
                                              - 24 games
                                              - 27 games
                                              - 21 games

                                              WTF IS THIS SHIT THIS IS SOME KIND OF NEXT LEVEL RETARD/ADDICTION

                                              27 GAMES IN 1 DAY ? Your matches have 41 min average, that would be approximately 18 hours of playing witout eating, pissing, not counting waiting for the next game. Waiting for that 27 games would be more than 1 hour. Its 19 hours playing. Wtf is wrong with you ?

                                              Also no Turbo games so my math should be correct.

                                              You sleep 4-6 hours and then play whole day without even taking a shower ? Who feeds you ? Man take your shit straight and do something with your life instead of talkin shiit on some internet forum.

                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                              Story Time

                                                i predict his mmr will go down as he is unable to learn anything else, but just spam boord mother (which is no longer a way to mmr inflation)

                                                < blank >

                                                  ^ Man look his game statistics, it is ultra sad what he is doing with his life.

                                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                                    it's lanto


                                                      Why so harsh, in my case i just find the girly stuff boring, so i rather play 20 hours of dota than speak about Justin Beaber or the new dress they saw on sale.
                                                      You just get packs of food bought before and in between the waiting times you have enought free time.
                                                      Plus its the best way to keep your mind occupied from problems.
                                                      I thought at least 8 hours of dota 2 a day is a normal thing for a gamer.

                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                        OH LMAO LANTO. yea that explains it. he is low 4k

                                                        Jonas Kahnwald

                                                          Won't blame anyone, but you should play at SEA server once for understand why I took so long to climb. Play carry, support cancer ! Play support, carry dumb.

                                                          This update, boosting MMR is no matter anymore, cause of reset every each 6months.


                                                            You know its a normal thing for any bracket or region, not just you.

                                                            < blank >

                                                              8 hours a day ? Its ok for a professional gamer, not a casual. People play this fcukin game for their whole teenage life and then wake up in mid 20's and "Wtf Im doing with my life". Im 28 years old, my friends already are driving mercedeses and have their lifes set up, while I go for reeses to walmart and a bunch of potatos that I can heat up in microwave this is fuckin sad.

                                                              And OP in 3 days didint do anyhting but playing and sleeping for maximum 6 hours. Its a serious next level addition. Trying to find an excuse for being addicted - its how junkies talk.

                                                              I dont get you poeple sometimes. You are from another planet or what ?

                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                              Tomas Morato

                                                                @EmotionalDrift longQ?what does it means?

                                                                Jonas Kahnwald

                                                                  @Carry Potter : Dude, I'm not you. I have my own business, boss of small hotel, and I let employees doing it. I'm living in small town, enjoy my life. I don't find any wrong or consider it as addiction. Ok ? I have passion with it, I like play DotA 2 with my friends. I'm 27. Yes, 3 days ago, I have methaphetamine, so I sleep 6 hours is no wonder.

                                                                  You ok ?


                                                                    That's why i choose to be an artist. If you play 8 hours a day you have a plenty of time in day, i sleep only 7-8 hours anyway.

                                                                    Anyway you wouldn't get your mercedes even if you didn't play dota.
                                                                    This junkie has around 20 games bought and 2 arcanas including other fancy items. Its just about how you use your time.
                                                                    Gamer doesn't mean a junkie, your just shit at planing.


                                                                      "Play carry, support cancer ! Play support, carry dumb."

                                                                      He's too far gone guys just let him go FeelsBadMan

                                                                      Jonas Kahnwald

                                                                        @Junsui : Can you take a look at this AM first picker ?



                                                                          I wont and I dont need to. Your posts are enough to make a solid conclusion.

                                                                          < blank >

                                                                            Guys just stay on your fuckin untouched bubble, that the only advice you can have.

                                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                            < blank >

                                                                              If you let your employees do the job without any supervising you will stay with nothing sooner than you think. IF they are YOUR employees and not your parents'.

                                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                That is the case if you are bad with planing and managing your projects.


                                                                                  One artwork running 20 eur in 1 h. Full time for 15 hours they also include the time spent to make the project. I dont see a problem with managing your income in this case. You have plenty of time to play dota later on.
                                                                                  That is why you always choose a profession what doesn't make you to drop your hobbies.

                                                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                    you should play at SEA server once for understand why I took so long to climb


                                                                                    Ranked MM 8,456 50.92%


                                                                                      The only support OP have positive winrate (>50%) with is pugna and that guy is barely a support

                                                                                      < blank >

                                                                                        Lanto is this your PA with dominator guide ?



                                                                                          Your ridiculous my wards carried our game in this match


                                                                                          And yeah this medal system is fucked up. Before you only meet players 100 or 200 mmr below or above you. Now i got to play with legend 1 and and archon animals while facing ancient 4 enrmies


                                                                                            Is anyone reading his posts with a thick russian accent as well in their head? English is obviously not his first language. I’m having a hard time getting his message. He’s had some bad experiences and blames the calibration. I only played support this patch and won almost all of them. Idk why maybe I’m just starting to climb. Blaming never helped anyone ever in the history of ever. Something about this game brings out the worst in people.

                                                                                            Jonas Kahnwald

                                                                                              @YouLo$t : Oh, Rubik in my Broodmother game 2 days ago. That was casual man, I dont believe I meet you back in this forum :D

                                                                                              You have good experienced about DotA 2, I think so, the moment we push tower 2 bottom, you bring sent, and observer to take our vision. I know, you like me, cause I do that also. Most people at this bracket buy so many wards, and put offensive, but 0 defensive spot, you know ?

                                                                                              Btw, wp !

                                                                                              Jonas Kahnwald

                                                                                                @Carry Potter : The PA with Helm of the Dominator guide was so old. When HotD still have armor, and lifesteal, you know.

                                                                                                Jonas Kahnwald

                                                                                                  @kavinzaza : Look at Vengeful Spirit, ty.

                                                                                                  Road to 1K

                                                                                                    I agree, this bullshit calibrate thing lost me almost 400 mmr and now i got to play with shit pp
                                                                                                    Here is one example of fukin shit Ancient 5 Star:

                                                                                                    I feel you bro.


                                                                                                      Seems like Lanto hasn't changed at all...

                                                                                                      If every game you have a problem with your teamate then you are the problem.