General Discussion

General DiscussionBane

Bane in General Discussion

    I saw Fear smack the hell outta Na'Vi with support Bane the other day. I like Fear, and I enjoy seeing Na'Vi getting a good old smackin' (even though they were my first favorite team)... so, I come here to DotaBuff!
    Actually, I checked the Metta page, and I'm intrigued.

    Bane has a super low pick rate and even lower win rate below 4K.
    After playing the hero 3 times in the last two days, I must say that the hero is neither boring, or difficult. So why does he not get any love in my bracket? Maybe I'll spam him for 50 ranked games (I'm expecting a high win% - smth like 65% or higher) and post back with an update. Maybe I'll find that he doesn't play well with other less skilled players.

    Тази тема била редактирана

      You should spam him. Bane is good. Enfeeble early can be as annoying as Panda's drunken haze.


        I've learned that at lvl 3, two points in Enfeeble makes laning ridiculously difficult for the offlaner, unless they are a spell spammer (like Magnus?). Pattern I'm getting into is to Enfeeble their offlaner (and harass with soul ring), stack, pull, deny, and grab runes. I'm level 5 at the same time as offlaner, and our pos 1 is level 8 with an item already.


          Then imagine him solo mid vs a right clicker... God that would be an annoying hero to play vs.


            He isn't exactly fun if u think about it. Sleep? Enfeeble? Okay.


              It's great fun to lock down a huge ult that was about to go off (Void, CM, Brewmaster, CK). Plus, that 1 second of immunity when sleep is cast is HUGE. You can prevent your pos 1 carry from getting one shot by CK if you have reflexes... but then you need to have the force staff + glimmer to follow that up.

              As far as supports go, he seems fun. But again, I have 46 more games before I have completely made up my mind.


                2 levels in enfeeble is so ass
                I don't even know if u take a single point until later
                Brain sap is too good in lane


                  @Washed up If you are the same type of player as Puppey you should take lvl.2 Enfeeble and shut down enemy carry like he did with LQ. only counter this wnfeeble could be razor or Tiny (with tree grab) i guess.