General Discussion

General DiscussionDear Nature Prophets pickers...

Dear Nature Prophets pickers... in General Discussion
Fee Too Pee

    Stop picking that shit hero in my team please

    consider suicide when you make octarine + aghs please

    Pepper & Salt

      whenever i pick NP, i buy dagon!


        But he is fun herooo

        Fee Too Pee

          How the fuck its fun when you cannot even survive 10 second in teamfight and cannot even kill with your "disable" sprout

          i just rant my anger here. All Nature Prophets in my mmr buy shadowblades + deso. Or Aghanim + octarine. FOR WHAT?


            the problem is not these ppl, but you playing in their skill bracket (or behaviour score range?) :)

            dotabuff sais im normal skill, didnt see np or junglers in my games in like 4 weeks

            Fee Too Pee

              in my bracket. LATELY, i do not know why people picking NP in my team. Going offlane, thinking they are mind control, feeding , farm split push and not doing any impact with their "splitpush" items


                Your bracket is cancer miracle wannabe bracket. Meepos NPs invokers. Good god


                  that IS your problem, indeed

                  Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                    NP is good. But I rarely encounter them. Deso and SB is good, but I think a rush Malevolence is a lot better.

                    зачем я начал поиск

                      Very fun hero, but shit hero, indeed...
                      I've ruined a ton of games playing him.

                      I'd really like him to be better, but that's how he is.


                        Idk I stopped whining about np pickers after that one game my safelaner marked morph then suddenly decided to go np as a last pick after we all picked around him we ask him why he says rat doto is best doto and im like sure we already fucking lost then what do u know the guys carries the game so fucking hard through only ratting
                        Some ti3 rat
                        Fucking insane np player
                        U never know who picked the safelane np so just play ur game maybe the one time u start screaming in chat the np player is good


                          To stop this you can try banning the hero if that fails pick it yourself.


                            Np is usually a loss. Then u get that one game with a really high impact NP rat or gank master who keeps up his farm and builds good items. But they are one in a million. No thx.


                              I can play visage invoker puck .
                              Cant play this fucking prophet...
                              I just cant...when i do i just feed the enemy even if i do my best.
                              Its a hero for a well coordinated team and a player whit very high sa.
                              This hero is not for scrubs.


                                But u play invoker and puck with sub 50 winrate lul


                                  Perdoname madre por mi dogshit NP playstyle



                                    Mode : TOPSON

                                      lol implaying nature prophet and i think he is really op. you can literally make the game unteamable for the enemy. they just try to def tower when u can kill every hero one by one

                                      the problem is many people only playing him as splitpush heroes when the hero itself doesnt really good for splitpush but he is incredible ganker and force every supp enemy to waste tp for cancelling your gank

                                      if someone spam this hero and having 70%wr in vhs that guy must be having good iq and watch rick and morthy
                                      no kappa

                                      Mode : TOPSON

                                        dude if you say you can play invoker with that winrate consider suicide dude
                                        how the fuck you can have 35%wr as invoker when he is literally sure win hero in normal skill


                                          So if is really important and you are soo interested about my story here you go: its becouse i spammed him when i alredy dont know what qwas was, even in ranked.
                                          Its stupid i know but i did it years ago. I didnt cared of stats...i was like " ooh i finished to work lets get a beer and feed whit invo im sure i will learn him this way" :)
                                          I consider suicide to you nasty kid.
                                          I dont get whats the point on always watching stats.we wasnt even talking of personal stats.
                                          This was about np and instead be interesting u be pathethic.
                                          Keep talking about stats i dont even watch yours i dont care.
                                          Im worst as np than invo thats sure.