General Discussion

General DiscussionSuggestion on improving

Suggestion on improving in General Discussion

    This is my recent game
    I hope tht someone can watch the replay and giv me some suggestion on wat can i improve. I owned my offlane for early game so i slowed down slark farming for sure. I knw tht u guys said tht pro players always can lead ur team to win, i knw in nt tht pro but i hope tht i can improve to achieve this. Hope someone can really watch my replay and giv me real suggestion instead of looking at my networth winrates and talk shit.
    P. S. My networth is low bcz i start buy wards at midgame since tht pudge dun wanna buy at all and i stop farming and helping my teammates

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      Force staff way better item than blademail in this game. Ghost sceptre also better than greaves at least until you had the money. They didn’t have any silences and you can’t greaves your way out of a lion or DK stun.


        Okok thx i think about buying force staff too looks like i made the wrong choice. But ursa gt diffusal, ghost scepter is useless on this situation as he can repel it. Most of my death is killed by ursa btw he counter me hard

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          I also believe Shiva's would be a good choice considering their specific 3.5 melee heroes.

          Monday Greens

            diffusal cant purge ghost scepter anymore


              Ya i think about it too but i dun hav the money after I bought bm. Shoyld buy force staff first as murranji said as it can help teammates more. Thx for opinion though


                @Mildly Toxic Individual
                Oh really? Guess i didnt notice tht sry lol and thx

                Pepper & Salt

                  i always tell my team, if you have the gold for mek > greaves, just pick pipe first instead.
                  It is more team beneficial than greaves.

                  Even if there is a silencer which you need to remove the debuff, pick a lotus orb instead.

                  Potato Marshal

                    Buy a pipe for what? Enemy team is 4 physical damage melee cores. Dragon form acid? Ursa slow? Lion ult?

                    Potato Marshal

                      Would highly recommend a solar crest that match, force staff too. Ghost doesn't provide much for tide, you're tanky enough to survive long enough to ravage and a few seconds of ethereal form won't provide you with much except the slight chance of allowing you to blink away. Only get shivas if you think you can farm it within a reasonable time but it's excellent against that lineup if you can.


                        From drafting Tide is quite bad for enemy lineup. ursa --> didn't rely on his base dmg, slark ---> tough guy = more stats for me, Jugg ---> oh I can't hit you? spin instead.

                        your items choice was not bad because armors is needed but your team didn't build any items which can deal with the problem (Ursa with 50k dmg in game) like ghost(which is really good) or force staff even Eul and Halberd (Ursa didn't even buy bkb even though you can kite him easily).

                        chicken spook,,,,

                          im too lazy to check but improving in dota is simply about using your brain and playing more

                          chicken spook,,,,

                            also stop playing pubs if u actually care about improving


                              @Support For Veggies
                              I didnt bought pipe bcz thy mostly physical lineup like potato marshal said


                                @Potato Marshal
                                Ya im thinking shiva and assault but i prefer shiva more. I should had bought it instead of bm though. I made a wrong decision i guess thx for the suggestion anyway


                                  Actually slark cant do anything on me even though late game bcz im way too tanky lol and this guy is a noob fortunately haha. Ya bad choice for drafting im still learning it better lol bcz i think my team need some teamfight, frontline and disable hero. Besides tide is good in current meta also. In this match ursa is the only one tht can kill me easily he gt deso, diffusal and his passive which counter me hard. If u face this lineup wat will u pick can u tell me? Appreciate

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                                    @good circle clicker (very...
                                    Yes I do gt brain and as i said at the very beginning after watch the replay thn only talk bcz i did make very few mistakes and didnt feed and i do wat i need to do well. And fyi i ply pubs bcz i wanna let my fren training which is the sven bcz his lack of hero pool and gamesense and i wont use or train hero tht i dun familiar in ranked game bcz i dun wanna be a toxic player thx

                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                      Dota is not about not making mistakes and not feeding. Did u take advantage of the enemy whenever you could? If u didn't u fucked up. If a 7k player would snowball with 10 kills in first 10 mins and u "did not make mistakes, did not feed "but u only farmed and got one kill, you fucked up big time Brother.

                                      If a better player would be able to take 3 towers while u were farming jungle, you fucked up. Doesn't matter what your team is doing, if u r not pressing your advantage, you fucked up.


                                        Just watched the replay because i'm bored. Game had nothing to do with item builds or individual performance (early and mid).

                                        My thoughts

                                        Early laning phase

                                        Don't use anchor smash just to CS, a lot of missed harass because you either didn't use it when Slark came close and there were a few times you only used to CS - the lion sat behind the Slark doing virtually nothing and watched him CS you can definitely harass more. Especially when Slark rushes you, you seem to be too worried about running back to safety that you don't use smash to harass. Looks like you still did fine in your lane and killed Slark and Lion in lane 1v2 but at higher brackets this will be pretty rare.

                                        I like the early mekansm.

                                        Your team had an early lead and good early fight and honestly I think a better team overall.
                                        Your team responded to Ursa's rosh well, lost no one, killed aegis and killed him a second time.
                                        Your team was in a fantastic spot and could be forcing towers and winning the game.

                                        Rest of the game

                                        I just think your cores/team played too passive, sniper was super strong at about 22 minutes in and you could easily just force fights every time you have ravage and take towers as 5.

                                        - 25 minutes score 8-20. Sniper was huge your team fight was way better you could have ended the game right here.
                                        - 30 minutes score 12-21. No pressure on towers despite the massive lead instead you were all passive farming and being picked off.
                                        - 31 minutes your team wiped the Ursa Slark DK and Jugg and then went back to passive farming without taking any objectives.
                                        - 35 minutes your team finally pushed a tower after Ursa took the 2nd rosh and you contested again but didn't get the aegis.
                                        - 43 minutes score 24-31. You just lost 4 for 2 in a 5v5 engagement - rip game from here on out.
                                        - 50 minutes score 36-37. Time to ask the forums what went wrong.

                                        You didn't do too bad.
                                        ***As a team you guys played like bots***
                                        You responded to fights then afk farmed until eventually their cores got a few items and a few pick offs and then it became too hard.

                                        You could easily siege high ground with Sniper, they had 4 melee cores but you guys just wishy-washed around the map waiting for a 5v5 that never came and eventually lost to their 4 core lineup.

                                        +++You lost because your team went afk in the mind the whole game, passed up the early advantage you had which would win the game and when they finally all decided it was time to win, it was too late. As soon as one of your team is picked off late game like the sniper that's it, you end up losing.

                                        When players say that you can't always blame your team. Sometimes you can. Especially around your bracket i've played some unwinnable smurf games because it's just too hard to 1v5.

                                        Your team decided to play when the game was already over.

                                        IMO at 20 minutes you should have been coaxing your team into fighting and telling them to push as 5 and siege high ground forcing mistakes or getting some pudge hooks - that's my only advice as to what you could have been doing. I didn't watch everything else in detail just had the game on speed replay and stopped at a few key points.

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                                          I also feel like I watched this game for nothing and Heartless will never know the true reason he lost and will end up spending his life thinking that not having a force staff was his undoing.

                                          Palmen aus Plastik

                                            In SEA teams dont listen to anyone. There is no way around that but ratting I'm afraid. You want to push as 5, 2 or maybe 3 heroes join you while there will inevitably one wanker who will jungle at that point. 2k SEA is a different beast altogether.


                                              Item choice has to do with how u r supposed to think about the game. It's the easiest thing to advise in forums. "U should buy forcestaff" and then proceed to not understand why. So let me explain.

                                              When u buy blademail and u become an easy target for ursa every single time because he doesn't care about blademail. He jumps u and kills U in say 4 seconds. But u buy forcestaff and here's what happens. If ursa jumps u, he puts himself out of position, and then instead of killing u in say 4 secs, he will now possibly take up to twice as Long if he decides to chase u. Effectively putting him out of position even longer. Or he basically goes out of position without any trade off and has to back.

                                              It's the same thing with how u should think when u r a pos 3 semi-playmaker in lategame. There's not much to do except wait for ravage right? and if your team is feeding and afking and not taking objectives, it's not your fault right? Wrong.

                                              Go push waves if the enemy can't do anything to u. Force them to rotate. Make space. Stay in one side of the map and assert dominance. By doing so you are increasing the likelihood that someone on the enemy team gets out of position from his team. If u are tanky hero u should play this role if the rest of your team are pus.sies. You provide vision bAit people to come after you, and then drag the enemy team out of position. Do it Long enough ur team WILL be able to capitalise on this.

                                              If u retreat to safe position ur team will subconsciously retreat (maybe they can't farm as dangerously as u). What happens is everyone thinks in the same passive manner=your typical 2k games where no one takes any objectives even though you can.

                                              The simple, very simple solution. Is to play aggressively on one side of the map until ur team shows up. so if by some haphazard chance your cores suddenly decide to join u, suddenly you are able to push. With the vision advantage u provide and if hopefully u successfully baited someone out of position, u win a fight and u take an objective on the enemy side of the map.

                                              Instead, what happens is everyone moves randomly around the map so no one groups for objectives.

                                              Yes, u have responsibility to make things happen on the map as well.


                                                Yeah but this game had nothing to do with item choice and all to do with objectives. Their items were fine for when they needed them, the game was completely one sided and then they let it slip.

                                                The fact they let the game go on was the issue. Not the items.

                                                The simple, very simple solution. Is to play aggressively on one side of the map until ur team shows up. so if by some haphazard chance your cores suddenly decide to join u, suddenly you are able to push.

                                                **I believe there is a term for this play called 'Throwing'**

                                                Playing aggressively, alone, hoping your team will eventually join you and make something happen is one sure way to lose your games unless you're playing some low mmr matches where the enemy won't punish after a kill (much like this game).

                                                They didn't need to bait someone out and try to get a kill then push. The game was completely won, all they had to do was group. Jugg was level 11 when Sniper was level 18. None of the enemy cores had any items.

                                                The problem was probably communication and no one telling the team "We need to group and push".

                                                If you sit and evaluate items you probably aren't helping the player understand why the game was lost - you're assuming that the game was even, which leaves items to be more heavily scrutinized by saying well x-y-z would have been better. The items that his team had would have won him his game they just didn't capitalise and that's what Heartless is asking what he can improve on so he can win games like this.

                                                Saying a force staff is better is fine, but it doesn't help him understand why the game was lost.

                                                The answer is objectives because for the most part, when it was important, the team had pretty good itemisation.

                                                This game was lost purely because the team didn't coordinate and capitalise on anything.

                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                  If u ever played in a Low mmr game u will know that is the right play because u get away with anything. If U play safe in a Low mmr game u will tilt and lose despite being 5k


                                                    Saying a 2k team didn't take objectives is not helpful At all. A 5k team would not be taking objectives in the eyes of a 7k team. What u need is how does one player alone satisfy the conditions for his team to take objectives ? Go read my post again for the answer


                                                      Heavens halberd

                                                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                        U just watch some 8k games try to imitate their style and a lightbulb in your mind will be ignited
                                                        KABOOM you improve
                                                        No Kappa coz thats what i did


                                                          Jugg DK Slark and Ursa all in the same lineup.

                                                          And they all got to farm 5 items.

                                                          This wasn't a dota game. Let me guess? The LC jungled.

                                                          You can't get better by analyzing these types of games where the normal rules of dota don't apply (lane control, pushing towers, going HG, etc).


                                                            @Road To Herald
                                                            Wow that's wat i want detail suggestions lol. Ya sometimes i tried to tell thm p but at lower bracket mmr game only 1/2 out of 4 players will listen to u. These happened on mostly every game. I tried to p alone or two of us before( nt this game but others) but end up getting gank and get flame by those afk farming teammates. I really appreciate ur analysis and suggestion i will try to have better gamesense. Btw @jacked is nt wrong too, jst every player has their own playstyle. So dun hav hard feelings guys hav a nice discussion here. I would appreciate u all for giving me such a great suggustion thx guys


                                                              @washed up ya haha i forgot tht== is very useful though thx.
                                                              I did watched a lot of pro game lol thts y im having better moves thn i was before. But of course i need some real teaxhing bcz mostly all of my high skill fren stop dota which is sad case
                                                              @Stentorian ya welcome to 2k sea mmr which is full of carries draft==

                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                Why don't people just pick rhasta and shit stomp those lanes?

                                                                jungling in this patch is autoloss unless your team is made of bots.


                                                                  Ss is one of my favourite sup recent days bcz he is good in recent meta as he was buffed. But in my skill bracket those retards will nt pick sup even though thy pick thy will jst play as position 4 and the game will be completely dark bcz there will be no wards, dust, smoke. Btw most of thm are fail

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